For the Elves that was not good enough, and the war continued for three more years until they too finally broke down and accepted. Some clans, however, refused to accept the peace, and still launch raids into human territories to this day.
As for the Sorusian Empire, the war had been a costly affair, leaving the treasury nearly bankrupt, but in the end it endured.
In the coming years, more and more people made their way north, forming new towns and villages. The Duchies of Valender, Greenhaven, and Gara were established, which Maro gave to generals who served him well in the conquest. Iron mines were discovered to the west of Valenguard. The forests surrounding Greenhaven and Daralt were rapidly deforested revealing fertile soil underneath which turned the regions into agricultural powerhouses. In addition to this, Daralt also became a bustling port city. The new additions to the Sorusian Empire began to prosper, and a third Wizard Academy was established in Greenhaven.
Cidius's Conquest
Maro's grandson, Cidius II, would eventually take power. Just as ambitious as his grandfather, he too was resolved to expand the Empire by conquest, but he knew better than to attack the now-united elves.
Using the wood from the recently deforested north, he constructed a massive navy at Solace City. Then, with an army of 40,000 he crossed the Sorusian Channel and landed on Naris, Pyromancy Orb in hand. The gnomes surrendered quickly, knowing their jungles and tree-top settlements would be no match for the Orb. Their government, culture, and religion was left intact, but they had to provide regular tribute as well as their military support.
But Cidius was not done. Seeing how easily the Gnomes had yielded, he figured the three Drow Kingdoms would be the same. So he sailed further east, and landed in the Drow Isles. But to his surprise, the Drows did not yield.
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.
12-Jun-2018 03:42:32
- Last edited on
17-Jun-2018 20:10:44