Chapter 13-Old friend
BlackRiku was now 12 years old and asleep within the castle of Ardogne he woke up in the middle of night and smelt something familier
Nhoj:Whats wrong?
BlackRiku:I smell something familier, it's coming from the middle of the city..You stay here im going to go check it out
BlackRiku gets on his robes, gets his weapons
BlackRiku:Nhoj can I take the mage blade with me?
Nhoj:Sure, it's still connected to you I think
BlackRi*u takes the mage mage blade and goes out into the middle of the city and to his surprize he see's his old friend, Soras, they were frinds when BlackRiku was 4 years old, yet they did not recondnize each other
Soras:Huh, who are you?
BlackRiku:Hyro sent you didn't he?!
Soras:No, I hate Hyro!!
BlackRiku:Lier!! *BlackRiku pulls out the mage blade out of no were*
*Soras feels threatend so he pulls out his Keyblade*
Soras:The..Mage Blade
BlackRiku:So it is you =D wow it's been a long time
Soras:Yeah really long, what in the hell happend to you, you became a half demon?! Ah well, none the less, listen to me, Hyro is up to something, he is going to attack a town
ang it, yeah I became like this 4 years ago, it's a big change, but It made me stronger, and a whole lot more agile, Nevermind me though, Hyro is going to attack?
Soras:Yeah, we gotta stop him, hmm, I wonder how much stronger you got? Wanna Spar
BlackRiku: =D Sure, lets go!
Soras takes out his KeyBlade
BlackRiku pulls out the Mage Blade
They fight, BlackRiku Swings at the top, Soras dodges, they both get hit somtime, they fight until they both see that the weapons are Equily matched
They are both gasping for air
BlackRiku:Alright, we are equil *Gasp*
Soras:Yeah *Gasp*, lets talk about Hyro's plan
BlackRiku:Sure follow me
BlackRiku and Soras go to the hotel, Wake up the others and plan, they stay up all night talking
BlackRiku was now 12 years old and asleep within the castle of Ardogne he woke up in the middle of night and smelt something familier
Nhoj:Whats wrong?
BlackRiku:I smell something familier, it's coming from the middle of the city..You stay here im going to go check it out
BlackRiku gets on his robes, gets his weapons
BlackRiku:Nhoj can I take the mage blade with me?
Nhoj:Sure, it's still connected to you I think
BlackRi*u takes the mage mage blade and goes out into the middle of the city and to his surprize he see's his old friend, Soras, they were frinds when BlackRiku was 4 years old, yet they did not recondnize each other
Soras:Huh, who are you?
BlackRiku:Hyro sent you didn't he?!
Soras:No, I hate Hyro!!
BlackRiku:Lier!! *BlackRiku pulls out the mage blade out of no were*
*Soras feels threatend so he pulls out his Keyblade*
Soras:The..Mage Blade
BlackRiku:So it is you =D wow it's been a long time
Soras:Yeah really long, what in the hell happend to you, you became a half demon?! Ah well, none the less, listen to me, Hyro is up to something, he is going to attack a town

Soras:Yeah, we gotta stop him, hmm, I wonder how much stronger you got? Wanna Spar
BlackRiku: =D Sure, lets go!
Soras takes out his KeyBlade
BlackRiku pulls out the Mage Blade
They fight, BlackRiku Swings at the top, Soras dodges, they both get hit somtime, they fight until they both see that the weapons are Equily matched
They are both gasping for air
BlackRiku:Alright, we are equil *Gasp*
Soras:Yeah *Gasp*, lets talk about Hyro's plan
BlackRiku:Sure follow me
BlackRiku and Soras go to the hotel, Wake up the others and plan, they stay up all night talking
09-Dec-2006 19:46:05