
the Noob Chronicles! (v2)

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5: a new friend
while dezzer lay unconsious on the floor, Rekko is left to fight the guards.
Rekko: Dezzer..dezzer....DEZZER..*uses megafone* DEZZER!!!!!!!!!!!
VGC: you shall perish!
Rekko: not likely! I will-
rekko: what is this plant growing behind my back..?
VGC: are you even paying attention..?
rekko: hmm..this is a strange plant..
VGC: listen to me!!!
rekko: I wonder if..
VGC: why wont you listen!!
*rekko yanks out plant from the ground*
VGC: im absolutly flabberghasted..
rekko: thats a funny word, say it again!
VGC: NO!!!
at the roots of the plant, rekko finds what no one would expect to find under a random event.. a party hat!
rekko: ooooh..a cool hat!
VGC: his stupidity must be stopped! attack!!!
rekko: not so fast! *throws dezzer at the VGC*
VGC: murph!!! ack!! *ded*
Guards: the captain is dead! retreat!
Dezzer: head..
???: that was pretty cool..
Rekko and Dezzer: who's there..?
???: im Torok.
Dezzer: hello Torok.
Rekko: feel my wrath of green fish!
* 12 pikes come from Rekko's backpack and hit Torok in the face *
Dezzer: where are you getting these fish!?
Torok: I got another question.. why did you hit me with fish?!
Rekko: huh..? wha..?
Torok: never mind..
Dezzer: well, lets go to falador..
Torok has joined Rekko and Dezzer, but will falador fall under the force of the ultimate noob..?
see chapter 6 to find out!

03-Feb-2008 23:59:55 - Last edited on 04-Feb-2008 00:07:50 by NewLuvStory

Dec Member 2005


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6: Falador
The 3 friends traveled on to the city of Falador, the home of the white knights,but will the great city stand up to what stupidity comes next..?

Rekko: Daaaaaanng..thats a big door
Torok: Yep.
High lvl: Hey! your the noob from Lumbridge!
Rekko: I prefer to call it the Lum Bridge..
High lvl: Your dead now! aaaarrrrggg-
high lvl: Nooooo!!!
???: dead!
Dezzer: who's there..?
???: you'll find out sooner or later.
The mysterious person dissapeared into the white walls of Falador.
Torok: I wonder who that was..
Rekko: I wonder if I have any more green fish
Dezzer: where are your fish, Rekko..?
Rekko: In your face!
*a pike flies from Rekko's backpack and hits Dezzer in the face*
Torok: heheheh, it really was in your face.Nice one Rekko.
Rekko: omg!
Dezzer was so angry there was steam coming from his head..
Rekko: your killing my fish!!!
apparently cooking the fish..
Torok: Duck and cover!!!
half of Falador was blown to bits by a mysterious figure.
It was the same person that defeated the high lvl.
???: heheheheh..
Dezzer: what did you just do..?!?
???: Its not that hard to figure out when the area your on is basicly a landfill
Rekko: I think i'll wear my new hat..
Rekko placed the party hat atop his head.
Mob of random admirers: Omg! a p hat! omg!
Torok: back! back you fiends!
*Torok uses his ancients magic to defeat the mob.*
Mob of random admirers: No! we want the p hat!! omg!
???: that was just weird.
???: If you must know, my name is Sunny Flash.
Torok: Why did you destroy the town..?
Sunny: I didnt mean to, I meant to destroy the castle, but the blast was a bit to strong
Rekko: What fish!?
Torok: we didnt say anything about fish, Rekko O_o
Dezzer: why did you need to destroy the castle..?
Sunny: they...
Look at next chapter to found ou what happened to Sunny!!!

03-Feb-2008 23:59:56 - Last edited on 04-Feb-2008 00:08:56 by NewLuvStory

Dec Member 2005


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7: Falador to Taverly
last chapter, a new character, Sunny Flash, destroyed Falador, and was about to explain what happened, bt the chapter was cut off. Lets continue!
Sunny: They took my 5 mill!!!
Torok: I feel sorry for you
Dezzer: yea..
Rekko: ahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha!!!!
Sunny: I find that offencive!
Rekko: im sorry! I wasnt laughing at ya, this hat is just so funny!!! ahahahaha!!
Sunny, Dezzer and Torok:
Torok: would you like to come with us on our journey, Sunny?
Sunny: absolutly!
Rekko: then lets go!!! *points in random direction*
Dezzer:Rekko, your pointing to a wall.
Rekko: err..I knew that! jeez Dezzer, I can figure things out!
Sunny: that I'd like to believe
Dezzer: lets just go to Taverly!
The 4 friends walked, and took a small break at Taverly.
Torok: lets get something to eat.
Rekko: Hey! there!!!
*Rekko bolted off to the summoning master.*
Torok: Is Rekko trying to eat Pikupstix( summoning master)..?
Dezzer: You mean the fat guy..? yea.
Pikupstix: get off me you imbicile!
Rekko continued to gnaw on Pikupstix's hand.
Pikupstix: you asked for it!
*pikupstix summoned a Spirit Kaliphite*
Rekko: ooooh...
Dezzer: Watch out!!!
before the spirit kalihpite could attack, Rekko..started hugging it.. .
Sunny: He isnt afraid of it..?
Torok: You should be amazed on how imbicilic Rekko is, enough to think a bug is huggable :|
Rekko: omg this thing is so awesome! Ill name it Bob!
Kaliphite: eeeep!!! ( whaaatt!?!?!)
Pikupstix: Your to strong!take the kaliphite pouches and leave me be!!!
Bob the kaliphite: blaaarrff!! eeeee!!!!( nooo! dont leave me with him!!!)
Rekko: cmon Bob!
Bob the kaliphite: Eeeeeeeeeeeyyy!!!( Noooo!!!!!)
Sunny: I think we better leave, I'll telleport us all to Camelot.
Sunny telleported her 3 friends, Bob, and herself to Camelot.
What will happen in the next chapter..?!?!?
keep reading to find out!

03-Feb-2008 23:59:56 - Last edited on 04-Feb-2008 00:09:16 by NewLuvStory

Dec Member 2005


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8: Camelot
The four friends and..bob...were now in Camelot, and I wonder if the Seer's have anything to say about Rekko's stupidity.
Rekko: ooooh...this place is awwwwwsome
Sunny: haha, yep.
Bob: ergg..( darn it!! )
Rekko: I think Bob is hungry
Dezzer: You should feed him your fish..hehehehe.
Rekko: how dare you suggest that! Bob is a vegitarian!
Bob: eeaaaaaarrr!!!!!!!( No im not!!!!! )
Torok: I can understand that
Rekko: thanks..whatever your name is.
Torok: :O
Seer: Hello
Sunny: Hiya mr. Seer.
Rekko: who's the old dude..? :|
Bob: raaaagrann!!! ( I'll have your head for this Rekko! )
Dezzer: be quiet you bug!
*Dezzer kicks Bob*
Bob: grrr...( grrr... )
Dezzer: uh-oh..
bob starts to chase Dezzer around Seer's Village.
Dezzer: Rekko! Help! for guthix sake! owch!
Rekko: busy with the old guy, im sure you can..
Dezzer: ow!
Rekko: handle..
Dezzer: eeeeaahh!!!
Rekko: it.. O_o
Sunny: This is the Seer, he owns Seer's Village.
Rekko: but I thought were in Camelot.
Torok: We WERE in camelot.
Dezzer: Help!!!
Seer: Ill help you!
*the seer puts a leash on Bob*
Dezzer: it was that easy..? :O
Seer: Yep. :D
Sunny: See how awesome this guy is..? :)
Rekko: Nope *rekko shoots an arrow at Seer*
Seer: Nooooo..*ded*
Sunny: :( he wasnt that cool anyway :|
Torok: lets go on to Aradougne.
Rekko: C'mon Bob!
Bob: yerr.. ( K )
The 4 friends and Bob went on to the city of Aradougne, where Rekko's idioticy has now started to reign.
Rekko: Where are we..?
Dezzer: Aradougne.
Rekko: at a door..?
Torok: aradougne.
Rekko: in the dough..?
Sunny: Aradougne!
Rekko: enguodara..? ( aradougne backwords.)
Torok, Dezzer and Sunny: just forget it!!!
This chapter is over, so wait for the next!

03-Feb-2008 23:59:56 - Last edited on 04-Feb-2008 00:10:47 by NewLuvStory

Dec Member 2005


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9: Friend or enemy?
In the last chapter, the 4 friends and bob were in Aradougne, and in this chapter they meet a new friend, or is it a new enemy?
Rekko: Ooooh..Fish! but they arnt green..they are..Gray! such a boring color!
Sunny: Rekko thats a shark.
Rekko: be quiet! *throws a pike at sunny's face*
Sunny: -.- *hits Rekko in the head with an ancient staff*
???: Mwahahahahahaa..
Dezzer: who's there..?
Bob:errrgh!!! ( lemme of the leash! )
???: im Atix.
Torok: you must be evil, you did an evil laugh
Atix: Who said it was evil..? uh, im not evil, im just..practicing my new "mwahaha" language :/
Dezzer: Liar -.-
Sunny: yea, he is a liar, right Rekko..?
Atix: Who's Rekko..?
Rekko: He I is!
Rekko has 9 sharks stuffed into his mouth at once.
Atix noticed the party hat on Rekko's head.
Atix: nice hat.
Rekko: grablahragh..( thanks )
Torok: wanna come with us Atix..?
Atix: why not.
Rekko: grablahrugh! ( lets go! )
Fish salesman: You stole my shark!
Paladin: prepare for your doom!
Rekko: urrrrghrablahghraaaaaaaaaaggh!!! ( )
Atix: I'll telleport us out of here.
the 5 of em and Bob were telleported to what appeared to be Al Kharid.
Dezzer: thanks Atix.
Sunny: haha, yea
Atix: No problem *snicker*
Torok: we should probably split up to get supplies.
I'll go with Rekko, Sunny can go with Atix, and Dezzer can go and get the runes for the telleports to Varrock.
Sunny: ok.
Rekko: Hey Dezzer, can Bob go with you..?
Dezzer: I don't think I-
Rekko: Good! here's his leash.
Dezzer: But-
Rekko: and his raw meat.
Dezzer: yea but-
Rekko: go on now!
Bob: Your okay for now, Dezzer..
Dezzer: did you just talk..?
Bob: who wants to know..?
Sunny: lets go!
Find out what happens to them when they split up in Al Kharid! NEXT CHAPTER!

03-Feb-2008 23:59:57 - Last edited on 04-Feb-2008 00:11:46 by NewLuvStory

Dec Member 2005


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10: Enemy
In the last chapter, the group split up, and we begin with Dezzer and Bob the kaliphite.
Dezzer: how on runescape can you talk..?
Bob: just get me some raw meat you fool.
Dezzer: why should I..?
Bob: do you mind remembering what happened in Camelot LAST time..?
Dezzer: ...... Raw meat you said..?..
Bob: yep.
Dezzer: *sigh* I wonder if Rekko is causing trouble
Bob: less talky more meaty -.-
While Dezzer was forced to feed Bob, Torok and Rekko were getting the lobsters for their trip.
Rekko: Why is that fish orange..? thats not natural! like my green fish!
rekko took a fish out of his backpack, it was smelly, and molding.
Torok: oh my lord! that thing smells worse than Bob!
Rekko: does'nt look bad to me.
Rekko takes a bite out of the most moldy part of the pike.
Torok: uuurrgh!! *barf*
Rekko: ~Whats wrong with him..? ~
meanwhile, Atix and Sunny were getting potions.
Sunny:We should get some anti poison potions, dont you think, Atix..?
Atix: ...
Sunny: Atix..?
atix: .......
Sunny: What are you doing, Atix..?
a dark aura appeared around Atix. Atix now had Black Robes and his rune longsword turned to a black like godsword.
Sunny: what the-
Atix: moved to quick for Sunny to speak. Atix slashed Sunny. Sunny died, then appeared in Lumbridge.
Atix: 1 down, 3 more to go, then Rekko will be in my power..
Atix went to his old clothing, and his black sword withdrew to rune.
meanwhile, in Lumbridge..
Sunny: Darn, I knew he was no good..
Well, I better go back and warn the others.
???: not so fast!
Sunny: who's there..?!
Blaze: its me!!
Sunny: I dont recall anyone by the name of Blaze.
Blaze: Im the high lvl you killed back in Falador.
10 high level soldiers appeared behind Blaze.
Sunny: oh jeez..
Blaze: you shall perish!
Sunny: haha, this will take awhile.
Will Sunny defeat Blaze...? will Atix get away with his evil deeds..? and what is Atix planning..? find out next chapter!

03-Feb-2008 23:59:57 - Last edited on 04-Feb-2008 00:12:41 by NewLuvStory

Dec Member 2005


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chapter 11: To Varrock!
in the last chapter, Atix killed Sunny, Bob demanded meat, Sunny was about to fight Blaze, and Torok barfed becuase Rekko ate a moldy fish.
Rekko: I dont see anything wrong with it..
Me: Be quiet! your not in the introduction!
Rekko: why?
Me: because I said so!
anyway, lets go on with the chapter.
Blaze: you shall perish!
Sunny: nuh uh..
Blaze: yuh huh.
Sunny: no.
Blaze: yes.
Sunny: no.
Blaze: yes.
Sunny: yes.
Blaze: No..
..wait..darn it!
Sunny: haha!
Blaze: darn you..!
Sunny used ancient magic and Blaze and his friends were telleported away.
Blaze: Not again! I shall have my revenge!!!
Sunny: Now to get back to the others.
Meanwhile, Dezzer, Bob, Torok, and Rekko finnaly met up at the gate.
Torok: I wonder where Sunny and Atix are.
Rekko: I wonder where my fish went.
Torok: You..ate them..*Torok holds back from barfing*
Dezzer:Hey! there's Atix!
Bob: grablarh. ( I want more meat )
Dezzer: shut it, Bob.
Bob: grrr.. you will-
***zer: I SAID SHUT IT BOB!!!
Bob: meep!
Torok: where's Sunny, Atix..?
Atix: she aaid she would meet us in Varrock.
Rekko: alright then, lets go!
Dezzer: I got the runes.
They all telleported to Varrock.
Sunny: Darn! I came too late.
I'll have to telleport fast.
Sunny telleported to Varrock.
What will happen in the city of varrock..? will Sunny warn them in time..?Or has Atix already trapped them..? Check thee next chapter to find out!

04-Feb-2008 00:01:49 - Last edited on 04-Feb-2008 00:13:02 by NewLuvStory

Dec Member 2005


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chapter 12: Revealed!
In the last chapter, Sunny defeated Blaze, Dezzer made Bob shut up, and now, Atix is trying to destroy Rekko and the others in Varrock.
Rekko: He is..?!
Me: uh, errr... ~ god i hate this guy :/ ~
Rekko, this is all a dream, this is not true, go back to varrock, back to the next scene...NOW!
Rekko: K.
me: lets begin the chapter!
Atix: here we are.
Torok: This place looks quite..empty.
Varrock had no people in i. it was a ghost town.
Dezzer: What is this..?!
Atix: You'll see.. mwahahahahahahaa!
The dark aura flowed around Atix, giving him dark robes, and his rune longsword turned into the black godsword.
Rekko: omg!
Atix: You shall perish! give me the party hat!
Sunny: NO!
Torok and Rekko: OMG!
Atix: stop saying omg!
Sunny: What do you want with the party hat..?
Atix: the party hat has a lot of power, because people will bow down to its glory, cuz its awsum. Thus, everyone shall bow down to mee! mwahahahaha!
Torok: then why arnt we bowing down to Rekko..?
Atix: Cuz he is a NOOB!
Sunny: So very true
Atix: Now you will meet your doom!
Atix used black magic and turned Torok to stone.
Dezzer: No!
Sunny: No!
Rekko: yes!
Sunny and Dezzer:
Rekko: I just wanted to do something different
Atix: Your next, Sunny!
Atix created a magic barrier and Sunny was trapped inside.
Sunny: Noo!!!!
Atix: mwahahahahahaaha!
Sunny: I'll get you for this!
Atix: nuh uh.
Sunny: yuh huh.
Atix: nuh uh.
Sunny: yuh huh.
Atix: nuh uh.
Sunny: nuh uh.
Atix: yuh huh..wait! aaarrrgh!!!!!!!
Sunny: haha!
Dezzer: *muffled laughter*
Atix: darn you Dezzer!
Atix used black magic to obliterate Dezzer.
Dezzer dodges it*
Dezzer: Aha!
Rekko stays on the side of the battle on a lawn chair while drinking soda and eating popcorn.
Me: You cant do that!
Rekko: What..If im not included this can turn into entertainment!
Me: *sigh* look for the next chapter!

04-Feb-2008 00:01:49 - Last edited on 04-Feb-2008 00:14:00 by NewLuvStory

Dec Member 2005


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13: Summoning
In the last hcapter, Atix was revealed, and thus the battle begins. Torok is trapped as stone, and Sunny trapped in a magic barrier. Dezzer and Rekko are left to fight Atix, but will they succeed..?
Atix: mwahahahaha! if my spells wont workon you, then ill use them on something else..!
Dezzer: what do you mean by that..?
Atix used a spell on Bob the kalphite and turned Bob into the kaliphite King!
Bob:mwahahahahahaahaha! Who's gonna shut up now.? hahahha!
Dezzer: holy guthix! aaaaaahhh!
Rekko: Bob! NOoo!!
Atix! you have gone too far! Feel the wrath of my green fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
100 pikes came from outside Varrock and were falling like rain.
Bob: omg!!! Im alergic to pike! eeeeaaahhh!!!
Dezzer: wow..I didnt think pike would work..a fish could destroy a giant Bug.. Im impressed
Rekko: Fear my fish!
Rekko came up to Atix and slapped him with a fish.
Atix: -.-
Dezzer: kinda a bad idea Rekko.
Atix went up to Dezzer and slashed him with the black godsword.
Dezzer: aaaaahhh!
Sunny: Nooo!
Torok in stone: n....( nooo )
Dezzer flew back to the walls of the staff shop.
Atix: mwahahhahahaha! now Rekko will be doomed!
Atix has cornered Rekko, and Dezzer is down! who will be able to help Rekko?
Rekko: my fish will! how dare you!
*Rekko hits me with a fish*
me: -.-

04-Feb-2008 00:01:49 - Last edited on 04-Feb-2008 00:15:50 by NewLuvStory

Dec Member 2005


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chapter 14: A new friend..?
In the last chapter, Bob the kalphite was defeated, as well, as all of Rekko's friends! who will be able to help Rekko now..?!
Atix: Rekko, you can not give the party hat and die, or you can give me the party hat and still die.
Rekko: isnt there a 3rd option..?
Atix: No!
Rekko: fine! *throws a pike at Atix's face*
Atix: raaaaaaaggh!!
???: its you!
Atix: who's there..?
???: my name is eclair.
Rekko: isnt that a pastry..?
Atix: I dunno
Eclair: be quiet, both of ya -.-
Atix: what are you doing here..? I had all the townspeople go into the sewers before I lured Rekko and the others here..
Dezzer: head..
Eclair finds barrelchest anchor.
Eclair: aha!
Eclair attempts to throw it, misses, and the anchor hits Dezzer in the head.
Dezzer: oww! *knocked out*
Eclair: whoops
Atix: mwahahahahahaha..
Rekko: I shall use my ultimate power! PARTY HAT POWER!
Atix: what..?!
Eclair: wow..
Rekko: fear the wrath of my green fish..with party hats!!!
Atix: this isnt logical! this isnt possible!!!
Eclair: Expect anything from a noob. :/
thousands of pikes..with party hats! were attacking Atix.
Eclair: I'll use my awesome power to send Atix to a unknown realm! where he shall suffer forever!
Rekko: dont ya think that's a little harsh..?
Sunny: Do you think what he did to us was harsh..?
Torok in stone: y... ( yeah! )
Rekko: good point
Atix: nooo!!!
Rekko! You will pay! I'll be back!!!
Eclair: hahahah!
Eclair telleported Atix to an unknown realm, thus ending the battle.
Torok was freed from the stone, Dezzer was okay, and Sunny was released from the magic barrier.
Sunny: You did it Rekko!
Torok: and so did you eclair!
Eclair: thanks
Rekko: lets celebrate! who wants fish!?
rekko shows everyone some smelly, old, outdated, moldy fish.
Torok: *barf*
Sunny: omg! that smells terrible!
Me: im down to 100 characters so ill make this quick..
Look for the next

04-Feb-2008 00:01:50 - Last edited on 04-Feb-2008 00:21:13 by NewLuvStory

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