It's a quote from Laurence J Peter.
,•*°ˆ°*•›„¸¸¸„‹ˆ.…..¸•*°ˆˆ°*•, ¸•*ˆ\‡±‡/ˆ*•¸Špëàk whéñ ÿöµ`ré áñgrý,¸•*ˆ\‡±‡/ˆ*•¸ ,•*°ˆˆ°*•¸..….ˆ›„¸¸¸„‹•*°ˆ°*•,
'›„¸¸¸„‹ˆ…°»„¸¸¸„«ˆ…ˆ›,¸¸,Äñd ÿöµ`|| mäké †hé b隆 špééçh ÿöµ`|| ëvër rëgrë†,¸¸,‹ˆ…ˆ»„¸¸¸„«°…ˆ›„¸¸¸„‹'
Proud leader of
The MaSoRS
. A skilling and community clan, founded 2003.
I love the signature, and what I've read of the story so far.
I wish I could leave invisable book marks...I'm going to need to edit/make another post when I'm done
Edit: That was awesome
. I loved how William was actually curious to head to the swamps, despite how terrifying they are.
The creature he found sounded sincerely disturbing, but I also hope you could explain it better, if you happen to write more on this.
Kudos to an awesome story
Retired from RS3. Trying out OSRS. To any of my old friends - I hope you are doing well
. Aliases: Woollyhats, Forum Tyler, Pal54
28-Jul-2011 21:40:50
- Last edited on
29-Jul-2011 13:16:56
I return from the lost realm of cabbage to deliver you a message, my friend.
The lore text I hoped to examine has been duly examined, as of at least a couple of days ago. I might have come to your thread to report my findings sooner, but my excellent new monitor was having issues, and they had taken it away to make good on the warranty... For reasons of my own, I preferred not to revert to the aged cathode ray tube monitor and instead waited out the time with no RuneScape at all.
As I had been led to suspect or believe, Reldo was involved, and while some information may have been revealed in regards to him, the location of his lodgings you have provided is not explicitly contradicted.
You might be interested to know, however, that he appears to be younger than you might think - Even four years ago, he himself was an apprentice.
This, however, is not the sole object of my coming.
I have word for you on Morytania.
I find, happily, that your account of Harvey's journey is more foreboding than my memory led me to believe.
However, perhaps I shall speak all the same.
To reference The Lord of the Rings (which I still have yet to finish reading)...
One does not simply walk into Morytania.
Is Ilkamerk supposed to be part of Morytania, or treated as distinct? If it is distinct, is he still reaching it by way of Morytania?
Your account of the journey is perhaps not overly problematic, but the 'several short incursions into the southern swamps' - If he made these incursions by way of Morytania, that seems to treat that land a bit too lightly.
Varrock is apparently barely a day's ride from the River Salve, so it seems quite probable (if not explicitly stated) that the city has been troubled by Morytania for centuries.
Thus, by my interpretations, I should guess that most sane folk who have lived their entire lives in Varrock (or even better, in the countryside to the east... Thus closer to the River Salve and what lies beyond) would be terrified of Morytania.
There is a reason that they have a giant temple watching the river, and if you would care for further evidence of how seriously it might be taken in Varrock... That fountain in the market square south of Varrock Palace is apparently a tribute to the River Salve and the safety only it can provide.
Still, you have done far better than I remembered, and I commend you upon that. (I also hope I do not sound patronising here.)
I shall thus leave it to your creative mind to do with this information what you will. I had a suggestion or two in mind during my monitor's absence, but...
Seeing your tale again, I shall trust this to your capable hands.
Also, the following is a nitpick of sorts, but if those thick grey clouds are part of Morytania... The source I have read indicates that it is a green-tinted fog that blocks out the sun in that land, not clouds.
Edit: Ah... The city's name is actually Ilkarnek, not Ilkamerk. I did not look at it closely just now, and perhaps anticipated that I might make an error... My apologies.
The Asgarnian ale must flow.
10-Oct-2011 05:34:20
- Last edited on
10-Oct-2011 05:36:30
William Witt
Spooky! Moving, scary; Very explanatory. You know what is going on in the mind of this poor man; You can see the surroundings, the thick, tangled mass of vines and tendrils, lashing out at eachother in slow-motion combat...