
Kingdom of Asgarnia

Quick find code: 49-50-868-66089335

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Almost as if the fates decreed it, the warlord brought low the last of the knights engaging him in combat - his sights suddenly set upon Aranel and Garrett. Whatever language the big guy spoke the sailor had no idea, but it didn't exactly sound friendly - nor did the fact he was charging at them.

Not that the woman seemed all that worried. In fact, she even had the gall to glance over at him and start shooting her mystical arrows without paying attention, each landing with exceptional accuracy - but it wasn't stopping the warlord. Not even what came next did, in fact. Aranel's almost playful display eroded away immediately, replaced with anger at the sight of a fallen figure some way off.

Garrett could hardly say he was prepared for what followed.

" Guthix's beard! " He exclaimed at the sudden eruption of magic from the woman, her sudden burst of movement the only thing that gave him the time and distance to prepare himself. He slammed the head of his hammer and axe into the dirt, holding the handles as tight as he could and crouched low - ducking his head as the first wave crashed against him with force he could almost compare to a raging storm. He was wrenched back, but maintained his grip - yet even so his weapons were dragged back in the dirt a short way along with he himself. He took the second blast better than the first, powering through even as knights and a dog were blown away.

When the wind died down and he raised his head, Garrett quickly noted that he'd been dragged back a few feet - at least judging by the deep trails his weapons had left in the dirt. More notably, the warlord was still coming and Aranel was on the ground. Whatever that gambit was, it hadn't worked.

Seeing the mountain of a man take so much punishment - from magical arrows, multiple knights and two bursts of forceful magic - could make many a man quail, or turn and flee. The sailor wrenched his weapons from the ground as he rose, limbs aching from the magic's force, and
I am Inferi.

04-Apr-2019 20:59:28

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
hurried forwards onto the cobblestones where he blocked the warlord's path - standing between him and Aranel. He twirled his handaxe, a tired grin on his lips matching his sweat-coated skin and unkempt hair.

" Sorry big guy, I've gotta cut in 'ere. Let's 'ave at it! "
I am Inferi.

04-Apr-2019 20:59:34

Jul Member 2011


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Annie listened to the healer said. She was still in shocked what just happened. She took very slow and finally calmed down. She nodded yes to to the healer’s question. She winced in pain as the healer cleaning her a stab wounds. She said in a calmer voice,
”Thank you for everything.I am ready to learn to control my magic. I’ll wait.
She sat calmly waiting for the healer to came back. She was thinking about what the healer told her.

04-Apr-2019 21:07:10 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2019 21:10:58 by Annie1227

Azi Demonica

Azi Demonica

Posts: 5,600 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Things tensed. The warlord was hurt but tough as nails, a man who did not yield easily. The one who stood in his way was a tall man in trousers and overcoat, who wielded two top-heavy weapons.

“Fífl! Dauðinn blasir við þér.” Haraldur holds his shield in front of his shoulder and charges, head and shoulders tucked in. He intended to ram the sailor off his feet. The warlord's pace was slow and his torso rocked as he moved...

04-Apr-2019 21:12:35 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2019 21:15:42 by Azi Demonica



Posts: 662 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Aranel sat and watched as Garrett got up from her magic blast. She was impressed. Not many could do that. He came and put himself between Haraldur and herself, defending her in her weakened state. Haraldur would have easily killed her. As Haraldur charged to Garrett, She felt enough of her energy was back and threw her hand up towards Garrett, pushing with her magic. She created a field in front of him that would be strong enough to hold off Haraldur for one attack before it crumbled. It Shimmered slightly, but you would have to be versed in magic to see it.

Rover managed to get up out of the feathers and limped his way over the Aranel. He laid down beside her and put his head on her lap.

*** As NPC Healer***

The old woman finally returned to the young girl with a smile on her face.
"Would you look at that. The gods are on your side girl. The elf is right outside fighting! Well... laying down. She is weak right now, just displayed her magic."
The old woman finished cleaning and dressing the girls wounds.
"Just rest for a little longer, and you will be free to leave. I would be careful though. You are not strong enough to engage in battle. But I think you would be strong enough to at least stand and look outside."
There isn't one.

04-Apr-2019 21:16:58 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2019 21:20:45 by Riniya

George Rozas

George Rozas

Posts: 35,406 Sapphire Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
For a brief moment Garrett noticed an odd shimmering in front of him, but rather than pay it much mind he more wisely decided to focus on the brute charging him. The sailor was pretty big himself, but the warlord had armour, a bit more bulk and momentum all on his side - all in all, counter-charging was not a good plan.

Instead he waited with his body tensed to spring for his opponent to close in, then he acted - using his speed to dart to the side with the warlord's shield arm, attempting to avoid the ram and, in addition, use his handaxe to one of its well-practiced purposes by swinging it towards the edge of the shield. Many a time he had used the curved head of his axe to hook onto the edge of shields and pull them down or away, leaving his opponents open to a follow-up swing from his warhammer. Which, if his move worked, he would swing for the side of the warlord's leg.
I am Inferi.

04-Apr-2019 21:40:22



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The Blacksmith

While the fight raged on in the city's center, a lone figure stood at a distance and watched, an expression of feigned fear etched upon his face.

Inside, he was amused. Somehow, defying all rules of siege warfare, an army of barbarians managed to build up enough equipment and discipline to force their way through the gate of a fortified city. By Zamorak, he knew the White Knights had grown weak, but this bordered on absurdity. If the Kinshra were here, they would have held that gate without yielding an inch. But the White Knights had grown complacent.

It was Gareth's duty to watch the fight. If, by some miracle, the barbarians prevailed, the city would be theirs to ransack. They would not take the castle, of course. They couldn't. But the undefended homes of the commoners? Those would be ripe for the picking, Gareth's own forge among them. However, it seemed increasingly likely that the Barbarians would be repelled.

Either way, the attack would do serious damage to the city's defenders, and that damage would need to be reported to Lord Daquarius. If the Barbarians could get this far into Falador when it was supposed to be at full strength, imagine what the Black Knights could accomplish when it was weakened.

His hand fell to the mithril blade sheathed at his hip. He was itching to use it. And it seemed he would get his wish. A lone barbarian broke away from the engagement, saw that Gareth wore only a blacksmith's garb, and assumed he would be an easy target.

The blade sang and the mithril glittered in the sunlight as it slid from the sheathe. The barbarian lunged forth with the spear, but Gareth deftly parried the point aside and in one swift motion slashed the brute's throat.

Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

04-Apr-2019 21:48:33 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2019 21:54:55 by NotFishing



Posts: 16,946 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He felt a rush as he took the barbarian's life, and before the body even hit the ground Gareth found himself advancing toward the fight, spilling blood with each swing as he waded into the fray.

The fight seemed to be almost over. Why not make himself a hero? Besides, though he despised its leadership, Falador was his home. He would not let barbarians assault it without tasting his own sword. Only the Kinshra had that right.

Gareth locked eyes on the Barbarian leader, and made his way toward him.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

04-Apr-2019 21:52:52 - Last edited on 04-Apr-2019 21:54:26 by NotFishing

Jul Member 2011


Posts: 51,224 Emerald Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Annie was in shocked and wondering who was the elf who just showed their magic. She asked,
Do you think that elf would teach me how to control my magic? Is the elf ok? Is the battle over?”
She winced in pain as the healer took care of her wounds and listened to the healer’s instructions about leaving. She said in a calm voice,
”I will be careful and not fight in another battle for a while. Thank you for everything. I was wondering, how long would it take for my energy to come back from using my magic for the first time?”
She rested on her bed as she was told to do.

04-Apr-2019 21:53:18

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