My current goal is to appropriate Rovaan's kingdom for **gelain, and then after ITF encourage Na*Blood to make his own thread where we attempt to take back the place and restore its rightful ruler.
Basically, any world that I build can also be part of anyone else's world, if they choose to do so. If you wish to use a character from **gelain, with memories of events that occurred on Engelain, then you can do so.
Also, another funny Er Ril moment that really stuck with me:
John Black:
I did not lay a finger nor blade on any of the children!
Orphanage explodes
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
Let me give you the condensed version of the most Er Ril scene I've ever seen, made worse because he encouraged others to join him.
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Annie stayed really quiet behind the bush, not answering what they are saying or asking, making notes what is going on. Then all of the studden she made a very loud sneeze. She is so shock how loud the sneeze was that she knows that she has to move.
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John Blacks head snapped round as he heard a nearby bush sneeze, loudly.
The Mercenary thundered, grinning broadly at the prospect of dinner,
Tugging his flintlock from his holster, Black thumbed back the hammer and pulled the trigger, sending a mighty gout of flame and powder smoke flashing from the barrel as the weapon discharged into the hedge with a deafening Crack!!
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''Naw, it's makin' too much noise ta be a squirrel sir. That there might take more dan 'un bullet I thinks.''
With a smile, XinOrzhov's flintlock fired off towards the bush as well. With a hearty cackle, the pirate moved forward to collect the prize, fumbling with his pistol along the way.
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''Aye laddie,''
John Black cackled, also striding towards the bush, drawing his blade,
''It sounds like a big 'un!''
With that, the Mercenary thrust his broadsword blindly into the hedge, once, twice, thrice, before shouldering the basket hilted weapon and returning his flintlock to is holster.
''Ye can never bee tae careful in these parts.''
Black continued, un-buttoning his breeches and proceeding to relive himself into the hedge,
''Aaaaahhh... Been dying fer that since we left Kal'dara...''
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John Black cackled, 'accidentally' proceeding to empty his bladder over the girl in the hedge, as she had apparently failed to move.
''Sorry lass, did nae see ye there!''
Nevertheless, The Mercenary took his good sweet time finishing, before finally putting his manhood away, buttoning up his britches and stumping back towards the group, sheathing his sword as he went.
''A** tis nought of interest, just a soaking wet, barely literate child... Can we move on now? It's gettin' late an' I need tae drink or fight summat soon!''
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'''Ang on!'' Exclaimed Ryle, striding heavily over to meet John Black's approach; greaves striking up the track dirt dust. His expression twisted into a malevolent snarl, and his armoured gloves bore at the hilt of his cutlass.
''May'ap she kin cook an' serve, eh?'' He broke into a wide emerald-flashed grin, and proceeded to the shrubs of brown buckhorn, and maystalk, arid leafs that had battled the natural holocaust and won. Striking hands into the bushes, he yanked Annie out by the soiled hair and trailed her, over the earth, dragged towards the group.
Well there were actual good guys as well. Thorek II, Etheldredda, Sir Charles of Richton being the ones you would recognise. You might know Xiang as well, who is one of Duncan's characters, and there were a few other good guys besides who you wouldn't know, played by Zhuum and some other guy... Antony Ceus or something, he changed his username so I could be wrong.
I also, for the safety of my own account, won't repost the time that John Black had his way with a full-grown wyrm that got trapped in a doorway...
And you DID join, damn you!
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~Bio Format~
Name: Veliaf Ironfist
Age: 103
Gender: Male
Race: Elf/Dwarf
Appearance: Being a combination of both Elf and Dwarf, Veliaf stands at a not-so impressive 5' 3''. His hair is black, being at about an inch in length. As for his ears, they are slightly pointed, but not as much as a full-blooded elf....
Short History: Veliaf was born with a Dwarf father and an Elf mother, something that doesn't occur too often. They lived in a relatively large town, where he was made fun of as a kid by all races due to the fact that he was so different. When he was around fifteen, his father left them leaving just his mother, who died seventeen years later.
Left to the streets, he had to resort to petty thievery in order to make money. After that he started taking jobs that involved beating people up and doing illegal things, eventually coming to assassinations. He earned quite the reputation in the town, and at one point he got caught by the guards and was forced to flee.
So from then on, he became a wandering sellsword occasionally doing assassination and burglary jobs. But unfortunately, recent events made jobs either hard or easy to find depending on where he looked.
I evidently missed the part where Annie was shot twice, brutally slashed and stabbed, peed on, and somehow survived by moving around a little.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.