Guthix, previous post
Yes, Kuro riding a dragon would be rather overly surprising. However, he can appear anywhere in the Golden Continent, such as near Gwen at the docks to investigate a Roman warship that is carrying stolen artifacts taken from the Great Pyramids, or investigate a black carrack nearby the Roman warship which is the flagship of a company. Or, meet Glenn wherever he chooses to go to, or go to the Sphinx, Pharos Lighthouse, or Great Pyramids, to investigate the Djinn King (the Archdemon of the Golden Continent). Or head off anywhere to forge his own destiny.
OK, that's good then. Things are convenient for her, but as I mentioned, she is blind until I describe the scenery but I'd like to wait for Annie and Farren to get involved. Then, we will decide what happens on who becomes a secondary thread master. I wanted to wait in case the coming thread master would like to explore Chaos, go through the Darven Mines, or begin the journey to another continent.
Guthix, last post
Ironwolf and Atatos are destroyed; there's nothing left of them. The Vessel is her sarcophagus, which was holding a fragment of the Demon God's soul. If you'd like, read the epilogues of Ironwolf and Atatos to see what's going on.
Inferi, last post
The new powers compliment what she has now, meaning she can still use her own shadow magic, in addition to having anti-shadow powers. This makes her strong against other shadowmancers.
22-Apr-2016 19:37:41