I've got about 900,000 experience left until I hit 79 Magic. I may go to 80 just for Blood Blitz so I can go: "Rawr! I'm a blood mage!"
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
Seriously though, I also have to go from 45 farming to 65, and from 50 herblore to 60-something. No idea if I can afford this.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
D F Angel
My farming level is 100% from doing the Sorcerer's Garden minigame. Pick the herbs instead of the tree and you get farming XP instead of thieving. I suppose it depends on whether you find it enjoyable or repetitive, though.
How reliable is that?
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
By reliable, do you mean XP-Waste like all the Scapin' tryhards do? I don't know if it's the best way of getting Farming up, but it's certainly the cheapest. I just liked the minigame though. If you're wanting to be a hardcore leveller, I imagine it won't provide the xp you need.
Hags be hagglin', gods be god damn crazy, it's all happening ogre at Into The Fire
I never used that minigame for farming, but it was the only way I ever leveled thieving when I still played the game. It was incredibly repetitive, but then again leveling anything in RS is.
Now that I think about it, I spent so much of my life playing RS...it's kinda ridiculous.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.
17-Jun-2016 12:35:30
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17-Jun-2016 12:36:13
I'm probably one of the lowest levelled accounts here, to say I'm probably one of the oldest as well. I was really,
bad at skilling. I'd get distracted all of the time and wander off. I imagine it was getting distracted that first made me find the forums in the first place, they were much less visible on the home screen back in the day.
Hags be hagglin', gods be god damn crazy, it's all happening ogre at Into The Fire
Skills? Bah, those sucked. All of my good stats were in combat (99s in everything except prayer and summoning if I remember correctly, dunno if more combat stats have come out since summoning) because that was the only thing I felt was actually worthwhile to level.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.