

Quick find code: 49-50-663-31620033



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They found themselves in a long hallway that was dim even with the night-vision. There were no lights and it was kept at a very low temperature to reduce infrared radiation. The advantage was that if there was a person inside, their body heat would glow like a firework. The small amount of light coming in through the open door dissipated as they went further down the hallway. They were aware that the hallway had opened up into a much wider chamber, but still they could not see any sign of guards.

"Wait," said Tyler. "They aren't giving off any heat, but there are two people in here."

"How is that possible?" asked Josh. "First of all, unless a person is dead, they will give off heat. Second of all, you still have your eyes closed!"

Tyler simply raised his gun and fired two rounds into the enveloping darkness. It sounded as if the bullets sunk into metal and they could see the glow of the hot bullets in the distance. Suddenly the two tiny points of light erupted into balls of burning white light.

Josh ripped off his helmet and saw that they were standing in a large empty room illuminated by two burning robots.

"How the hell?" asked Josh but suddenly a door on the other side of the room burst open and a woman stepped through, with outrage on her face and two machine guns on her arms.

She opened fire and the clan dove out of the way, returning some silenced shells. The gunfire died out and they got up. One clan member was dead and they saw Lady Keli limping through another door in the room. One clan member stayed behind to gather the deceased's belongings to return to him while the rest rushed after their target.

They burst through the door to find a jail cell containing a man who could only be Prince Ali. Lady Keli was standing nearby and pulled a lever which set off an alarm before running out the door.

"Three minutes to detonation," said a mechanical voice.

It was then they noticed the bomb chained to Prince Ali.

26-Sep-2006 03:28:59 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:12:21 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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Tyler stayed behind to try and force the jail cell door and unchain the prince while the rest of the group rushed out the door after Lady Keli. A long hallway led them to a ladder leading up to a trapdoor. They climbed it to find themselves in the hangar once more with the spaceship hovering away.

The clan opened fire and there was a satisfying explosion that rocked the spaceship as the main jet engine was destroyed. By some miracle, the smaller engines that kept the craft hovering were still intact and Lady Keli turned the ship around to face the clan. They dove out of the way once more just before a red laser sizzled through the air above their heads, igniting a crate against the wall of the hangar.

"Pincer formation!" yelled Josh.

The remainder of the clan ran outward in an arc, coming toward the crippled ship from both sides. Keli turned her fire to one side, forcing several clan members to turn back, but Josh reached her safely.

Turning the controls sharply, she spun the craft quickly, nearly taking Josh's head off with a razor-sharp wing. He ducked just in time and when the other wing came around, he jumped upwards, landing on top of it. He stumbled and fell but crawled toward the cockpit. Extending an arm-blade, he plunged it through the glass, narrowly missing Lady Keli.

She pressed a button, opening the cockpit and knocking Josh off balance. Keli jumped out and took off.

Inside, Tyler had picked the lock to the jail cell with two minutes remaining, but he couldn't seem to figure out a way to unchain Prince Ali from the bomb.

Lady Keli reached a dune buggy hidden behind a mesquite tree and hopped in, firing up the engine and roaring away through the desert. Josh stopped the ship's spinning so he could get off and noticed that Lady Keli had left something behind.

26-Sep-2006 03:29:03 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:12:44 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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Less than a minute remained and Tyler had made no progress. Suddenly the door burst open and Josh ran inside. He had a strange device in his hand, which he waved in front of the shackle that connected Prince Ali's leg to the bomb. There was a beep and the remote control caused the shackle to spring open.

"Come on!" Josh yelled over the alarm.

They rushed out the door they had come in through, grabbing the clan-member who had just finished gathering the deceased'* items by the arm and dragging him out the door.

They met the rest of the clan in the hangar as they rushed to get out in time. There was a massive explosion behind them and Josh felt the hairs being singed from the back of his neck as they were flung forward.

Josh was dazed by the bomb, but he got up and dusted the ash out of his hair while helping Tyler up.

Lady Keli had escaped, but they had succeeded in rescuing Prince Ali, so they recieved most of the reward after returning to the palace.

Finally they had enough money to get back to Varrock. As they stood in line at the general store, Josh talked to Tyler.

"So back to my question. How the hell did you see the robots?"

Tyler was silent for a little while. "I honestly don't know," he finally said. "All I know is I've felt a little funny since that vampire bite..."

26-Sep-2006 03:29:07 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:13:02 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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Chapter 9: DRoM

Mathematics: 173/180 hours completed.

That's what the chalkboard had said this morning. Six hours and thirty minutes later, Josh almost leaped with joy. He had just finished the final exam and the teacher told him he could log out early and she would give him credit for the 30 remaining minutes.

Josh chose to wait for Tyler to finish the exam, which he did five minutes later. They closed the school window but did not log off. Instead they went to RuneSpace to talk and hang out.

Josh and Tyler had now been playing several weeks. Their skills rose steadily and they gradually acquired better equipment. They both appeared next to each other in the middle of Varrock square in their mithril mechanized armor.

"We're done with ninth grade!" Tyler yelled with joy.

"Not only that, but RuneSpace has been updated!" said Josh, pulling out another all-too-familiar envelope."

"RuneSpace has been updated!

A new planet has drifted into orbit in the solar system. Come visit the Democratic Republic of Morytania today!"

They contacted the members of the clan who were online and they met at the Varrock spaceport. The collection of steel and mithril single-op ships took off for the new planet.

A canopy of dead and sickly turquoise-leafed trees covered most of the planet, broken only by brown bogs and a misty ocean.

They landed in the largest city on the planet, a densely populated grey mass of buildings known as Meiyerditch. The buildings were smashed so closely together it seemed difficult to move around, but a grand castle dominated the city.

A fashionably dressed woman approached them and began to speak, revealing pointed teeth. "Welcome to the glorious city of Meiyerditch on our planet, the Democratic Republic of Morytania. If you have any questions, please inquire at the castle."

Suddenly bat-like wings opened from her back and she took off into the air, leaving the clan shocked.

26-Sep-2006 03:29:11 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:13:24 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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They wandered toward the buildings to see several humans in rags.

"Democratic Republic of Morytania, huh? I count two lies," said Tyler with dark humor.

Josh went up to one of the doors and knocked. The door was opened by an old woman who asked what they wanted.

"We'd just like to talk to you," said Josh.

They were let in to a single-room building that housed the woman and two young grandchildren.

"How is life in Meiyerditch and why do you have to live like this?" Tyler asked.

"Live like what? Life is wonderful in the Democratic Republic of Morytania!" she replied without a trace of dishonesty, but Josh saw her eyes flicker toward the corner of the room, where a surveillance camera was mounted.

"I don't want any trouble now. I think it would be best if you left," the old woman herded them towards the door. As they filed out, Josh thought he felt something fall into his bag.

Josh led the clan back to the ships, away from the watchful eyes of any vampires or cameras.

He searched his bag to find a floor tile with a message written in charcoal on it:

"The eyes of the forest do not belong to the Vyre."

26-Sep-2006 03:29:15 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:13:44 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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They left the spaceport and headed east into the untamed forest. The ground became moist and their pace slowed as it took more effort to pull their feet out of the sticky mud.

Suddenly Josh ordered the group to stop. He walked over to a nearby tree and felt a knot on the trunk. With a twist, it popped off revealing a camera and wires leading into the tree. Josh held the lens in front of him, capturing his face.

"We'd like to speak with you," he said to the camera.

He dropped the camera, letting it dangle from its wire.

"I guess we wait now."

The clan sat in the mud for fifteen minutes. Maybe the resistance had been executed. Suddenly Josh felt the barrel of a machine gun bump against the back of his helmet.

"Don't move," a voice commanded.

Suddenly a hand appeared in front of his face holding a can of black spray-paint. It pressed down on the nozzle, coating Josh's visor in opaque black paint. He was instructed to spin around for several minutes until he no longer had any sense of direction.

"That's enough. This way," he was pushed forwards and stumbled blindly along through the swamp. Every once in a while he was told to duck or crawl under something.

"I'd recommend you hold your breath," the voice said, bewildering Josh.

But water started streaming in through the mouth-holes on his helmet. He took a deep breath as his head was completely submerged in water. This was the most disorienting part yet. He couldn't even tell which way was up.

After a minute he felt like he was going to pass out from lack of oxygen when his helmet was ripped off his head.

They were no longer underwater, but in some kind of underground hideout. He could now see the man who had led him here, but there wasn't much to see. Josh guessed that he was wearing steel mechanized armor, but it was covered in mud and reeds like a makeshift ghillie suit.

26-Sep-2006 03:29:20 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:14:01 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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It was actually funny watching the rest of the clan as they were led into the room. Tyler was moving his arms as though swimming when he was actually walking on solid ground. Others were thrashing around as their breath began running out.

One by one their helmets were ripped off, causing the water to splash down onto the floor. They got to Tyler and the man removing his helmet froze. Josh was also surprised at the change that had ocurred. His eyes were red, his skin pale, and his canine teeth elongated, ending in deadly points.

Suddenly he was surrounded by men in ghillie suits with machine guns.

"This was a trick! You led a vampire here!" the leader roared.

"Don't shoot!" said Josh, getting up. "He was bitten by a vampire while driving them out of Draynor Manor several weeks ago. I didn't know he had transformed because he always wears a helmet, but I assure you he is as honest and loyal to me as ever."

The leader turned his gun to Josh instead, "And where do your loyalties lie?"

"Against whoever made Meiyerditch the way it is."

The members of the resistance were still suspicious, but they lowered their weapons slightly.

"Perhaps we can work together. But first there is something you must do to earn our trust."

26-Sep-2006 03:29:24 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:14:20 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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"We're almost there," Josh said over the radio to Kain and Tyler. They were scuba diving in a river that led to the castle.

"Something slimy just brushed past me. Are there eels in this river?" Tyler asked.

"There are no eels," said Josh.

"That's a relief."

"All the fish died from the sewage that the vampires dump in here."

Tyler gagged and Josh and Kain laughed.

It grew dark as the river went underneath the wall of the castle. They could see a little light up ahead.

"We need to get out of the water fighting, make sure your weapons are ready."

They came out from under the wall and poked their heads above water. Dozens of vampires were standing on either side of the river with guns pointed straight at them.

"Oh," Tyler said. "****."

They had no choice but to surrender. They were bound and dragged up onto the bank of the river, then forced to walk into the main keep.

They were led down many flights of stairs to the deepest dungeon, where a sadistic-looking vampire tied them all to chairs.

"At last we have our hands on some live Myreque," the vampire said sinisterly. "You people usually die before reaching me. Now you're going to talk eventually, but is there anything you would like to say before we begin."

The three were completely silent.

"I prefer it that way," the vampire said with a sick grin. "You first," he said, turning to Kain.

The vampire removed Kain's helmet and punched him in the face repeatedly. Although the pain lasted only a split-second, it was extremely unpleasant.

"Where is the base of the Myreque?" the vampire roared.

Kain was silent.

"Let's try something different."

26-Sep-2006 03:29:28 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:14:50 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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The vampire moved on to the next chair and ripped Josh's glove off, pulling out a razor-sharp knife. He sliced the webbing between Josh's fingers and slid the blade between Josh's fingernails, causing the captive to scream in pain.

"You knew there were motion sensors in the river! Even if you didn't have blueprints you wouldn't be so stupid to believe the river was unprotected! What is your real plan?" the vampire screamed in Josh's face. Josh stared at his ruined hand in silence.

"Ok then, moving on."

He walked over to Tyler and removed his helmet.

"Ah, a traitor vampire. I have something special for you," the torturer removed a syringe from his coat and slid the needle into Tyler's neck.

"Wait!" yelled Tyler. "I'll talk!"

Josh and Kain both glared at Tyler, who looked back remorsefully.

"We were supposed to distract you while Veliaf, the leader of the Myreque, and some other members of our clan came in through the shipping complex disguised as vampires. They have explosives that they will use to damage most of the castle," Tyler blurted out.

"I never should have told Veliaf to trust you!" yelled Josh.

"I'm sorry," Tyler said, avoiding eye contact.

"Excellent," said the torturer grinning.

He called in the other vampires and told them to take all the guards to the shipping complex and search for several Myreque disguised as vampires. The others departed, leaving the torturer alone with the three captives once more.

"Now, what to do with you three..." he said, picking up the syringe once more.

"But I talked!" protested Tyler. "You have to at least kill us painlessly!"

"I never agreed to anything like that," said the vampire.

There was a zip as a silenced bullet flew through the vampire's head, killing him.

Kain had gotten loose.

26-Sep-2006 03:33:48 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:15:14 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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Josh loosened his bonds as well and they approached Tyler with arm-blades drawn. With two quick slashes, the ropes around his wrists were cut.

"They actually bought it!" said Tyler gleefully.

"I'm not surprised, you were great," said Josh, pouring field medicine on his hand.

Tyler changed into the grey and black metal mechanized armor that the torturer was wearing and the three left the room with Tyler pretending to lead the two prisoners to another room at gunpoint.

They came to the ammunition room several floors up, which was piled high with ammunition, explosives, and all sorts of weapons. Tyler pulled a timed charge from his pack and placed it next to several 85mm tank rounds. He set it to five minutes and they ran out of the room and up the rest of the stairs.

They reached the courtyard where they recieved bewildered looks from many of the vampires. Before the others could investigate, they jumped into a troop transport truck, which roared out the main entrance.

"Did you plant the bomb?" Velia* asked from the driver's seat.

Behind them there was a massive explosion as the foundations of the castle were obliterated. The main keep crumbled, falling on top of everyone in the courtyard and killing all the vampires inside.

"There's your answer," said Josh.

They reached safety and got out of the truck.

"I can't thank you enough for what you went through to help us," said Veliaf to the clan. "But the war is not over. Josh could I have your ID code so that I can call you guys if the other cities on this planet give us any trouble?"

Josh agreed and they set out to the spaceport of the newly liberated city of Meiyerditch. Quest complete.

26-Sep-2006 03:33:52 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:15:36 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]

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