I remember Er Ril! I believe he had a thread in which an enemy regenerated into one of the Doctor Who Doctors, as was immediately slaughtered.
Good times! What ever happened to him?
Speak of The Devil and he shall appear.
02-Feb-2016 01:51:11
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02-Feb-2016 04:28:21
Er Ril
Oh I see, sorry about that, that was my fault, I wasn't paying enough attention. Heh, it was pretty funny though, it caught me by surprise. Hopefully, I can notice things better from now on. Wait, is Gwen...?
Capt, yes, “good” demons do exist, so that kind of character is acceptable.
Oops, I kinda forgot about the RP today; I spent my spare time working on a chapter of another story elsewhere. I will now work on the RPs.
Blast! My brilliant plan! Foiled by intelligent placement of guards! How dare they be smart enough to maybe put people by the obvious secondary escape route!
Blast! My brilliant plan! Foiled by intelligent placement of guards! How dare they be smart enough to maybe put people by the obvious secondary escape route!
However, the ten janissaries had pursued the two spies and Abdul, who managed to escape, so the backdoor is unguarded for now.
But ya, obviously, police-like people tend to block all doorways of a building.
02-Feb-2016 04:10:59
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02-Feb-2016 04:11:38
What's the organization of the guild like? It there a secret base where everyone congregates, or are orders delivered to them via whispers on the wind, and everyone just knows where to find everyone else?
I have a really interesting idea for Glenn, but I don't think a bunch of plebs getting butchered is quite the catalyst the scene craves; -pretentious snorting-.
Plus, an Empire destroying the
Dark Brotherhood
Assassin's Guild would be a swat in the backside to get Glenn joining along with the main plot, whenever that happens.
Just throwing out ideas if you want 'em!
02-Feb-2016 04:22:21
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02-Feb-2016 04:23:06