I started typing out an example scene, but I will be leaving soon, driving downtown. Will continue work when I get back. So far, I have two character examples on page 6 of Impurity, for those who care.
I wonder if you need to seperate magic/sorcery and special attacks. If we're basing the game balance on fighting games, It'd make sense that a persons strongest attacks would be a specialised style or techique, with magic being no different than a favoured sword or martial art style or combo.
They are separated, though. Well, Special Attacks are meant to give a chance at doing something other than the formula, to help break monotony. Magic is meant to allow users to create their own magic is they wish, but Sorcery is their accuracy with magical attacks. Whereas, Special Attacks are immediate, cannot be Empowered/Powered up, and tend to directly hit the target, essentially being a means to briefly powerplay and so make the combat a bit more visceral. I will leave it alone for no, but I will make a few edits to clarify/clean up this topic.
I did make a silly mistake with the Corvian Knight, seeing as he's 8'10" and only weighs 220 pounds o.0
I am almost done the example. I was stalled by family problems. Drove around for two hours downtown, basically for nothing. City traffic truly is annoying.
OK, I just posted the example, it's on page 6 on Impurity. It ends abruptly, but has fully detailed descriptions explaining everything.
Oh, and I made a few more edits and additions here and there. For example, if you are in a Crucifix, an Unarmed Stagger will result in your character tripping, slamming, pulling, or pushing your foe down, hard (unless you're already on the ground, of course).
23-Dec-2017 03:44:27
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23-Dec-2017 03:54:12
Azi Demonica
I made an edit to most armor's defensive stats. Now, most armors have "Firelock" defenses instead of Gunshot defenses, to be more specific to what kind of gunfire they can resist. Firelock refers to old-fashioned guns, such as matchlock and flintlock firerams, whereas Gunshot refers to guns that can shoot the Minie ball or have a rifled barrel, for example.
Azi, I'm just wondering if there's a way for your offense/defence system to be simplified further. Rather than separating the stats of every situation, perhaps we need to go back to basics and simply look at the function every weapon provides.
Weapons can cause, and armour can defend against:
~ Pierce damage –
These weapons dig into your target (ie. bullets, rapiers, arrows, lance, and spear).
~ Slash damage -
These weapons slash and lacerate your targets (ie. scimitars and other bladed weapons).
~ Crush damage -
These attacks bludgeon and concuss your targets (ie. polearms, clubs, maces and unarmed).
~ Magical damage -
Affects any incoming or outgoing magical attacks
This would make retire the following stats:
~ Thrust (thrown into pierce)
~ Firelock (thrown into pierce)
~ Cut (thrown into slash)
~ Concussive (thrown into crush)
~ Electicity (thrown into Conduct)
~ Cold (thrown into Conduct)
~ Heat (thrown into Conduct)
If you judged attacks using these five damage types, you could logically perceive guns, crossbows or arrows as longer ranged piercing weapons rather than their own category (which is what they do in a nutshell). Hallow tip would increase the Crush damage while reducing the pierce, while full metal jacket would increase the pierce and reduce the crush. This would make the game more adaptable to modern scenarios.
Concussive could definitely be another weapon type, if it were related to explosives. This would encompass explosive blasts, flashes and loud noises that disorientate the enemy.
23-Dec-2017 05:36:28
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23-Dec-2017 06:02:27