Maybe you can make it a point to raise the general power level? In doing so you could easily grant new abilities to the races that feel underpowered while buffing up the abilities of the races that are mostly okay.
Near as I can tell, Vampires are the magical folk who manipulate normals, sneak around and generally do a lot of plotting and scheming, prepping their spells to sling around. Werewolves are the physical kings, so while they have no super special magic talents they get by with raw strength, speed and tenacity, plus their additional less combative attributes. Champions seem like a balance between magical and physical, getting up close and personal with their weapons while using their limited spell repertoire to buff, debuff and otherwise inconvenience their opponents to get openings to strike.
Fuck knows what your fourth faction is like, but this is the simplified idea of what I think the races are. Boiling down to magic people, physical people and balanced people.
I am Inferi.
07-Aug-2016 00:08:10