
Light or Darkness (The Story)

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Riku Zerati

Riku Zerati

Posts: 701 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 7-In Exchange For Power

Some people say that for everything you get you must give somthing in Exchange, Zotiac wanted to see his brother and got possest but did see him, BlackRi*u transformed and got new abilitys but lost his normal child form and his halfling powers, Nhoj had chosen to be the guardian of BlackRiku and has now lost his human form,Matt has not gained anything yet,Kyu has not gained anything yet, Kyle has gained a pure demonic form but remember he not only says darkness consume me but also LIGHT consume me does that mean he is slowly becoming LESS evil?, what about Hyro though he has turned into a werewolf,and lost a battle with BlackRiku, but thats not enough to give after all the lives he has taken he must give some one CLOSE to him

Hyro: I have lost, I must train, or I will die.

Mystery Voice:Go to the chaos temple within the wilderness.


MV:U will never find out person of Bloodshed go to the Chaos temple for there awaits a SURPRIZE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, so many things to learn, yet you know nothing..

Hyro: :@ somthing tells me this will not end well..

Hyro goes into the depts of the wilderness and goes to the chaos temple, he astonished, and horrified to see that his parents are dead, bloody, and have the letter D carved inside they're stomach


MV:HAHAHAHAHAHA do you wish to know what the D stands for?


MV:It means..DEATH

Hyro:You..are death?

Death:hahahahahaha yes that I am..

Death appears like a ghost out of nowere and is a skelliton with ghostly robes and a scyth

Death: Do you like it?

Hyro:why, why did you do this?!!

Death:You did this to yourself by picking darkness and letting it consume your entire being, and also when you became a werewolf you had to give somthing in exchange and for all the lives u have taken, you lost the people dearest to you don't attack me 1 touch and your dead..

Death Dissapear

19-Nov-2006 18:06:05 - Last edited on 19-Nov-2006 18:09:08 by Riku Zerati

Hyro Silver

Hyro Silver

Posts: 1,916 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey ho hofat... i did add you, and blackriku. i like that last thing u just wrote :P really interesting. Can i continue hyro's story? i want something to make him cry, that just devastates him to the max.... that makes him want to die, you all should know what will happen.... and ho hofat, dont critisize me :@ I know how to write good stories, i've taken class and wrote a 30 page "Book". so dont tell me what to do. the way blackriku's doing the stories i thought u were a human... ok? well i wont be on RS till later so i'll waitur answer

19-Nov-2006 20:07:37 - Last edited on 19-Nov-2006 20:09:16 by Hyro Silver

Hyro Silver

Hyro Silver

Posts: 1,916 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-Shade's Offer- Chapter 6 Hyro's Story

Hyro stood there in the Temple. He looked at his parents and laid on his knees. As he was there a person came up to him. Hyro looked at the guy in anger. The guy charged Hyro and Hyro took out his dagger and stabbed the guy 5 times. Each time he would take it out and yell DIE!!! The body went to Lumbridge and all his stuff was left. As Hyro was looking throught he stuff he found a few runes. He took the runes and tried to heal his parents. He tried and tried and tried, but nothing came. He left on his Jungle Demon and dared not look back.

Hyro got back to the castle and found Kyle.

Hyro: My parents.... are dead.

Kyle: They were good people Hyro.

Hyro: Yes, yes they were...

Kyle: But I might have something to cheer you up.

Hyro looks around in confusion and sees the most beautifulist thing in the world(to him), Julia. He forgot about his dead parents and walked over to her.

Julia: Hello, my husband died...

Hyro: I'm very sorry to hear that.

Julia: No your not. *she chuckled lightly*

Hyro: I'm glad you came here Julia... You are my light you know that?

Julia smiled at Hyro, and for the second time in his life Hyro blushed. He took Julia's hand and took her to see the castle, even his secret spot. At the end, watching the sunset. They had a romantic talk *Private* and, before they went to their rooms, she kissed him.

Hyro woke up with a grin on his face. He walked into the dining room to see Julia sitting down, eating scrambled chompy eggs. Hyro walked over to her and said,

Hyro: How was your night?

Julia: Great, although I was alone last night....

Hyro: Yes, it does get lonely doesn't it. *He laughs*

He and Julia went together to the War room, there they met Matt and Kyle already up and sparring. They watched and laughed as Kyle got frustrated cause Matt's boomerang hit the back of his head.


19-Nov-2006 20:35:24 - Last edited on 19-Nov-2006 21:01:40 by Hyro Silver

Hyro Silver

Hyro Silver

Posts: 1,916 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-Shade's Offer- Chapter 6 of Hyro's Story

That day was probably the best day of Hyro's life.

Before nightfall, when the sun was dropping, he and Julia were at the secret spot, telling each other their exciting lives. When it was about 11 o'clock, Julia asked Hyro if it was ok if that night she could be with Hyro, of course Hyro got nervous and scared. He blushed as he said ok.

The next morning Hyro woke up with a start, something was wrong, very wrong, he looked around and saw Julia fast asleep beside him. Atleast she was ok. He jumped out of the bed and got dressed. He smelt something after he walked out of the room. There was an intruder...

Running to the war room he finds Matt and Kyle.

Hyro: You smell that? There's someone here that's not welcome.

Kyle: Aye, Matt saw him, but it's a mage, or more like a-uh, what was it again Matt?

Matt: I got up and looked outside in the morning and saw a guy in black robes. I didn't see his face or any body parts, just a black robe walking around.

Hyro then ran towards his bedroom. He jumped in and looked around. A strike of fear came to him as he saw the man in black robes beside the bed. The man looked at Hyro, and to Hyro's releif it was not Death, but Hyro was still worried.

????: Is this your gal?

Hyro paused... daring not to speak and take action. He still waited, then spoke.

Hyro: Aye, why?

????: I don't know, she's pretty that's why.

The man took off his hood and looked at Hyro. Hyro looked at the man.

Hyro: Welcome, Shade. Why are you here?

Shade: I bring news, we shades would like to help you in the war, but I have bad news. One of our kin killed your parents *he laughed at Hyro*

Hyro: Your death has come Shade, tell your people they are not welcome in MY war...

Shade: Whatever, your funeral...

Hyro let the shade pass him quietly. Hyro then ran to Julia and kissed her.


19-Nov-2006 20:47:58 - Last edited on 19-Nov-2006 21:01:26 by Hyro Silver

Hyro Silver

Hyro Silver

Posts: 1,916 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-Shade's Offer- Chapter 6 of Hyro's Story

She woke and looked around and saw nothing out of the ordinary. Hyro looked into her eyes and she then knew something happened, he told her.

As Hyro walked through the castle, he went to his spot. He sat there thinking if he should accept or decline the shades offer. He thought for hours. Finnally Julia came up and sat down.

Julia: Hyro, I think we should accept these shades. They are powerful, without them we may lose. But with them we will dominate!

Hyro: Yes but I don't trust them, they are sly and evil like me. They would attack me and my loved ones if they had the chance.

Julia: But who's left? I know your parents are dead, but what else can you lose?

Hyro looked away.

Hyro: You. If I lose you I would die crying, I wouldn't be able to live. I cannot lose anyone so dear to me as you...

Julia blushed. She looked at Hyro.

Julia: If I lose you I would die crying too. But I want to fight with you.

Hyro knew she was a powerful warrior. He took her hand.

Hyro: Then lets fight to the end.

They kissed then Hyro went to the war room.

Hyro: Lets do something. Shall we call upon the shades?

Kyle: Aye!

Matt: Aye!

Hyro: Then so be it, the shades are our allies. Tell them we are going to attack Al Kharid tommorrow, at dawn.

Kyle: How are we going to reach them?

Hyro: Bury some bones....

Kyle looked at Hyro with curiousity. He then took some bones and burried them, a shade appeared with a portal and Kyle folowed the shade. Hyro watched as the portal closed.

The next morning, before the attack, he talked to Julia. They decided to fight together. To the end. Hyro laughed at Julia's battle face.

Kyle returned 1/2 an hour before dawn and told Hyro they accepted. Hyro took the army into Al Kharid and attacked it. He fought with Julia and they both captured the city with ease and pride. Little did Hyro know that the shades had their own army.

19-Nov-2006 20:48:54 - Last edited on 19-Nov-2006 21:01:11 by Hyro Silver

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