
Light or Darkness (The Story)

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Riku Zerati

Riku Zerati

Posts: 701 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ok so first of all The full title is Light or Darkness, Friends Or Rivals ^_^ I will try as hard as I can to keep this Thread alive.

So the story is about a boy named BlackRiku, he will one day have to choose between light or darkness and follow him threw his life, the twists and turns that happen, and the exiting journeys allow me to introduce the cast

BlackRiku- Blackriku (Ally)
Aragorn- Aragorn1649 (ally)
Red- Redminotaur7 (ally)
Zotiac(later turns into Hohofat)- Ho_hofat (ally)
Jin- Made up character xD (ally)
Random people- Random people
Matt-Holy Hell12 (Rival)
Hyro-Gokustick500 (Rival)
Kittykoo444- kyu (Pet)
Kyle- Chrisn44 (Rival)
Nhoj-Nhoj448 (ally)
Ares-Master R77

NOTE: I do have permission to from my friends in runescape to post them in the story.

RULES:All Jagex Rules do count, after im done with the introduction I will post this: Feel free to post idea's for the next Episode I will put you in The story but I will need your info.

Name: (This is not your real name, but your character in the storys name)
Age: (This is not your real age, but the age of your character in the story)
Weapon: (This is what weapon or weapons you will have in the story)
God: (This is what side you are on, Saradomin, Guthix, Zamorack, or Zoros
Race: (human, demon, ect.)
Small Bio: (this is were you tell what your character has went threw in the past, and his personality)

UPDATE: we have enough allys

10-Nov-2006 23:07:05 - Last edited on 14-Jan-2007 23:12:06 by Riku Zerati



Posts: 401 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hurikotsu(which is like a giant boomerang) Zamorak
Demon(The good kind, like i got horns,im human size,long hair,red skin lol,yellow eyes
a dark figure...not so big on Being an immense jerk to everbody, very nice,But in self defense uses his weapon/or his transformation,all around a nice guy that has alot of jokes to tell!

10-Nov-2006 23:09:47 - Last edited on 10-Nov-2006 23:21:36 by [#1ZZ2HTG2Z]

Hyro Silver

Hyro Silver

Posts: 1,916 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Wepon: Demon Sword
Race: (human, demon, ect.):Human/Demon
Small Bio: A shady character who loves killing and bloodshed. His white hair confuses most of his kin but he still is part demon.

10-Nov-2006 23:12:00 - Last edited on 10-Nov-2006 23:12:17 by Hyro Silver

Riku Zerati

Riku Zerati

Posts: 701 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter1:The Birth of a hero

2000 years ago when the world was young the City of Faladoor was still a Vary, vary, VARY small town.Faladoor was the city of the White knites and were the good guys, then there were also the Black Knites who were evil, they were both at war with each other. There were also 3 gods Saradomin (the good god), Zamorack (the Evil god) and Guthix(The god of balance , was not good , nor was he evil) Iban was the son of Zamorack, and was evil , he also just had a son, the mother of the child was a Guthan Witch named Varisa.Iban was not a god , he lived on Earth, but had godlike powers. Iban=Half god/half human.

Baby:WHAAAAAAA!!*sob* *somhow kills a Iban priest at 3 months old!*

Iban:The child is powerful for his age, maybe to powerful..

Verisa:hahaha scince when have I heard you say "to much power"?

*slauter heard from outside*
*Paladians bash threw door*
Paladian Captain: So Iban, we meet again, this time we have come to finish you off!!! You are still wounded from our last battle hahahahahahahaaaaaa!

Iban:Shut up fool,
*Uses somthing like the force off of star wars to get his his Iban Staff*
your troops are weak, unlike you..*kills all of his troops with 1 blow* Veresa, take the child to the black knites he has light and darkness within him he is also powerful, so he will live.

Veresa: My dearest! He could die!

Iban:NOW!!!!!!! BTW his name will be, Riku..

Veresa:yes dearest..*looks at child*..Riku *disapears*

Iban:If I die, I have no regrets about traveling with you into the Netherworld (the Afterlife) So...lets fight..

Captain: Yes , lets...

*they battle it out for hours until they both die*

*Iban rips threw Captains armour and casts Iban Blast on his stomach*
*captain Lunges him with his Ultimate Oblivion Sword on his way down*


11-Nov-2006 00:50:06 - Last edited on 12-Nov-2006 02:41:26 by Riku Zerati

Riku Zerati

Riku Zerati

Posts: 701 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 2, A new name and a new home!!
As I told you in the first Chapter the White Knites were at war with the Black Knites, and sadly Riku is being abandon at the age of 3 months.

Veresa:*Steps out of a dark portal with Riku and they are in front of the Black Knites fortress* Guthix forgive me for doing this, I care for my child so much, but I fear Iban.. *makes a note* *the note reads: Dear Black knites please take care of my child he is 3 months old , it would be wise to take care of him, for he is the son of Iban and holds great powers and could destroy you all his nmae is Riku..Plz teach him the ways of Zamorack, evil, and chaos, for this is not what I want but this is what Iban wants, I do not believe in evil..* Guthix , once again plz forgive me


Veresa:*looks at Riku* *crys* Im sorry Riku, someday I will come back for you!! *puts note on Basket that Riku is in, then puts basket on ground , finally opens a portal and goes some were else*

Riku: :l :(

*A Black Knite named Hyro walks out the door and see's the Clild*

Hyro: ...... :D something to kill ^_^ *draws sword*

Riku: O_o *crys*

Hyro:....Huh whats this? *pulls off note atached to the basket* :O Nooooooooooo! *runs into the castle to warn the others*

Riku: :( *crys* *as riku crys a bright light , brighter than the sun comes out of Riku's hands, Riku points his hands to the Black Knites Castle , the bright light kills all the Black Knites astonishingly!! Surprizingly Hyro lives threw it*

*the light from Riku's hands stops*
*Hyro sneaks out the door in dark shady robes to find Riku giggling*

Hyro:WHAT DO YOU TAKE ME FOR :@ ?!!!!! *Brings his demon Sword out and points it to Riku about to Kill him*

*When Hyro is about to slash his sword, a miricle happens*

Hyro :P repare to die child.. *is about to slash but freezes, he see's an army of White knites behind the childs basket*


Note:This chaper will be extended.

11-Nov-2006 03:30:22 - Last edited on 25-Nov-2006 04:29:04 by Riku Zerati

Riku Zerati

Riku Zerati

Posts: 701 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 2, a new name and a new home!! (continued)

Hyro see's an army of White Knites behind Riku's basket and the leader of the army is a mage

Mage:*points Magic Blade at Hyro* Just what in the Bloody hell are you Black Knites doing now?!!

Hyro:Get that sword out of my face fool, this child killed my comrrads!!

Mage:*looks at the fortress and then looks at the Child* He is a halfling (a person with unknown powers) isn't he..?

Hyro: AHHHHHH!! Time to do what I love, blood slosh!!!! (insane laugh) *tries to swing the sword at the child*

Mage: (says in echo) Freeze!! *as soon as he says that Hyro gets frozen inside a block of ice*

Hyro:I-l-l b-b-b-e b-b-bac-***** (I'll be back)

With those words Hyro goes unconchin*e in side the block of ice.

Mage:Hmm whats this *picks up note near Riku's basket and reads it* so this child is the son of Iban, hmm I wonder if Grashaa (leader of the White Knites) would let me raise him..

after a couple of days Alexander (the mage) go's to Grashaa with the child.

Alex:Hello Grash*a.

Grash*a:Good day Alex , I see you have a child with you, is he yours?

Alex:Actually, Grash*a thats what I came to talk to you about, you see this child is the son of Iban, yet he is not half god, he barely has darkness within his soul, he seems just to be a normal halfling, like me, he has anourmos amount of light within , he is also vary powerful, he could become a White Knite as he grows.

Grashaa:Yes raise him to be a White Knite he will be a powerful worrior I hope.

Alex: Thank you, Grashaa *walks outside of Grashaa's office* Wow um Riku I guess this means that your, my son

Riku was renamed BlackRiku because of were Alexander found him, other people chitisized him somtimes because of his name but he did not know what they were talking about so he was not sad

Chapter compleated, the Next Chapter will be, The Tragic War and 2 New Friends!!

11-Nov-2006 04:34:44 - Last edited on 12-Nov-2006 02:46:06 by Riku Zerati

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