
Kingdom of Asgarnia

Quick find code: 49-50-868-66089335



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Aranel kept her hand towards Garrett, moving the forcefield as he moved, keeping it between him and Haraldur. She heard footsteps behind her and looked back. She saw a blacksmith walking towards them. She noted that he had a blade in his hand and wondered slightly why he decided to engage in the battle, seeing as its only the Leader left. Rover lifted his head and looked at the oncoming man as well. Aranel decided she couldn't focus anymore energy watching this newcomer and turned her attention back to keeping her 1-hit field on Garrett. She felt her power returning, feeling stronger by the second.


**** As NPC Healer***

The old woman shrugged.
Since it was your first time, I would say a while. The more you understand your powers the faster your recovery time. Though, no matter how much you understand your magic, if you expel all of it like the elf out there did, you will be down a while. Though she has been around a while, I expect her to be at full power here shortly.
" She cleaned up her mess she made while helping the young girls wounds.
"I have to move on now. Take heed to my warning... If you seek advice from this elf, be careful. She is a wonderful person. She does not take kindly to betrayals."
The old woman set the girls pack on the bed next to her, motioning to the notebook sticking out.
"No betrayals."
There isn't one.

04-Apr-2019 22:02:04 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2019 22:04:17 by Riniya

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Haraldur did not notice the shimmering barrier. As he charged, Garrett sprang on the last moment, and hooked the beak of his war hammer around the rim of the warlord’s shield. Haraldur’s momentum and injuries meant he had no time or strength to react, and the war hammer pulled the shield open. Garrett then swung his hammer into the side of the brute’s leg, and heard a satisfying thud.

“Owrurr!” The warlord’s knee bent from impact and pain, but he regained himself, barely. Haraldur retaliated with a horizontal strike, but to his surprise, he impacted not flesh, but magic, empowered by the weakened Aranel still. Garrett’s barrier burst from impact, and threw Haraldur’s arm back and hurt him, which left him open, but at the same time, he uppercutted his shield from below...

(( NotFishing, in case you missed my messages, Gareth can still powerplay against Warlord Haraldur for one post, so long as you don't kill, incapacitate or entrap him; George's Garrett can also powerplay in like manner if desired ))

04-Apr-2019 22:02:44 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2019 22:08:00 by Azi Demonica

Jul Member 2011


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Annie nodded to the healer as her eyes started to close because, her body was very weak from using magic for the first time. She looked at the pack that the healer gave back to her and saw her notebook. It made her very nervous. She said in a tired voice,
I understand what you are saying but, I need someone to teach me to control my magic.”
She hopes the healer brings the elf to her so she can ask the elf to teach her. Then she fell asleep.

04-Apr-2019 22:17:39 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2019 22:23:19 by Annie1227



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

While Garrett fought the barbarian head-on, the Blacksmith who possessed a remarkably similar name slipped behind the brute. Shifting his mithril longsword into one hand, he pulled a runite dagger from his boot. As the Barbarian swung, Gareth attempted to ram the small blue blade up into the brute's exposed right armpit.

If Gareth succeeded, he would then proceed to kick the barbarian in the back of the knee.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

04-Apr-2019 22:43:03 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2019 22:47:58 by NotFishing

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Feeling the shudder of his warhammer striking its target brought a grin to Garrett's face, though the unexpected retaliation from the warlord caught him off guard - the sword coming in fast, only to strike something invisible and bounce off. That shimmering from before? It broke, whatever it was, and provided an opening - albeit the warlord swung his shield which the sailor stepped back to avoid.

There was enough of an opening for him to step in again, swinging his hammer horizontally to attempt to break the warlord's arm. A jerked movement kept his attack from striking true, instead glancing off the rim of the shield that was sloppily raised to protect the warlord's limb, albeit the strike did not the shield away once again. Garrett's axe came across this time, faster than the hammer due to its lighter weight, and grazed his opponent's cheek leaving a thin cut that trickled blood.

With both combatants tired from the fighting their duel went neither one way or the other for a few exchanges, the sailor maintaining his offensive while he had the chance to do so - swinging hammer and axe with vicious arcs to break down the warlord's defence and land a shattering blow. He struck the damaged shield multiple times, other times he was parried by the sword, and when retaliation came he would either dodge or parry with his axe. It was almost a stalemate for a time, that is until Garrett's eyes noticed movement behind the brute.

Redoubling his efforts, the sailor threw the warlord back on the defensive - keeping his attention with his hefty swings. However, maintaining this was getting tiring, but it didn't seem like this newcomer needed much time to pull off their move.
I am Inferi.

04-Apr-2019 22:53:32



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aranel recoiled when the field she put up to protect Garrett broke. She was feeling better than before but was still weak. She let herself lay down on the ground, careful to keep her hood up, She tried to watch the battle, but the sun had set and the adrenaline had left her body. Her back ached where she was hit earlier. Her muscles were strained from trying to topple the pylons earlier on her own. She hadn't been in a war like this in a very long time. The fire was still burning at the gate, keeping the remaining army at bay. They didn't seem too interested in breaking through anymore however, as they were transfixed on the battle raging before them.

The fire by the gate was the only light. The oil reserves were dripping down from the toppled pylons, keeping the fire raging. Aranel felt the energy leave her body and she closed her eyes,
I hope no one moves my hood or facemask..
She barely managed to think that thought before passing out.

(( Okay guys.. I might be done for the night -- I will keep an eye on posts but I put my character to sleep as I probably wont be posting again for the night -- will see you all tomorrow (Hopefully?) I had a lot of fun today! Thank you all for giving my RP a chance ))
There isn't one.

04-Apr-2019 22:59:36 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2019 23:02:14 by Riniya

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
BGM: (( because it's still cool ))

Garrett avoided the uppercutting shield, but his next attack was mostly blocked by the shield’s presence. His battleaxe swept across the warlord’s cheek.

“Ahhrr!” Blood dashed out the warlord’s face. Slowed by fatigue and injuries, the warlord mostly remained on the defensive. The two fought for a while with no clear winner even after a series of parries and blocks. Aranel could only watch from where she was, but would lose consciousness very soon.

After Haraldur swung his sword broadly, another came with a runite dagger and plunged it up into the armpit, “Uhhrr!” His right arm was inevitably immobilized from the stab, plus the axillary artery than ran there was also skewered. Blood steadily trickled out, and he barely had the strength to hold his sword. Haraldur was kicked in the knee, but he spun and sloppily swung his shield at his other attacker, and then...

Meanwhile, outside the city walls, Aureus had probably reached the dwarves to the east and alerted them of the barbarians outside Falador...

04-Apr-2019 23:24:24 - Last edited on 05-Apr-2019 04:32:24 by Azi Demonica



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Gareth Arenar

Gareth released his hold on the dagger, leaving it embedded in the armpit, and backstepped from the swing. The shield sailed past him, missing him by inches. Holding his remaining weapon at half-sword, he then thrust the blade forward, aiming for the barbarian's throat.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

05-Apr-2019 00:19:42 - Last edited on 05-Apr-2019 00:21:03 by NotFishing

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
With the almost literal backstabbing of the warlord, the battle was decided. Garrett stepped back to catch his breath, eyes still on the barbarian leader even as he slowed and bled from a mortal wound - all too aware that even a dying enemy was one who could lash out with an unexpected blow. He allowed the new man to finish the fight, having more than done his own part to secure the city from the barbarian siege. Not to mention bringing down the warlord had been a combined effort from multiple parties, no single person deserved the finishing blow, it would count towards each contributor as far as he was concerned.

Should the newcomer's stroke be the end of the savage's life then Garrett would finally lower his weapons, breathe deep, then sigh with undisguised relief. The battle had been exhausting for how short a time it had taken, bodies lined the plaza and poured out onto the streets - not to mention, while he hadn't been sober when it all began he'd most certainly sobered up by now. His throat felt dry. Maybe he could grab another drink...? No... Much as he wanted one there were other things to do.

" Appreciate the help, " He would call to the new man, putting away his weapons once it was clear the fighting was done. Looking around the scene he soon noticed the unconscious form of Aranel, her hood and mask intact, and let out a muttered curse before heading over to check on her. Not that he had much of an idea of what to even check, but she was breathing, so that was good - leaving her lying in the street didn't sit well with him though.

Garrett slid his arms under her back and knees, lifting the lightweight woman with a low grunt. He turned with her in his arms back to the man.

" Name's Garrett. Ain't like me ta' cut and run, but this lady probably needs a healer's look, " He said, tone still somewhat lighthearted. Whether the man would follow or not was his choice, but Garrett would proceed to the abandoned building where the injured were.
I am Inferi.

05-Apr-2019 02:09:10

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