Lucky for you, I never watched Yogscast so you were in the clear. I remember that Loaned Shark had a dwarf called Tofor, which I believe was a scientist of some sort, and had a pet giant spider called Archimedes. Gecko 42 had a dwarf with a hand-cannon, and there are some other dwarves I can't remember now. And of course Br'nard Even'star, who pulled down a building bare-handed...
Not that Thorek II himself is one for subtlety, like.
I hold the opinion now that if a thread ends before its completion, then the overall mission of that thread failed, and that my characters must continue on from the exact point that the thread ended. However, as I didn't hold this view back when TBA was a thing, I reckon I might just allow that Joric was a heroic dwarven warrior in many a subterranean battle. After all, the Dungeon Master no longer exists so they must'** succeeded, eh?
Hags be hagglin', gods be god damn crazy, it's all happening ogre at Into The Fire
Eh, I wasn't sure if Thorek's Big Adventure was canon or not, so when Champion's Guild came along I just gave him a somewhat heroic reputation - never saved the world or anything, but helped plenty of small communities and slayed many monsters.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
It's uh, loose. I just flung my three most recent characters into The Final Quest for the protagonists- Thorek, Etheldredda and Skullvulture. Thorek was definitely a war general though, so I'm willing to accept Thorek's Big Adventure as canon... Though I'm sure Joric did not recognise Br'nard in the B&B, so uh... [shuffles foot]
Though it seems like Er Ril isn't coming back any time soon, so no harm done either way.
And then Alicia laid eyes on 'The Big Fat.' Well, Karstone was no longer first on her top ten list of most disgusting creatures.
Joric awoke to the smell of really strong alcohol. A familiar looking man - he couldn't quite remember where he saw him - was holding a flask over his face.
Tbh, America is at its coolest driving a Bradley through the desert without a care in the world. Other than that, being Canadian is probably a bit better.