Chapter 5: Clash of the Titans
It had been nearly two days since the night of the murders, and Garth never had never slept so well in his life. He looked outside his rented room to see that he had slept to nearly noon. Garth had been exhausted from his mad dash away from Falador. Most of the time he had been on his feet moving, with only stopping occasionally for a quick power-nap.
“Ah, Burthropian air,” Garth said as he took in a deep breath. “No better smelling air in all of Runescape.” He was untouchable here. If any White Knight or member of the Faladorian Guard was found here they would be thrown in jail, or worse. Garth was finally safe.
Garth got dressed in his traditional black robes and his hood and left the inn he had been staying at. All around him were peasants the most vial villains in all of Runescape. Killers, robbers, assassins; they were all here. Garth stopped as he saw a familiar face amongst the crowd.
It was Darusta. He was a tall man who had short black hair and face covered in scars. Darusta was also an assassin. Of course, he was not even half as good as Garth. Then again, most people weren’t. With his old age came experience. Most assassins did not make it to their late twenties. They would reach a point where after a few successful hits they would become overconfident and lazy, causing them to get killed on a job; or they were even more likely to get killed by their employers. It was no big loss to the employer. Assassins were expendable, except for the ones as good as Garth. Most assassins were killed right after they had completed their mission and had desposed of their target. One of the employers trustees would be waiting near the assassin's get away horse or wagon to eliminate them when they least expected it. This way the assassin couldn't be traced back to the employer.
Garth began moving towards Darusta. He and Darusta had some unfinished buisiness to take care of.
14-Oct-2007 03:50:35
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14-Oct-2007 19:38:39