Rupinasu was so enthralled by his howl he did not notice the temporary immolation nearby, ended with time travel. Whilst the ruckus within the bar continued, Rupinasu was faced with a pointed sword. As the blade gleamed, Rupinasu’s face paused with a goofily contorted expression. So there he stood, playful attempts failed, attention disfavorable, and
no treats
Everything harmonic about Rupinasu flashed away, impulsive immaturity replaced with frozen ferocity. Wild-eyed, fur flared, lips parted with revealed fangs, Rupinasu backhanded the blade and attempted to grab Cindal’s forearm (of her sword arm) two-handed to yank her towards himself whilst jumping into her, going for a knee strike and then bicycling his legs at her abdomen to claw with his foot paws, trying to pull her down while biting and pawing at her face and neck.
The furball growled with every exhale and snarled with every inhale, hyperventilating wrathfully and noisily, slobber flicking about, a beast out of control...
19-Jul-2020 16:35:21
- Last edited on
20-Jul-2020 09:02:29
Azi Demonica