If you're typing from a cellphone, don't worry about replying to me, wait till you get home, no worries, ok?
OK, I think that'd work for soft armor.
Well, you see, even a sharp sword slash can dent in a helmet a bit, for example. Even breastplates can be dented in from sharp swords. Yes, armor should take Durability damage, as even slashes can dent them and such.
Ah yes, that could be Speed of mount adding to Charge, for example. Yes, a rapier would just slide off any plate armor, as it just lacks mass to do anything. XD throwing your arrows at the enemy, I'd love to see someone try that...
OK, anyways, I think I understand a narrowed set of Armor stats. Thank-you West for your ideas, I will attempt to make changes immediately, and taking your advice, special descriptions/exceptions will also be used. In case there's something I miss, or something that is not explained, we will go by the thread's feature of RTD (real-time determination) which just gives power to the GM and players to sort things out.
23-Dec-2017 08:08:11