I posted yesterday, Annie! I'm getting faster, but I'm not that fast.
I'm waiting for Loaned Shark to post before I can post again.
I'm sorry to hear about the headache. I imagine you've taken medication, so all I can recommend is a lot of water and low lighting. Maybe turn down the brightness on your computer screen too.
Doubt it the forums that are glitches as I still have my avatar.
On another note.....I am more patient when it comes to waiting on a post but I really can't wait to see what happens next weekend with Etheldredda's group considering we are now 3 people less.
The group retired for the night, and Judy took first watch. The spirit of Azul then whispered to Judy and told her how to perform a ritual to free him from Kuro. She complied, but just as Azul was free Joric came down and alerted the rest of the group, who then attempted to fight the demon.
Rovaan turned into some sort of hulking demonic monstrosity (even more monstrous than any of his previous forms, as if they weren't monstrous enough), and Annie decided that Azul was just a poor misunderstood creature who deserved to be free, so she put a shield around him. Etheldredda sided with her at first, although she eventually came to doubt the decision.
Tempora Sage the time mage then made the front area of the building collapse, forcing Annie to lower her forcefield and force-push the debris away, out into the street. Joric, Kuro, and Siera (but mostly Joric
) were then able to slay Azul with their combined might. Siera and Kuro decided to leave (separately, not together), and Judy is now running for dear life after Joric outed her treachery. The group is about to leave town.
Ogre Wars
They were pulled into some sort of optional dream sequence created by Spirry. They only recently woke up. Henry could have simply not had the dream. Other than that, not much happened.
March of Darkness
Brodus, Ubaid, and Soahc are at the temple. They found the guy they are looking for - the Grand Priest of Soahc who wears an orange mask. Brodus is murdering the rest of the priesthood, while Ubaid and Soahc have stumbled across some sort of strange creature. Rovaan tried to summon a demon, but a mechanical version of Spirry from the dream sequence hijacked the pentagram and came through instead. Kira is out burning ****.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
25-May-2016 02:07:15
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25-May-2016 02:21:26
Thanks Lasky. Seems like a lot less has happened than I would have thought. I'll try to read through everything I missed, because that's just the kind of nerd I am, and then try to get back into it probably sometime in the next few days.
That's assuming that our Lord D F Angel will allow me to return...
Feel bad about abandoning TLK... Still feels like it had a lot of potential.
Ramsay Bolton is the king we deserve.
Siera and both leaving the group on their own. Kuro with no idea Siera is leaving, and no idea that Kuro was leaving too.
This sets up for a very interesting plot should they run into each other(which will most likely happen yes this cliché but I don't care)
Siera doesn't want to be followed, Kuro is trying to make it out on his own. Which more and likely will get a third member to join them. Maybe Zed because
he so totally is Kuro's friend.
Or Cirion same reason as Zed (with the same sarcasm cause both seem to dislike Kuro)
This group run into Soahc for some reason and a whole lot more story development.
And then I have no clue where it could go from there...