Larus theorized from his own studies that in ages gone by, Yommi were more widespread about the lands. He stated excitedly that to encourage the faster growth of all trees and to help reforest the lands and satisfy the ever-growing need for quality timber, the Yommi tree was conceivably cross-germinated with many other species to create hybrids that grew at an accelerated rate. However, to test this conjecture, the Seer told me that the only thing to do would be to travel to Karamja Island, where the Yommi was last sighted by the writer of these scrolls, recover an existing specimen -- if one even existed -- and allow him to compare leaf forms, root structures, growth patterns and so on.
I am no master herbologist by any means, but I saw the logic in his ideas. I had to get to Karamja to continue the quest.
Knowing several salty characters in the fishing port of Catherby, I was able to buy cheap passage on a small trawler to Brimhaven on northern Karamja. Once there, I sharpened my trusty axe, acquired a long machete from a local tribesman after promising to fix up his fence in my spare time, and hacked southwards into the thick jungle.
Larus had told me that the further south I went the more chance I would have of finding a Yommi tree, and he had provided me with as detailed a description of it as he could. I felt confident in my task as I progressed, though the jungles are not for the faint of heart.
After several more weeks of toil, and a number of unpleasant scrapes with poisonous denizens, I made it through to a section of jungle that was off the southern edge of my map. I needed a longer piece of paper, and fast! But onwards I went. I had to cut through a great deal of undergrowth and endure onslaughts from many vicious beasts including the cunning Karamja wolf, but I felt in my heart that I was getting closer to finding my tree.
10-Aug-2007 04:06:42
- Last edited on
10-Aug-2007 05:02:13