Well, played a bit of MU Legend. Audio goes into a glitchy, cracking, laggy state every ten seconds or so, then stops, then goes back it. Repeats. Not sure why this is happening. I've been tampering with the options menu but nothing changes. When I lower the graphics, it kinda helps, but the issues are still there, even when audio is disabled. Oh well, guess I need to upgrade my computer.
In other news, I stumbled upon MU Online, a game I remember when I was a kid. MU Online and RuneScape were the first MMO games I ever played, and it'll be nice to go back to MU Online after over a decade. Will download it tomorrow for sure, and have a nostalgia trip. I never got far in it, but now that I'm older, I should do better!
09-Sep-2018 08:59:47