I have to say that I am fairly disappointed in you, Lasky, though to be honest, Annie and I constantly goaded you people to post, we annoyed all of you to get you guys to post; when you weren't posting, we were constantly reminding you that you hadn't posted. So to be honest it's more my fault than yours. Though Annie was the main instigator of the annoyance, the goading, and the reminding.
I haven't been posting on ITV because I am still working on the Storyline. I got this up fairly quickly at the time. Lasky, you are free to do what you wish, I have a request. Keep up with ITV and read the posts. If you wish to rejoin, let me know. However, that does raise a point that I want to get out: If one more person leaves, I might need to end the RP and start anew.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy!
sword king
Guthix when you, on Dragonfall, say ''Does your character have any abilities? Keep in mind your character wont start off with knowledge of these abilities or magical powers so they won't have any idea how to control it.'', does that mean a character based primarily on magic has to find a way to learn spells?
I've got an idea for a classical 'support' ability setup of a mage with a healing spell, a protection spell, and an magical empowering spell, but how easily can I sidestep the problem of getting him to know those things? Because until he does, he's not going to be worth much in an dangerous world, combat-wise.
And how does talking work? My character is supposed to be eastern-european, would he speak with an eastern european accent or does that not carry over?
Well when I say they wont know they have these abilities, while a support skill like healing and spell protection. He/she would have these abilities they could learn they possess these abilities. They can use crude like spells, keep in mind all characters are just entering dragonfall when they first begin.
As for accents, they would keep their accents you are the same person just in a different type of body. Although they might talk different if there mouths have changed a lot. It all depends on your character's character in dragonfall they created.