
Light or Darkness (The Story)

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Riku Zerati

Riku Zerati

Posts: 701 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter5-The Transformation And A Dark Hearted Discovery

BlackRiku had woken up and he, and Nhoj were flying on kyu, they were to high the could see from Faladoor, all the way to Canifis after drinking the blood of Hyro and he felt different for some reason, power was growing within him.

BlackRiku:*Wakes up* huh? Oh hey Nhoj *yawn* im thirsty, can u throw me a bucket of water?

Nhoj:Huh? Oh sure *he is still wounded and bleeding from the fight, but he throws the bucket of water to BlackRiku*

BlackRiku:uh thanks,Nhoj, your bleeding,what happened?

Nhoj:Uh, nothing, don't worry about it..

BlackRiku :O k, if you say so *takes his H.A.M hood off (he weres ham robes, Gnome ammy, red boots and gloves, and mage sord, and D-long now) and he looks into the water, to his surprize his hair has turned from Black to Silver* huh?!*BlackRiku has a flashback of the night he drank Hyro's blood* :@ ..Hey it looks kinda cool, although I feel somthing about me is changing..

Nhoj(human form):Hmm what a cowinsodince..Hope you will live, remember this if you die, I will die also, I am your guardian.

BlackRiku's Transformation was not yet complete this was only the first stage, the next day he would be "Transformed* compleatly.

Evil was working up at Hyro's fortress as Hyro sat at his throne of darkness angrily,although he was happy of his new abilitys he was thinking of a way to capture the child

Matt:Lord Hyro!Our mage has found out information about the child!!

Kyle & Hyro:Well lets go!

Kyle,Hyro,And Matt go to the dark mage within the wilderness

DM(Dark Mage): Ah it is an honor to meet you Hyro.

Hyro:Thank you, now were is the boy?

DM:We do not know but we have found out that he has a brother named Zotiac, he is traveling inside Ardogne, he seems to be a half man, half wolf.

Hyro:Exelent, Matt Prepare my Lesser demon, were going to Ardogne..


Hyro,Kyle,and Matt go to Ardogne

Zotiac:Huh, who are you?

*To Be Continued*

17-Nov-2006 23:08:13

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

IF u did die i wouldnt automaticly die but the WORLD would be doomed to darkness FOREVER and i would probly go insan killing anything in my path and then be destroyed by guthix himeself :O

Just so you know :|

18-Nov-2006 00:08:59 - Last edited on 18-Nov-2006 00:09:33 by Hex the wolf



Posts: 1,149 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-chapter 1 of kyle's story-

while zotiac and hyro r talking, a mysterious guy comes to kyle.

(mytery man): come with me i have a way to make u stronger but itll only take a few minutes.
kyle:ok lets go then

so the mystery man teles them both to a strange place

kyle:whoa where r we?
mm:we r now in scaperune but thats not important. now ill show u to become stronger. u r part demon correct?
kyle:well ya, but whats that got to do with anything
mm:*chuckles* ill show u. all u got to do is say these words angrily. "DARK SIDE CONSUME ME!!!!"

all of a sudden he turns into a demon with incredible powers!

mm:light side take over!

mm turns back into human

mm:now i shall teach u this. first u have to become mad, and fighting will make u angry

kyle pulls out his demon battle axe and mm pulls out dragon 2h and they start fighting. kyle keeps on missing mm so he becomes angry

mm:good, now say the words

kyle turns into a powerful demon and they continuing fighting.kyle hits mm but mm is protected so he isnt injured.

kyle:light side take over! *turns back to himself* that was awesome
mm:now i must take u back, ur friend is waiting for u.
kyle: wait. before i go whats ur name
mars(now knowing his name):i am mars a powerful combat fighter. now ill take u back and we shall meet again.
kyle: ok cya sometime then

kyle gets teled back to adroundge and hyro spots him

hyro:where have u been?!? ive been looking for u. that kid is blackriku's bro i got him to answer me a few questions.
kyle: long story buddy but ive learned a new power which u will see soon.
hyro:kk just glad ur safe.

18-Nov-2006 00:22:56 - Last edited on 18-Nov-2006 21:55:15 by Chrisn44

Riku Zerati

Riku Zerati

Posts: 701 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter5-The Transformation And A Dark Hearted Discovery

Hyro has tried to talk to Zotiac about BlackRiku and were to find him

Hyro:Well I TRIED to talk to him but, he will only tell me afew things, like hair coler ect. he knows who I am, he said leave now or I will split you open, I would destroy him , but he is containing alot of info for a 7 year old

Kyle:Hmm I see, cant u posses people?

Hyro:Good Idea! Now what was this power again?

Kyle: :@ I already said I would show u l8er!

Hyro: :@ Why if you were not my best friend!! *Sigh* Alright then let me try this 1 more time..


Hyro:HAHA I HAVE OTHER WAYS TO GET THE BOY!! *Starts talking in Unknown Language*

Zotiac: :@ I SAID GO AW- *be4 Zotiac could finish Hyro possest Zotiac, his eyes turned pitch black..He was not in control any longer*

Kyle:Well he's possest, what are u going to do now?

Hyro: Quiet for a moment *Hyro starts to sniff with his nose*

Kyle:What do u smell?

Hyro:It's the boy, I have his scent, he is coming to Ardogne..we will kill him at night afterall of these years, I will finally get my revenge, unless he accepts my offer for him to join us..


BlackRiku: Hey Nhoj , look it's Ardogne

Nhoj: Yes , I guess we could stay here for a night, sure does beat a cave..

Kyu: =D

Nhoj: Sorry Kyu but u will have to stay outside

Kyu: =(

Nhoj & BlackRiku land

BlackRiku:Hey Nhoj, you will start training me soon right?

Nhoj: Huh? Oh sure.

BlackRiku: what ya go huh for?

Nhoj: Oh it's just the wounds, and the fact im getting hungry lol

BlackRiku: Oh, hmm well I've never tried Chinese food b4..

Nhoj: Wait till ya try it then =D lets go!

*they get the food (Egg rolls, fried rice, and pork) then they look for a hotel check in, eat, and go to sleep*

BlackRiku wakes up at 11:30 at night to hear the sound of his brother


18-Nov-2006 01:01:39 - Last edited on 18-Nov-2006 01:04:02 by Riku Zerati

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