

Quick find code: 49-50-663-31620033



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Chapter 10: White Navy

"You ready to go to the Arena?" Tyler asked asked as he and Josh walked through Falador on their way to the spaceport, adamantite armor shining in the virtual sun.

"No, I'm out of laser runes," Josh replied. "Does Falador even have a rune shop? I've never tried to find it."

"No, you have to go to Port Sarim to find a rune store."

"Where's Port Sarim?"

"It's a town south of here on the coast of the largest ocean in the solar system. I went there one time when your family went on vacation earlier this summer."

"Okay, I guess we have to go to the moon then."

They took a left to get to the POM portal and stepped onto the teleporter panel.

They were soon standing on TWoL's moon, which had grown quite a bit since its creation. In the distance they could hear yells and sounds of friendly competition in the clan's own combat arena. There were now more Warriors of Legend than Josh knew the names of and predictably there were always several hanging out on the moon.

Josh and Tyler walked over to the nearest building. The automatic door opened with a hiss and they walked into a room filled with computers and high-tech equipment.

"Stevie, what's up?" Tyler called out to the NPC sitting at a computer console, who looked up with a smile.

The clan was raking in tons of money from staked arena battles and player kills so Josh hired Stevie from the Lumbridge general store to work for TWoL.

He no longer had to scrub bronze single-ops for a living, now he kept track of all the locators and sensors the clan had all around the solar system as well as organizing the clan's records.

"Stevie, why don't you take a break and come to the Arena with us?" Josh asked.

"I'd rather not. Our locators show that DoR has showed up at the Arena in full force and our hidden cameras confirm it."

"We shouldn't let them affect what we do. Let's go anyway. If they challenge us, we tell them not to waste our time, no big deal," said Tyler.

26-Sep-2006 03:33:56 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 22:54:16 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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They agreed and stepped through a door on the other side of the room which led to the hangar, where dozens of ships from single-ops to quad-ops, from iron to adamantite, were parked.

"Where are you going?" Stevie asked Josh and Tyler who walked past the ships.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. We need to stop by Port Sarim first to buy a few laser runes. Sarim has no POM portal, so we'll need a LAV to get there from Falador," Tyler explained.

The light assault vehicles were in the back, past the tanks. These were similar to the cars the goblins drove and Lady Keli's getaway car. There were no side panels, the skeleton of adamantite bars were all that covered the outside of the vehicle. This was a triple-op model, meaning that two option turrets could swing out from the sides. But right now the turrets were folded back for better aerodynamics.

Tyler jumped into the driver's seat while Stevie took the passenger seat and Josh stood in the back. The engine roared and Tyler peeled out of the hangar racing toward the portal. He didn't slow down as they went up the ramp onto the portal and they were teleported in midair.

They appeared several feet above the ground in Falador and came crashing down onto the portal, which they rolled off slowly.

Tyler took it a little slower going through the city of Falador, but finally they reached the southern gate and he floored it.

As they roared over the dusy grassland of the coastal plain, they could see Port Sarim in the distance. They city was composed of white houses in Mediterranean style. Beyond them was a vast dock where massive white battleships glowed in the sunlight. And beyond that was the sparkling, clear blue ocean that covered most of the planet of Falador.

26-Sep-2006 03:34:00 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 23:08:23 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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With the LAV parked, Josh, Tyler, and Stevie began walking towards the Rune Store to buy some runes.

Suddenly a siren blared and red lights flashed throughout the entire town. The door to the shops were all slammed shut and barred in front of them.

"What's going on?" yelled Tyler over the noise.

"I don't know! Let's aske them!" Stevie yelled while pointing at a line of white knights filing out of a building and running towards the port.

"What's the matter?" Josh asked one of them as they jogged alongside the soldiers.

"Air raid, sah! Black knight battleships and spaceships on their way as we speak ! You ought tah come wif us, we could use the help," one of the white knights replied in an accent that was slightly comical despite the dire situation. "The name's Sir Tiffy. Follow me!"

They followed the odd sailor as he jogged along the docks and finally reached a ramp leading up onto one of the gleaming white battleships. They were barely across the ramp when it was raised and they heard the roar of the engine turning the massive propellers.

With a screaming sound, dozens of black spaceships flew overhead. A nearby battleship was struck with several missiles before exploding in a ball of fire.

A piece of shrapnel embedded itself in the skull of a white knight who was operating a nearby anti-aircraft gun.

"Right then," said Sir Tiffy grimacing. "One o' you ought tah take his place. The rest come wif me."

Tyler pushed the dead soldier out of his seat and took the controls of the AA gun.

Josh and Stevie continued as they heard the screaming of the bombers again, along with the thud of the AA gun. There was an explosion and they heard Tyler yelling in celebration.

"Ok, one o' you needs tah set the depf charges and the other needs tah man a bomber." Tiffy continued.

"I'll take care of the depth charges," said Stevie.

"Ok, I'll fly a bomber then," Josh gulped.

26-Sep-2006 03:34:03 - Last edited on 29-Sep-2006 02:08:36 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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Josh ran around to the other side of the battleship where white bombers sat in rows. He found an unoccupied craft and climbed in. The controls were exactly the same as any other ship, except for an extra panel controlling the bomb and missile systems.

He made the ship hover and guided it slowly out of the formation of parked vehicles and took off out over the water. Now he could see black battleships approaching the port.

Meanwhile Stevie was being taught how to use the depth charges.

"I remember the old days when all we had was a barrel of gunpowder and a fuse that we shortened to determine how soon it blew up. Now we have these complicated digital electronic things," an elderly sailor lectured.

Stevie took a look at the mechanism and figured out how to set the depth and arm the bomb.

"So once it's set you just throw it in?" Stevie asked.

"Well first you need to be sure there's something down there worth hitting. These things don't grow on trees..."

"Something like that?" Stevie asked.

The sleek black shape of a submarine cut through the crystal clear water, heading in their direction.

"Throw it in boy, throw it in!" the sailor yelled.

Stevie set the charge for fifty feet and threw the depth charge overboard, right into the path of the submarine. He could see the propellers stop and then reverse as the black knights tried to stop the sub, but it was too late.

The depth charge hit fifty feet just as the submarine passed over it. An underwater explosion destroyed the submarine and caused the battleships to bob up on an enormous wave.

Meanwhile Tyler manned the AA gun with natural skill, picking off the enemy bombers one by one. Suddenly one of the ships turned and launched a missile straight at the Tyler, who jumped out of the way and ran to safety just before the missile hit, destroying the weapon.

The black knight wasn't satisfied. He fired a laser, burning through the metal deck within feet of Tyler.

26-Sep-2006 03:34:09 - Last edited on 29-Sep-2006 02:24:11 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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Meanwhile Josh's spaceship finally reached the approaching fleet. Josh armed the missile system and aimed for the control center on the tower in the middle of the battleship. He heard air hissing underneath him as a rocket flew out from under the bomber and crashed into the tower, causing massive damage.

The thuds of anti-aircraft shells came from beneath him. Josh increased the speed, zooming out of range and circling around. He approached one of the other battleships and armed several tons of explosives. He timed it carefully and when he was about to fly over the ship, he released the bombs. He was already out of range by the time the bombs hit, destroying everything on the surface of the ship.

Suddenly an enemy bomber appeared on his radar. It was somewhere behind Josh and before he could turn around, a mounted machine gun tore through his right wing, knocking the ship off balance and sending it down.

Josh struggled with the unresponsive controls and finally turned the craft around towards the battleships before ejecting. The cockpit flew off as a burst of air sent his seat flying upward while the ship continued downward. Josh deployed his parachute and watched with satisfaction as the bomber collided with one of the battleships in a deafening fireball.

Josh soon noticed his momentum was carrying him to the enemy battleship that his bomber had crashed into. He collided with the steel deck roughly, but got up as quick as he could before he could be attacked.

Nearby, enemy soldiers were pouring out of a hatch. Josh fired his red laser wildly, taking out as many of the black-armored men as he could. There were too many, so he charged into the cloud of smoke that lingered after his bomber's crash and the black knights followed.

Josh burst out of the smoke cloud into fresh air again. Behind him, confusion was causing the black knights to fire on each other. Finally Josh found what he was looking for: an AA gun.

26-Sep-2006 03:34:13 - Last edited on 08-Oct-2006 01:23:21 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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Josh climbed into the operator's seat and turned the gun on the cloud of smoke, killing his pursuers.

He finally took his eyes away from the battle and noticed that they were approaching the shore of Port Sarim. Nearby a black knight in a bomber was harassing a white battleship. Josh turned the AA gun toward the spaceship and fired.

Tyler narrowly dodged another blast from the bomber's laser. Suddenly AA shells blasted the ship out of the sky. Tyler looked up to see Josh operating a gun on a black battleship, which was rapidly heading towards shore.

"Josh!" Tyler yelled, "You have to stop the ship from reaching shore!"

At the speed it was going, a ship as massive as that battleship would destroy the dock and possibly run aground, demolishing several seaside buildings.

"How?" yelled Josh.

Stevie appeared from the other side of the ship and shouted, "Depth charges!"

Josh quickly found the depth charges and set the fuse to one foot, before throwing several overboard and ducking out of the way.

The depth charges exploded almost as soon as they hit the water, ripping massive holes in the side of the battleship. Water began pouring into the lower decks and the ship began sinking. Because more of the ship was underwater, there was an increase in drag and the ship gradually slowed. But it was too late, the ship collided with a wooden pier, splintering the boards. Barely even slowing, the ship reached shallow water. Josh could hear sand grinding underneath the keel and hoped it wouldn't run all the way into Port Sarim.

With a crash that threw Josh forward, the ship collided with the shore, thankfully stopping.

It seemed like every single white knight had to congratulate Josh and the others for their help defeating the invaders. Once Josh caught sight of Sir Tiffy, who slipped something into his hand.

It was a schematic for a missile system that could be equipped on a spaceship.

Quest complete.

26-Sep-2006 03:34:17 - Last edited on 04-Oct-2006 02:40:34 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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Chapter 11: Dragon Slayer

Josh loaded a heat-seeking missile and a few red laser runes into his ship before hopping into the cockpit of the adamantite single-operator spaceship. He made sure that the four small crates full of rune essence behind his seat were secured and would not slide around during the flight. With all the preparations out of the way, he took off from Falador and set a course for the asteroid belt.

He finally reached the edge of the asteroid belt and plunged into the dangerous region of space. The radar was all clear so he made his way towards his destination.

He was headed for the abyssal rift, a tear in the fabric of space, which led to a strange dimension where it was possible to transform rune essence into any kind of rune.

The swirling dark purple vortex was now visible through a gap in the asteroids. Suddenly a blip appeared on the radar and flew towards Josh's ship at full speed. He flew into the rift just in time.

A dark red sun burned dimly in the distance as black orbs slowly circled it. Josh flew to the nearest one, the only one of interest. He located the only city in the dismal solar system and landed at its spaceport.

The streets were deserted and bizarre architecture was crumbling. All the buildings were purple and they leaned, curved, and came to points in the strangest ways. The ground was black and there was a red tint to everything due to the sun.

Josh grabbed a cart and unloaded the crates of rune essence onto it. He pushed it out of the spaceport and among several towering purple spikes that soared dozens of feet into the sky. He had no idea what they could possibly have been for.

Coming out from the forest of spikes, he made his way toward an irregular purple dome and pushed the cart through a pentagonal arch. Inside was the machine that powered rune essences.

26-Sep-2006 03:34:20 - Last edited on 17-Oct-2006 00:01:09 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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Josh dumped the contents of the crates into a hopper and returned the empty boxes to the cart. He walked over to a control panel and stepped over the black skeleton of a long-dead demon that had once operated this machine. Josh chose 50% fuel runes and 50% red laser runes before firing up the contraption.

There was a whirring noise and several bright flashes of light before the runes came tumbling out of a nearby chute. Josh put them back into the crates and wheeled them back to his ship.

Now he just had to worry about whether or not that ship was still outside the portal, waiting for him. He took off from the spaceport and made his way to the rift, leaving the melancholy, dead world behind him.

Just as he had feared the ship was still there. Josh watched in horror as a missile soared out from beneath the ship, headed straight for him. Suddenly a bright white rift opened up in front of him and Josh's momentum carried him through into yet another dimension.

Josh heard a horrible screeching noise as his ship skidded across a stone floor. Josh lifted off the floor to prevent damaging his ship and brought it to a stop, landing on the floor.

He got out of the ship and noticed he was in a long hallway. The rift behind him disappeared and he decided he would have to continue down the hallway to get out of there.

Josh turned around to continue down the hallway and noticed his ship was gone. In its place was a man with long brown hair wearing rune mechanized armor and no helmet.

"Where am I? Where's my ship? And who are you?" Josh blurted out, bewildered.

"Your ship has been sent to your POM. You are standing in the entrance hall of the Champions' Guild, of which I am the Master. Your achievements in RuneSpace have earned you the right to prove yourself to the Champions' Guild. All you need to do is complete a quest and you will be in the guild."

"Why would I want to join your guild?"

"If you ever want to have rune armor, you will join."

26-Sep-2006 03:34:25 - Last edited on 08-Oct-2006 02:13:53 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



Posts: 2,173 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Well what do I need to do?" Josh asked.

"It's really quite simple," the man explained. "We just want you to kill a dragon by the name of Elvarg."

"How do I know which one is Elvarg?"

"You need to find a planet called Crandor. This planet is infested with many dragons. Elvarg is the largest and most dangerous. You can't miss her."

"Where do I start?"

"We'll teleport you to the home of a man we believe has located Crandor. But there's one more thing. Most quests in RuneSpace reset immediately, meaning different players can beat the quest one after another. This quest is different. It will be seven months before another dragon grows to be worthy of slaying. Six other worthy individuals have been summoned to this place and given this quest. They are currently in different rooms within our guild and you will all be teleported to the home of Melzar at the exact same time. Please proceed into the waiting room."

The wall next to the two slid open and Josh walked through. Inside this small room there were comfortable wooden chairs against the stone wall. Five players were inside, all wearing adamantite armor and wielding some combination of weaponry.

Josh introduced himself and found that all the others were about his level and leaders of the best clans on the server. He would be up against worthy individuals indeed.

Suddenly the wall on one side of the room slid open and another contestant walked in. He too was wearing adamantite armor with a rocket launcher on his left arm and an arm blade on the right. However a gleaming, light blue helmet sat on his armored shoulders.

"The name's Josh," Josh introduced himself.

"Ace," came the reply.

"Prepare for teleportation," a voice said over a loudspeaker.

26-Sep-2006 03:40:50 - Last edited on 14-Oct-2006 00:02:41 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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There was a bright flash of light and they all appeared in a large living room of an old house. There was something distinctly strange about this house though. Josh felt like he was underground and at the same time felt as if he was on top of Mount Everest. The room was well decorated with crimson curtains drawn over elegant windows, a rich hardwood floor, grey stone walls, and antique wooden furniture.

Nobody took a seat or left the room. They were expecting Melzar to come tell them the location of Crandor.

A door opened on the opposite side of the room and an old man came walking out. He wore long red robes and carried a grenade launcher. A belt of the large cylindrical ammunition was slung across his shoulders. His white hair and red eyes were wild.

"What are you doing in my house?" Melzar roared upon seeing the seven people.

Josh spoke up as Melzar pointed the grenade launcher at them, "We were sent by the Champions Guild. They believe you can show us where to find Crandor.

"Oh," the crazy old man said, lowering the weapon. "Right through there," he gestured toward a door.

The group shuffled towards the door.

"One more thing," announced Melzar.

He pulled back the crimson curtains and Josh was stunned at what he saw. Through the window, asteroids spun and ships flew past, blasting each other. The house was inside an asteroid. But if they were in the asteroid belt that meant-

"Goodbye, young'uns," Melzar once more pointed the grenade launcher at the group.

Before he could fire, Josh pointed his laser and sent a beam straight toward Melzar. The laser struck one of the grenades, heating up the metal canister. There was an explosion as the explosives inside reacted, killing Melzar. The dead body became a firecracker as the shrapnel set off the other grenades on the belt in a chain reaction.

26-Sep-2006 03:40:54 - Last edited on 16-Oct-2006 21:21:05 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]

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