

Quick find code: 49-50-663-31620033



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"Quest Complete," said the disembodied voice.

"Thanks Doric, I guess we'll be going now," said Josh.

A dwarf came in through the door and addressed Doric.

"Your order of mithril is in the back. You're going to have to sign this reciept," the dwarf handed Doric a form and he filled it out. "You hear about Draynor? Looks like that moon has a vampire problem. Sure glad we have the White Knights around here, huh?"

"Wanna check it out?" asked Tyler.

Josh nodded and the clan sprinted to their ships.

Draynor was a small moon that orbited Falador. They landed on the spaceport in the middle of Draynor and were immediately confronted by several villagers.

"Will you help protect Draynor Village against the vampire threat?"

The entire clan agreed enthusiastically.

"Vampires are deadly creatures. You can injure them by normal means, but you'll need a Holy Blade to kill one."

Each member of the group was presented with an arm blade attachment that was silver and carved with holy symbols.

"Draynor Manor, the headquarters of the vampires is a short distance north of here. Good luck."

Some of the clan members got in the tri-op tank, Tyler and one other clan-member operated the new walker. Josh and the other members were on foot with holy blades. The war party set off north to face the vampire threat...

26-Sep-2006 03:22:34 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:06:42 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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Draynor manor loomed in the distance. The spired towers and dead trees spoke a wordless tale of terror. In front of it, a small army was gathering. Some were NPCs from Draynor village but most were other players who had gathered to storm the manor and complete the quest. One of the other groups had a walker as well and there was a double-op tank in their midst.

"Are you ready?" yelled a citizen of Draynor, raising his machine gun into the air.

The crowd roared and charged towards the manor. Suddenly there was a pop as a sniper bullet punctured one of the pneumatic cylinders on the other group's walker. The gases equalized and the walker was rendered completely useless. Josh made a mental note that he would ask Doric to armor the walker legs later.

In the meantime, both tanks fired their massive shells at the windows, sending up a thick haze of smoke that prevented any more sniper kills.

The lasers and machine guns on the tri-op tank and TWoL's walker blazed with unearthly heat, ripping gashes in the building.

The militia reached the front door and all vehicles were abandoned as a SWAT-style raid began. The mob flooded the main hallway, and separated into the smaller rooms.

Josh kicked a door down, revealing a vampire holed up inside, wearing iron mechanized armor and no helmet. Josh fired a blue laser into the monster's eyes, blinding it, before rushing toward his foe and impaling it with the Holy Blade.

There was another vampire in the room, locked in a deadly struggle with Tyler. The vampire had a strange melee weapon composed of five shorter arm blades that looked like claws. These claws clashed against Tyler's Holy Blade repeatedly. Finally, Tyler shot the vampire in the foot with his machine gun, causing it to fall forwards onto the Holy Blade. But it was not yet dead. With the last of its strength, it sunk its fangs deep into Tyler's neck.

26-Sep-2006 03:22:38 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:07:04 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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The last of the gunshots faded away.

"Quest completed," said the voice.

Josh ran over to Tyler and pulled the dead vampire off him.

"The pain isn't going away..." said Tyler softly, his eyes weren't focused.

Josh ripped open his pack of field medicine and poured the restorative potion liberally on the two bleeding holes in Tyler's neck.

Tyler's eyes came back to focus and he sat up, but clutched his neck and sat back down.

"Maybe it's a glitch that will go away soon," suggested Josh.

"Hurts like hell," said Tyler.

"Then log out. I'll take all the vehicles back to the POM and dismiss the clan," said Josh.

The figure of Tyler faded away until Josh was staring at the ground. He told the clan what had happened and they returned all their vehicles. Josh logged out to check on Tyler.

26-Sep-2006 03:22:43 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:08:35 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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Chapter 8: The Arena

Tyler was a little afraid to log on again, but Josh convinced him to give it one more shot after school on Monday. The logged on and Josh found himself standing on the clan's POM. He ran to the portal and appeared back in Draynor Village. A quick jog took him back to the manor where he met Tyler as he left the building.

"You okay?" asked Josh.

"Yeah," said Tyler. "I'm great. Jagex must have fixed the bug. Want to check out the new update?"

Josh hadn't even noticed the envelope in his backpack.


Bring your best combat equipment to Al Kharid to test the new update yourself..."

Several clan members were online, so they mustered a small force and set off by spaceship to the planet Al Kharid, the closest planet to the sun.

They landed at the spaceport and passed several buildings with whitewashed stone walls before they noticed a large stadium in the distance. The clan took off at a run to see the new structure. It was drawing a large crowd around the bottom and they had to force their way up the stairs to the observation platform.

The stadium was enormous, a massive circle with a diameter of over a mile. Inside was a perplexing sight that challenged even RuneSpace's laws of physics. The inside walls were all black and several asteroids spun in mid-air inside the arena. Several spaceships of all metals and models were zooming around inside, engaged in a vicious dogfight. In a few seconds, all but one of the ships, a steel single-op had been destroyed.

Suddenly the ship and the assteroids disappeared. The inside of the stadium became a dusty prairie and the walls now looked like sandstone cliffs. Several gates in the walls of the arena opened and various vehicles rolled out into the competition. There were light combat vehicles, heavy tanks, walkers, and footsoldiers engaging in the battle.

26-Sep-2006 03:27:17 - Last edited on 16-Oct-2006 23:36:11 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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"We gotta try that out," Tyler muttered in awe.

The clan began to force its way down the stairs when they came across some familiar faces. DoR had arrived.

"Hey Warriors, where you going?"

"The Arena. You need something?" Josh said, approaching the speaker, standing inches away from him, eyes locked in a two-way glare of hatred.

"So the kids who ran away from the dragons, tails between their legs, are talking tough now?"

"As I remember, the record is still 1-0 us."

"Then how about a rematch?"

The two clans went down a spiral staircase into the basement of the Arena, where there was a negotiating room for hammering out rules, wagers, and conditions. There was seating room for the clans on either sides of the room. The two representatives set on opposite sides of a table, with touch-sensitive computer monitors in front of them.

Josh saw on the screen that the person sitting across from him was named Jack (c) S.

"So Jack, are you the leader of the Dragons?"

"No, that would be Ace."

"Is he here?"

"You aren't worth his time!" Jack laughed. "Let's see," he began pressing the computer screen to set the conditions.

Josh also set his preferences. In the end they agreed on no vehicles, random location, and a bet of 5000 gp. There were only 10 members of TWoL present, so Jack picked his best 10 and the two teams approached the large elevators where they would wait until the current match was over. The entire clan was on pins and needles.

26-Sep-2006 03:27:22 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:09:17 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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Everyone prepared their weapons and paced nervously. Finally, they felt a mechanical grumbling as the elevator began to move upwards. It came to a screeching halt and one of the walls slid open. There was a sliding gate behind it, but through the bars they could see what was once a grand city, now strewn with rubble.

A mechanical voice spoke through the loudspeaker, "A team deathmatch will soon begin. No vehicles are allowed and there is a twenty minute time limit. The randomly selected location is: Rubble Metropolis. There is a total pot of ten thousand gold pieces. The match will start in 3




The gate slid open, and several blocks down the ruined street they could see DoR emerging from another gate.

"Alex K. and Tyler, try to snipe them as they approach. Everybody else work your way towards the center and stay low. They may have snipers as well."

Tyler and a clan member in bronze armor and an iron helmet carried their steel sniper rifles up a fire escape that winded its way up the side of a nearby building. The rest of the clan used the rubble to stay out of sight of the enemy while they ran toward the other gate.

Two sniper rifles fired overhead. Josh poked his head above the rubble to see the results. He couldn't tell if they had been accurate, but now the enemy was hiding behind a broken down truck.

Two twin brothers both came up with a great plan. Mark took out his rocket launcher and took careful aim while Thomas covered him with a wall of white laser. Mark was nearly thrown backward by the firing of the rocket launcher, but the projectile's aim was true. It hit the wall of a building just above where the enemy was hiding and hundreds of pounds of brick came crashing down on them. Half the clan escaped, but between three and five Dragons had been killed in a single shot.

"Nice work," Josh congratulated. "Let's move in."

26-Sep-2006 03:27:27 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:09:36 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



Posts: 2,173 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The remnant of the Dragons had broken down the door of a mostly-intact building and were holed up inside. There was little they could do but follow them through the front door. There were no other doors and all the windows had a very bad view inside, there would be no telling what might be waiting on the other side.

A team member named Roxas had the best idea yet. He pulled the hood off an old car nearby and punched two holes in it with his iron arm-blades. Mark I. slid the barrels of his two machine guns through the holes while Zed used his two black blades to hold it up as a shield. It was awkward, but they made it through the door and Mark opened fire. The enemy'* shells bounced off the shield for the most part, occasionally punching through. Then two sniper shells pierced cleanly through the metal, killing both clan members.

From then on, the rest of the fight was a disaster. Apparently DoR had constructed a small fortress from old furniture and rubble inside. Each kill cost about three Warriors. It was now down to Josh and Tyler, plus either two or three Dragons, they weren't sure. The remaining Warriors decided to try their luck with the windows.

Using their arm blades, Josh and Tyler climbed up the side wall of the building to the second floor, and crawled through a window that was already broken. They crept down the stairs as slowly as possible. They could see two Dragons lying behind the barricade of furniture. Josh and Tyler each picked a man and took aim.

Suddenly Jack appeared on the staircase above them.

"Goodbye Josh."

In a flash of light and pain, the battle was over and they had lost.

26-Sep-2006 03:27:33 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:09:54 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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The worst part was that Josh knew it was his fault. They had been ahead by five soldiers. They could have waited for the 20 minute time limit to expire. But instead, Josh had ordered his men to their deaths.

The clan was now wandering Al Kharid, without even enough money to buy fuel runes to return to Varrock.

They spotted a white palace reminiscent of the Taj Mahal glowing above the low Al Kharid skyline. The ten members made their way toward the landmark.

"May we see the king?" Josh asked one of the purple-uniformed guards stationed in the courtyard of the palace.

"The Sultan does not appear in public. Go see Hassan."

They entered a large room decorated with statues of half-man half-animal creatures. The finance minister to the Sultan, a man named Hassan approached them. He was in hysterics, because apparently Prince Ali had been kidnapped.

"Please, go see Osman the spymaster. You will be well-rewarded for your help."

The clan was directed to a general store in the nearby market district where they browsed the merchandise. A man in loose black clothing walked up beside Josh and looked at several boots on the shelf.

"You know the crafting store has good leather boots for less."

Then the stranger was gone. Discreetly, Josh, called the rest of the clan out of the general store and into the crafting store next door.

"Um. Ten pairs of leather boots please," said Josh to the shopkeeper.

"That will be 60 coins," said the shopkeeper.

Josh was bewildered he leaned in and said under his voice, "Osman."

"Ah, you'll be having the Osman special giveaway. Just a minute."

The went into the back of the store and retrieved a crate of leather footwear. Each clan-member took a pair and left the shop. Outside they found a back alley to examine the next clue.

Each right boot contained a map, a flathead screwdriver, a needle, a thick piece of glass, and a metal tube.

26-Sep-2006 03:27:37 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:10:17 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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"Okay, the map is obvious, but what's the rest of this stuff for?" asked Josh.

Tyler picked up the screwdriver and the needle. "I think I could pick a lock with these."

A clan member named Tom C. picked up the tube and slid it into a slot in one of his dual steel machine guns. He aimed for the whitewashed stone wall of the alley and fired. The tube reduced the noise of the gun to a spitting sound.

"It's a silencer!" the Finnish clan-member exclaimed.

Another member by the name of Kevin C. was examining the piece of glass. There was a little switch on the side of it. He held the glass up to the light, noticing that light passed through it directly, but not at an angle. He took off his iron helmet and looked at the inside of it. The glass slid into a slot inside the helmet, in front of the visor.

Restoring the helmet to his head, he said, "It's not any different. Wait, let me try something."

Reaching into the helmet, he flicked the small switch. The glass hummed as electricity passed through it and then Kevin flicked the switch off quickly.

"What's wrong?" asked Josh.

"It got really bright. Maybe it's some kind of light amplification, like night-vision?"

"I think you're probably right," said Tyler. "Now let's just figure out this map."

26-Sep-2006 03:27:42 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:10:39 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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The sun slowly sank towards the horizon as Josh led the clan, map in hand, toward the hideout of Lady Keli. They were headed northward from the city of Al Kharid and as they approached the north pole of the desert planet, mesquite trees and other hardy plants sprung up from the unforgiving soil. Crouching and using these for cover, they came within sight of the hideout.

It was now totally dark, so the group decided to give the visors another chance. Josh slid the device into place inside his helmet and flicked the switch. He put his helmet back on and found that it was a night-vision upgrade. Infrared and visible light were amplified, giving him a grainy, green, but thankfully bright image of his surroundings.

They approached the building under the cover of darkness. They sneaked around to the back of the building, where there was a hangar containing one steel single-operator spaceship.

"Nick, Alex, stay back and make sure Lady Keli doesn't escape in the ship," Josh whispered into the radio. The two clan members nodded and hid nearby.

In the back of the hangar was a small door leading to the main building. However, it was locked.

"I got it," said Tyler.

Josh noticed Tyler wasn't wearing his helmet or night-vision visor. In fact, he had his eyes closed. Before he could ask about it, Tyler was kneeling in front of the door.

He inserted the flathead screwdriver into the keyhole and turned, applying pressure. He then slid the needle into the lock and gently brushed it against the top of the keyhole, sliding the pins into position one by one. There was a satisfying click as the last pin was set and the lock turned.

Everyone was amazed, but would have to wait until after the quest was over to congratulate him. Silently, they filed into the stronghold of Lady Keli.

26-Sep-2006 03:28:45 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:11:03 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]

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