Indeed, there is a difference between freedom of speech and deliberate bad behavior. There are also people who use freedom of speech as a defense for their stupidity. But yes, dishonest spamming and insulting someone is behavior that should be reported.
Ah yes, I also reported bots advertising websites, especially when they PMed me, I kinda forgot about that. Oh, and that guy who was a trash-talker, that happened many years ago, about eight years ago or so, I dunno, so that's long-gone. Of course, I may have reported other users and not remember.
It also depends who you are. I noticed that people most likely to report anything are, what I would call, weaklings. A little while ago, on internet, someone was semi-trash-talking a friend of mine who has been dead for quite a while, and I did not get angry whatsoever. People who lived a real real-life tend to be tough and resistant to insults, that's what I noticed.
And then there's me arguing in FaceBook, and so far, 100% of the time, who I am talking to either deletes all of one's posts or simply disappears suddenly. What irritates me more than censorship, is when someone is not being censored, who has freedom of speech, yet refuses to address the topic and just backs off. Or maybe I'm just doing it wrong, it could be that too.
24-Aug-2016 20:45:07