Well, sound waves travel underwater; that's the entire reason sonar works. There's no reason a race that lives underwater wouldn't have adapted to being able to interpret sound waves properly, rather than the human ear which has adapted to hearing out of the water.
Interesting points, Inferi and Fishing.
I suppose there's that rather popular notion of mermaids squealing like dolphins, but i think mermaids would just swim closely to talk, seeing as that'd be the easiest thing to do for talking. Or indeed, just rising above the water, or flopping onto a rock or onto the beach.
Hey, I just got an idea for a modern/industrial/dieselpunk fantasy setting. Actually, it's an old idea I had for several years. Basically, the protagonist is in a world ripe of war, famine, devastation, bad people, slavers, rapists, kidnappers, cannibals, and everything evil you can think.
Your character, someone young and weak, has dreams and nightmares. Dreams come into reality to heal or nurture, whereas nightmares come into reality to kill and destroy. There is a twist: the dreams and nightmares are under control of your character. Capable of resisting you, they can also be 'called back' into the ethereal world if they get out of control. Eventually, the protagonist gets used to one's nightmares/inner demons, and befriends them. Thus, the dreams "good" and nightmares "evil" come together.
Thus, the users' dreams nurture, heal, and shape the world, and the nightmares terrorize, torture, or kill the people, or destroy entire towns/areas. This reflects the real-life 'nightmares': the bad people, the bad world, the evil aspects.
Originally, this idea was meant to be for a story set in the Crusader Era, but I never got to work it out.
08-Jun-2017 03:44:21
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08-Jun-2017 03:59:58
Azi Demonica
Got weirdly inspired to pop in again after a few years and start another story. I swear, as I leave all my other mildly embarrassing fandoms behind, Runescape will always be the one that refuses to die.
I used to go by "Scribegoblin" and "Yenklet", if anyone remembers me.
I will conveniently kill the representative off in the forest, if Zhuum is against the idea of someone coming after his sword. The idea was that Cyrus knows he needs someone to watch his back, seeing as he alienates just about everyone. Dosse seems like the best choice for that. The representative was added, for comic relief, It would be important to remember that the representative would always fail in his attempts to get the sword, or he'd grasp it for a second, and get caught by either Cyrus or Dosse, perhaps by both.
Regarding that comic relief character, it may become a bit weird or I should say annoying to deal with him all the nights for Dosse. However for having such pretty and expensive sword one would only see reasonable that some people try to get it for themselves.
So far I myself see that Dosse likes to keep his time with the company as much he can, as he trusts them enough to help him keep his sword safe (just as Uhn implies with Cyrus character) and even from magic thieves by some mages.
And just for the note of backstory, all strangers whom have touched the sword with malevolent intentsions and whom Dosse catches later on have lived short life.
I will conveniently kill the representative off in the forest, if Zhuum is against the idea of someone coming after his sword. The idea was that Cyrus knows he needs someone to watch his back, seeing as he alienates just about everyone. Dosse seems like the best choice for that. The representative was added, for comic relief, It would be important to remember that the representative would always fail in his attempts to get the sword, or he'd grasp it for a second, and get caught by either Cyrus or Dosse, perhaps by both.
Regarding that comic relief character, it may become a bit weird or I should say annoying to deal with him all the nights for Dosse. However for having such pretty and expensive sword one would only see reasonable that some people try to get it for themselves.
So far I myself see that Dosse likes to keep his time with the company as much he can, as he trusts them enough to help him keep his sword safe (just as Uhn implies with Cyrus character) and even from magic thieves by some mages.
And just for the note of backstory, all strangers whom have touched the sword with malevolent intentsions and whom Dosse catches later on have lived short life.
I guess the lesson to learn from this, is that I should have asked you, BEFORE I added this dynamic between our characters. As a writer, I am used to writing down ideas the second they pop in my head-- That's okay with writing a story, but it's rude in an Role-Play when you all of a sudden awake to find this dynamic already decided for you. Sorry about that, Zhuum.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy!
08-Jun-2017 17:13:59
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08-Jun-2017 21:49:47
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