OK, nvm then.
Hey, speaking of which, I just got an idea for an RP, if anyone's interested in putting it in one of theirs. Generally, our RPs rely on us destroying our enemies, but what if we reversed the roles? I was thinking of an idea, of which users role-play as orphans, who are starving, homeless, and must scratch a living off begging, stealing, and bad jobs. Each orphan is actually an extremely powerful mage, but unable to control their magic, which causes, for example, a transformation into a monster, necromancy, destructive power, summons demons, or what have you.
These orphans must scratch a living while hiding their magic from Inquisitors/clerics/witch hunters. This idea could be implemented into a survival medieval game, mixing horror themes, set in a semi-apocalyptic medieval fantasy world, with things like the Black Death, savage dogs, packs of wolves, kidnappers, zombies, and various monsters that lurk in the darkness, eager to eat children.
Well, this would actually probably work better as its own thread, but I thought it's a curious idea. Children in a survival-horror, mixing stealth and thievery to avoid the law, and monsters, and dangerous animals, would definitely be a different touch on our role-plays.
04-Jul-2017 05:06:59