Annie, if you wanna dance in game, they released a new skill.
Supposed to be the 4th new OP combat skill where you use necrotic powers to damage enemies and summon undead minions to fight for you.
Lorewise, they made it less "evil" since you are
the undead to help you. Set the mood light with candles and stuff during your rituals.
But in reality, you can also more quickly level up by dancing. All the way to 120.
The Nercromancy rituals are typically better XP/hr. Just draw on the ground. Set the candles. And dance. dance.
the night away.
I found out it's possible to even get
hour shifts in the logging industry, depending on which company you work for, of course. This is due to the extreme worker shortage, so crazy overturn is available for up to nine months out of each year. If I worked those hours, I'd make a ton of money. I might even be able to buy my own house on a single income--it'd be really nice to be a homeowner this day and age.
In Canada, the Liberal government's mismanagement of forestry contributed to the excessive forest fires. Basically, they left everything alone, ignoring foresters and Native chiefs, rather than use selective logging to isolate populations of pine beetle and sections of forests at risk of fire. Basically, logging reduces forest fires, saving forests in the longterm.