-chapter 1 of kyle's story-
while zotiac and hyro r talking, a mysterious guy comes to kyle.
(mytery man): come with me i have a way to make u stronger but itll only take a few minutes.
kyle:ok lets go then
so the mystery man teles them both to a strange place
kyle:whoa where r we?
mm:we r now in scaperune but thats not important. now ill show u to become stronger. u r part demon correct?
kyle:well ya, but whats that got to do with anything
mm:*chuckles* ill show u. all u got to do is say these words angrily. "DARK SIDE CONSUME ME!!!!"
all of a sudden he turns into a demon with incredible powers!
mm:light side take over!
mm turns back into human
mm:now i shall teach u this. first u have to become mad, and fighting will make u angry
kyle pulls out his demon battle axe and mm pulls out dragon 2h and they start fighting. kyle keeps on missing mm so he becomes angry
mm:good, now say the words
kyle turns into a powerful demon and they continuing fighting.kyle hits mm but mm is protected so he isnt injured.
kyle:light side take over! *turns back to himself* that was awesome
mm:now i must take u back, ur friend is waiting for u.
kyle: wait. before i go whats ur name
mars(now knowing his name):i am mars a powerful combat fighter. now ill take u back and we shall meet again.
kyle: ok cya sometime then
kyle gets teled back to adroundge and hyro spots him
hyro:where have u been?!? ive been looking for u. that kid is blackriku's bro i got him to answer me a few questions.
kyle: long story buddy but ive learned a new power which u will see soon.
hyro:kk just glad ur safe.
18-Nov-2006 00:22:56
- Last edited on
18-Nov-2006 21:55:15