10: Enemy
In the last chapter, the group split up, and we begin with Dezzer and Bob the kaliphite.
Dezzer: how on runescape can you talk..?
Bob: just get me some raw meat you fool.
Dezzer: why should I..?
Bob: do you mind remembering what happened in Camelot LAST time..?
Dezzer: ...... Raw meat you said..?..
Bob: yep.
Dezzer: *sigh* I wonder if Rekko is causing trouble
Bob: less talky more meaty -.-
While Dezzer was forced to feed Bob, Torok and Rekko were getting the lobsters for their trip.
Rekko: Why is that fish orange..? thats not natural! like my green fish!
rekko took a fish out of his backpack, it was smelly, and molding.
Torok: oh my lord! that thing smells worse than Bob!
Rekko: does'nt look bad to me.
Rekko takes a bite out of the most moldy part of the pike.
Torok: uuurrgh!! *barf*
Rekko: ~Whats wrong with him..? ~
meanwhile, Atix and Sunny were getting potions.
Sunny:We should get some anti poison potions, dont you think, Atix..?
Atix: ...
Sunny: Atix..?
atix: .......
Sunny: What are you doing, Atix..?
a dark aura appeared around Atix. Atix now had Black Robes and his rune longsword turned to a black like godsword.
Sunny: what the-
Atix: moved to quick for Sunny to speak. Atix slashed Sunny. Sunny died, then appeared in Lumbridge.
Atix: 1 down, 3 more to go, then Rekko will be in my power..
Atix went to his old clothing, and his black sword withdrew to rune.
meanwhile, in Lumbridge..
Sunny: Darn, I knew he was no good..
Well, I better go back and warn the others.
???: not so fast!
Sunny: who's there..?!
Blaze: its me!!
Sunny: I dont recall anyone by the name of Blaze.
Blaze: Im the high lvl you killed back in Falador.
10 high level soldiers appeared behind Blaze.
Sunny: oh jeez..
Blaze: you shall perish!
Sunny: haha, this will take awhile.
Will Sunny defeat Blaze...? will Atix get away with his evil deeds..? and what is Atix planning..? find out next chapter!
03-Feb-2008 23:59:57
- Last edited on
04-Feb-2008 00:12:41