
Kingdom of Asgarnia

Quick find code: 49-50-868-66089335



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Posting is OPEN!
- I will type up an intro that will allow your characters to come into the story. After the Intro I will describe my own character - then Bring her into the story. Please do it the same way - Describe your character in 1 post, then bring your character in during the 2nd post - Thank you ***

Leader / Leaders Character:

Riniya / Aranel Cheyrth

Admins/ Admin Character:


Section - General Info

1.1 - New Character Bio Template
1.2 - General Rules For Role-players
1.3 - Census / Current Players
1.4 - Intro
There isn't one.

12-Mar-2019 18:49:47 - Last edited on 17-Apr-2019 19:42:09 by Riniya



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1.1 New Character Bio Template:



Appearance (Photo if Available):


Weaponry/Armor/Notable Accessories:


There isn't one.

12-Mar-2019 18:51:06 - Last edited on 12-Mar-2019 19:19:26 by Riniya



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1.2 - General Rules For Role-players

1) No Foul Language is allowed in this Thread, keep it clean. ( Even in the RP)
2) No unnecessary arguing unless it progresses the story-line and its between characters only
3) If you must chat outside of the Role-play - Please use (( )) on either side of your chat so we are aware it is not meant to be regarded as part of the Role-play
4) Keep Outside chatter to a minimum - Please only use this for clarification or questions
5) No degrading comments. Do not put someone else down for any grammar errors or if they are "not as skilled" as you are
6) Please have any Verbal Text (Your Character Speaking) in
This Color
to make it stand out
7) Please put any thoughts/ Inner Monolauges in
This Color
to make it stand out
7) Please do not control anyone else's character in your story. You may address them and interact with them but please leave the characters response/actions up to the owner.
8) You may post in either 3rd person or 1st person view.

9) Character Information : Please try to keep your race as something that would be found in any of the cities in Asgarnia (Human, Goblin, Dwarf) - If you want to be something else that is fine, but give your backstory a reason as to why you left your kingdom to be in Asgarnia
There isn't one.

12-Mar-2019 18:56:28 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2019 14:34:02 by Riniya



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1.3 - Census / Current Players

Leader: Riniya / Aranel Cheyrth / Elf / 158 Years Old (Looks 25) / Female


Dk Skullroa/ Malcolinus Aureus / Human/ 27 / Male

AZI Demonica / Two-two / Human / 15 / Female
AZI Demonica / Haraldur / Human (Barbarian) / 45 / Male --- Deceased ---

Azi Demonica / Mercadier / Human / 35 / Male
Azi Demonica /Eleni Citrinesoul / Dwarf / 25 / Female

Annie1227/ Annie Wells / Half human, half elf /12 / Female

George Rozas / Garrett Callahan / Human / 28 / Male

NotFishing / Gareth / Human / 31 / Male
NotFishing /Joric Ironfist /Dwarf / 30 / Male
NotFishing / Captain Darcius (Black Knight)/Human / 39/ Male

Inferi/ Seyasiani / Phoenix / 25 / Female

*** Notable NPC's ***

Sedridor (Wizards Tower) - Controlled by Riniya
Sir Amik (Falador) - Controlled by Riniya
There isn't one.

12-Mar-2019 18:59:06 - Last edited on 17-Apr-2019 19:43:26 by Riniya



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
1.4 Intro

King Vallance of Falador is old and very ill. Sir Amik Varze has taken over as King Regent as is using his new title as a position of power. He is not looking out for Falador's best interest but for the interest of the White Knights. There is very little crime in the city due to the scattering of guards, and there is no one who would dare to stand up against Sir Amik. The citizens of Falador whisper amongst themselves the odd circumstances and doubt every new decree that gets issued under Sir Amik's reign. The hold over the city is getting tighter and the citizens find themselves slowly losing their freedom. The decree's are getting more outrageous in their demands.

The city Harold can be seen running through the streets through the pouring rain, calling all the citizens to the main square. Citizens slowly shuffle out of their houses and take a walk down the white cobblestone streets to the town center in front of the castle. An empty plinth stands in the middle that used to house a statue of the sick king. Sir Amik took that statue away as his first decree. The Town Harold waits until people are surrounding him on all sides. He Stands tall and proud on the empty plinth, a blatant disrespect to the sick king, but acceptable under Sir Amik's rule.

"Here Ye! Here Ye!"
The Town Harold certainly likes his theatrics. People stopped talking this way hundreds of years ago.
"By Order of Reigning Regent Sir Amik Varze, Decree #110 : If you are out on the streets past 8:00P, you will see an increase in your taxes by 10%&quot
; There is a collective groan that ripples through the crowd.
" The only acceptable times to be out past 8:00P, is if there is an event going on at the Party Room, or it is by command of Sir Amik."
The Harold steps down and disappears across the bridge into the keep.
There isn't one.

12-Mar-2019 19:19:39 - Last edited on 01-Apr-2019 18:24:04 by Riniya



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The townsfolk slowly return to their homes and businesses grumbling and moaning on the way. The city of Falador is slowly becoming a jail for the citizens. The city is grand and beautiful with gates open on both ends leading to other cities. The walls stand tall and proud, able to stand up to any siege, though there hasn't been one in years. The townsfolk feel their time of happiness and joy is quickly coming to an end.

"This isn't right."
The western bank manager whispers to one of his employee's as he returns to work.
" Someone needs to stand up to Sir Amik. We are becoming prizoners in our own homes and buisnesses."

"Who will stand up to him? You?"
One of the tellers laughs and returns to her post at the window.
"No one will. We are stuck here with him as our Interim King, best get used to it."
She rolls up the blind and puts on her fake smile, waiting on the next adventurer to come through.

The Bank manager shakes his head and sits at his desk to begin counting the gold deposited earlier in the day before the announcement.
"Eventually there wont be any gold being deposited with the way Sir Amik is going."

Across the city the Hairdresser flips the "Closed" sign to "Open". He walks through and turns on the lights in his tiny shop. He looks down at the pile of hair on the floor he was unable to clean before the announcement. He grabs a broom and begins to sweep up the hair and sends up a whispered prayer to the Gods.
"Saradomin, Guthix, Bandos, someone. Please. Send us a savior."
There isn't one.

12-Mar-2019 19:29:01 - Last edited on 01-Apr-2019 18:26:25 by Riniya



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Aranel Cheyrth
Age: 158 Years Old (Looks 25)
Gender: Female
Race: Elven

Appearance (Photo if Available): (Photo)

Aranel has ice blond hair that is twisted into a braid that drapes across her shoulder down her chest. She has blue eyes that seem to look right through you into your soul. Her skin is a light tan, just lightly touched by the sun. She is wearing a soft grey robe that trails the ground as she walks hiding her shoes. The robe covers completely but shows that she has very little fat on her body. She wears the same color grey gloves that disappear into the sleeves of the robe. She has her hood drawn up over her head allowing very little view of her face and the top of her head, her braid hangs out of the hood, her ears hidden. Across her face she wears a cloth mask that drapes down and gets slightly disturbed anytime there is a breeze. The cloth mask does allow her unique ice blue eyes to be seen.

Skills: She is an expert thief and can use magic to bend light away from her putting her in the shadows. She is great at sneaking and uses her ability to her advantage. She has advanced skill at archery.

Weaponry/Armor/Notable Accessories: She uses a crystal bow that is known for being created by the elves. She keeps it strapped around her, the string going across her chest while the main of the bow is going across her back. This bow does not require arrows as due to elven magic they form when the bow is drawn.

History: Aranel is an elf from the Tirwwann district of Gielinor . She left at an early age (126) due to the deal that was made with Ardougne and the lies of the plague. She did not agree with what her race was taking part in and decided to leave. She became a Merc for Hire while traveling around Gielinor. She is very easy going, friendly and has a kind heart. She will only allow herself to be hired by people she feel has been wronged.
There isn't one.

12-Mar-2019 19:47:35 - Last edited on 09-Apr-2019 12:42:19 by Riniya



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
She has made many friends in her travels that have pledged themselves in her debt with favors owed. She has not collected on any of these favors however. She has a soft spot in her heart for animals and tends to take care of any animal that may cross her path if it needs it. She is wealthy due to her many tasks she has been hired for and keeps everything in her bank. She is known for rejecting payment if the person is obviously struggling to pay her. She will give her money away to people who need it more than she does.

But she is hiding a secret even greater than her race --- What could it be?
There isn't one.

12-Mar-2019 19:49:42 - Last edited on 02-Apr-2019 13:06:43 by Riniya



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aranel was walking through Taverly on a bleak rainy day. She stopped to look at the puppy in the window of the petstore by the gate. It was a small black and white sheepdog who started yipping and barking the moment it saw her. She smiled at it, though you couldn't see it behind her face mask. Her eyes crinkled at the corners with her smile and she tilted her head slightly to observe the dog. The petstore owner came over and picked the dog up to calm it down. He could be seen through the window saying something but the rain drowned out any words that may have wafted out through the open door. He looked up and saw Aranel standing there and smiled and waved her in. Instead, she shook her head slightly and turned to leave. She nodded to the guard standing at the gate and he called up to the wall for the gate to be opened. She passed through and looked toward the Goblin Village.

She thought.
I'm not needed there today.
While Aranel loved people and tried to help anywhere she could, the goblins were a vile race due to the constant fighting and bickering they insisted on doing between themselves. Instead she turned and went to the right towards Falador.
This seems right.
She allowed herself to walk through the rain towards the always busy city. She passed the violin player who stood just outside of Falador's walls and approached the always open gate. As she got closer, she saw a crowd gathered around a tiny man up on a podium. She heard faint shouting but was too far away to make anything out. As she drew closer the man jumped off the plinth and turned toward the castle. She pushed herself into the crowd hoping someone would talk about the announcement that was just made. She barely heard whispers of discord and aggrevation but couldn't get anything specific. She went east and saw a barber go into his shop. She stood outside the door and heard him send up a soft ---
There isn't one.

12-Mar-2019 20:00:32 - Last edited on 12-Mar-2019 20:12:23 by Riniya



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
prayer for help. She decided to go off to investigate this cry of help. She turned away from the door and went walking back through the crowds.

She saw a couple standing off to the side underneath an awning to stay out of the rain, and walked over to them, raising her hand softly in greeting.
"Excuse me. I am just trying to find out what the man on the Plinth was announcing. Do you know?"

The Man looked up at her and shook his head, seemingly in disapproval and shame.
"Another Decree. An awful Decree. We will be taxed 10% more if we are found outside after 8:00P"
The woman looked like she was about to cry and got pulled into her husbands embrace. She hid her face in his shoulder. The man whispered softly to his wife before addressing Aranel again.
"Do you live here? If not then none of the decree's affect you. They only affect the residents. You are safe adventurer. Sir Amik would never do anything to stop people from flocking to the city. He will only do stuff to hurt those already living here."

Aranel thanked the couple and moved away, pondering the information given to her. She decided she would do a little more investigating to see if what the couple say about Sir Amik is true. She had heard of him in her travels. He is now in charge of Falador while the king is sick. She wondered through the crowd and disappeared into the rain, looking for someone who would give more information a little more freely.
There isn't one.

12-Mar-2019 20:06:21 - Last edited on 01-Apr-2019 18:29:27 by Riniya

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