

Quick find code: 49-50-663-31620033



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Tyler seemed to gather his senses and stopped right in front of the border of the asteroid belt. The iron double-op turned around to face them as Josh pulled up beside Tyler.

"What's wrong, noob? Too afraid to take us on?" said an arrogant, malicious voice over the radio.

Tyler's ship darted forward and Josh reluctantly followed. Both sides fired lasers at each other.

Now in the movies space battles are very loud, full of the whizzing of laser beams and the explosions of ships. Josh was a little disoriented by the fact that the entire battle was silent. Because there are barely any particles in space, there is no sound. And even if there was, a laser wouldn't make any noise.

A poorly aimed green laser shot in between the two adventurers from the iron ship. Tyler'* white laser and Josh's blue laser were both well-aimed, and just as they were about to hit the enemy ship, they converged, forming a large cyan beam. This laser struck the ship directly in the engine, causing a massive, silent explosion.

"DRAGONS OF RUNESPACE FORWARD!" yelled a voice in the radio.

There was the roaring of a large crowd and dozens of ships emerged from behind asteroids and began firing.

This time Tyler had the sense to turn tail and they both exited the asteroid belt at top speed.

"You haven't seen the last of DOR," said a voice in the radio.

26-Sep-2006 03:17:13 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:01:45 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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One of the most dangerous things about virtual reality is that the computer hijacks your nerves, so you have no idea what's going on in your actual body. Before smoke alarms were installed into the computers, many people were burned alive while they used their computers, oblivious to the fact that their house was burning down. Nowadays virtual reality was rarely deadly, but if you lost track of time you might log out to find you have wet yourself, or you are extremely hungry, or a bug has crawled into your mouth.

So, as they had been playing for quite some time, Josh and Tyler decided to take a break, get some food, and use the bathroom.

It was early Saturday morning, but they weren't tired, so they logged back in. But when they returned to RuneSpace, they found they each had two envelopes in their hands.

They each opened one and found it was the same:

"RuneSpace has been updated! Bring some money by a general store to see the new equipment!"

They each opened the second envelope, and again it was the same for both of them:

"You have killed/ aided in the killing of: Victor H.
This player had a bounty placed upon his head by an anonymous player.
Come by the nearest palace to recieve your reward.
You are entitled to: 500gp"

It seemed that the iron double-op had lured more than one player into the asteroid belt, and to a much different result.

Josh and Tyler decided to check by the palace first, so that if the update was any good they could use the reward money on it. After recieving their loot from the same secretary that had registered the clan, they walked to the general store.

A colorful poster in the window revealed what the update was:


This week's update is for the rangers out there! Two new attachments are available: Rocket launcher and Sniper Rifle!

Rushing inside, Josh and Tyler got a glimpse of the sleek new weapons.

26-Sep-2006 03:17:19 - Last edited on 16-Oct-2006 23:33:37 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



Posts: 2,173 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Using the reward money, they bought one of each to share and some ammunition. The rockets were especially expensive, so they did not buy many.

On their way out, Josh was knocked over by another player in an iron suit. The player did not apologize, but kept walking. Josh saw something smeared on the back of his suit with goblin blood: DoR.

Tyler was furious, but Josh calmed him down.

"I won't let them get to me."

They left Varrock once more to test out the new weapons.

Josh slid the sniper rifle into place on his arm and looked through the scope at the goblin village they had attacked yesterday. There was a goblin warrior walking through the town with a machine gun over its shoulder. Josh took aim and fired.

But someone had crept up behind him and when he squeezed the trigger, the stranger had shoved him, causing the expensive sniper bullet to go into the ground a few feet in front of them.

They turned around to see the cruel stranger, who was laughing hysterically. It was yet another member of DoR, with his armor painted in a similar way.

Tyler couldn't be calmed this time. He approached the clan member hoping to start a fistfight, even though it wouldn't do anything outside the asteroid belt.

But the clan member equipped a rocket launcher and shot it at them. It did no damage, but they were thrown backwards by the explosion and landed on their backs in the dust.

The member of DoR took off, laughing even harder.

Now even Josh knew they would have to do something.

26-Sep-2006 03:17:24 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:02:31 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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"What can we do?" asked Tyler, brushing the dirt off his back.

"We recruit everyone else who's being persecuted by DoR into TWoL and stand up to them," replied Josh.

Tyler's anger was like a fire, it was out of control and he often did things he regretted. Josh's anger was focused like a laser. When he was angry, he focused his energy on solving the problem. Above all he thought things through.

The first thing they did was call Stevie and ask if NPC's could join clans. He wasn't aware of any rule that said they couldn't, so their clan now consisted of three members. Now they brought their tank out into Varrock Square and painted on it: Recruiting for Clan.

People started flocking to them immediately. After a few hours, they had to stop recruiting because they had too many members to keep track of. Tyler had the uncommon quality of being excellent with names, so he was put in charge of keeping track of everyone.

Now that everyone was assembled, they all went to TWoL's moon to have their first clan meeting. Tyler sat off to the side contacting CLANARCHIVE and adding all the new members while Josh spoke.

"Now let's get through this meeting quickly so we can do something fun. Our clan is called The Warriors of Legend. We play on this server. Our main purpose is to help each other out and do fun stuff, but it has come to our attention that there is another clan called the Dragons of RuneSpace that is causing trouble."

At this, several members of the audience mumbled and grumbled. Again, Josh had the impression that DoR had other victims.

"We aim to stand together agains this clan in any way. If you disagree with this, you may leave."

Nobody left.

"That's about it. Oh yeah, how about we have a meeting every Saturday at about this time?"

Nobody had any conflicts so the meeting concluded.

"What does everyone want to do now? We could attack the goblin village explore-"

"Go to the asteroid belt!" someone hollered.

26-Sep-2006 03:21:59 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:03:24 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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Chapter 6: A New Foe

By popular demand, Josh soon found himself in his bronze single-op leading a fleet of over 10 ships toward the asteroid belt. The ships that hovered on the outskirts of the belt immediately left when they saw the clan approaching.

Everyone was a little disappointed when they saw that DoR wasn't anywhere in sight. They flew several laps through the belt looking for opponents. Finally, they saw a worthy opponent. A mithril single-op soared past asteroids with ease. The members of the clan were at first in awe, then they fired.

The wall of missiles, lasers, and bullets was unavoidable. The graceful craft was struck on the wing and crashed onto one of the larger asteroids. The pilot jumped out and the clan zoomed in for the kill.

"Wait! Hold your fire!" yelled Josh. The fleet stopped its chase and hovered. "We should give him a fair chance, and not ambush people like DoR does."

The clan grudgingly agreed and Josh landed his ship on the asteroid. He got out of the ship and faced his opponent, who was standing about thirty feet away. The stranger wielded a steel machine gun on his left arm and a steel arm-blade on his right. His mechanized armor was a shiny, silvery material.

The battle began when the enemy fired several rounds at Josh, who only noticed he had been shot at by the muzzle flash, since there was no sound. However, because the asteroid was both rotating around the sun, and slowly rotating, Josh was no longer in the same place by the time the bullet had travelled far enough to hit him.

Luckily, Josh had a laser. Lasers move much faster than bullets, so he would still be able to hit his opponent. He took careful aim and fired. The enemy did not even flinch. The beam of the laser hit his mirror-like armor and was reflected off at an angle, barely missing one of the clan ships.

This fight was going to be interesting.

26-Sep-2006 03:22:04 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:03:48 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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Because the planets in RuneSpace are small, gravity is enhanced so that it matches Earth's level of gravity. There is enhanced gravity on the larger asteroids as well, but not as much on the planets.

Each combatant ran towards the other. Now that they were closer together, the enemy raised his gun to try his luck again. Josh extended his right arm-blade and brought it down on the enemy's arm, knocking the gun out of the way.

Because of the small amount of gravity, each one was knocked backwards by the collision. Josh was once again out of range of the gun. He looked and saw that his opponent's mirror armor was shattered where he had hit it. A few cracks ran up as far as his shoulder. Josh raised his laser and fired once more, aiming at the arm and shoulder. Most of the laser's energy was reflected off into space, but where the armor was cracked, it went straight through.

The enemy dropped to his knees, clutching his arm. Josh imagined that inside his helmet he must have been howling in pain.

He ran up to the opponent, preparing to take a swing at the neck. The stranger held up his arms in surrender and Josh hesitated.

"C'mon! Finish him!" his clan yelled through the radio.

26-Sep-2006 03:22:09 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:04:08 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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Josh hesitated as the clan roared into his ears even louder. Finally, he brought down his bronze arm blade, shattering the mirror armor and piercing through the enemy's neck.

Josh's opponent gave a violent shudder and collapsed. He was dead. Dead players kept their one most valuable item, so the mirror armor disappeared.

The clan rejoiced, yelling over the radio with glee. Josh looted the corpse of its mirror helmet, weapons, medicine, and miscellaneous items while the rest of the clan decided they would sell the ship and split the money evenly.

"You take the clan back to the base. There's something I need to do first," Josh told Tyler.

The clan zoomed towards Varrock while Josh hung behind for a little while before heading towards Lumbridge. He arrived, dropped by the general store to say hi to Stevie, and went to the goblins. As he expected, he saw a figure wearing reflective armor killing the goblins as he tried to raise enough money to get a ship off Lumbridge.

"Hey," he walked toward his former opponent.

The man turned around. He had green eyes, short blonde hair, and a mature face. He scrutinized Josh for a moment before responding.

"Ours was a good fight. Thanks to you I will not make the mistake of using a machine gun on an asteroid again."

Josh held up the mirror helmet to the man, who took it and put it back on.

"When you first approached me I thought you were going to call me a noob or rub it in. Most know not to be a sore loser, but it takes real honor to win with dignity."

Josh smiled and turned away to go back to his ship.

"Hey," the stranger called out. "My name is Kain. I'd like to be in your clan."

26-Sep-2006 03:22:14 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:04:28 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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Chapter 7: Quests

Josh and Tyler got into the habit of travelling with several members of their clan. DoR seemed to get the idea and the harassment stopped. Kain's mirror armor scared them off as much as the entire clan.

Now they were all headed to Falador, to explore a new planet. Until now, they had only seen it briefly on their hurried flights to the asteroid belt. They were struck with awe when they saw the White Knights' Base.

The base was a military complex as large as the city nearby. Gleaming white domes dotted the complex. Massive artillery policed the sky while vehicles of all kinds zoomed around and soldiers in white mechanized armor marched in formation.

The clan made its way to the spaceport and got out of their ships.

"What's that?" asked a clan-member named Nick, pointing.

It was a large building outside the main part of town. Smokestacks protruding from the back spewed black smoke into space. A sign hung over the door, reading "Doric's".

They decided it was worth checking out. Inside they found a very stout man busy at work in what appeared to be an inventor's paradise.

With a set of controls, the man controlled a crane as it poured white-hot metal into a series of molds. The dwarf pulled a lever and the molds zipped off on a conveyor belt into a chamber to cool slowly. Pressing another button brought a pneumatic arm holding a cup of coffee to his side. He grabbed it with a stubby hand and sipped it, approaching the adventurers.

"Hi," he said in a gruff voice, draining his coffee. "I'm Doric and welcome to my smithy. Do you need something?"

"Can we make stuff here?" asked an excited clanmember named Alex.

"Sure. Oh wait..." the dwarf slapped himself in the head in frustration. "I knew I forgot something. Yeah yeah, you can use this equipment, but I was supposed to make you do a quest first."

The strange man waddled off to the back muttering, "I swear I'll never get the hang of this..."

26-Sep-2006 03:22:19 - Last edited on 16-Oct-2006 23:34:16 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



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"Here we are!" came a triumphant shout. The dwarf reappeared with a set of schematics in his hands.

He examined them closely and handed them to Josh.

"I've invented a new machine, but I need your help to make the prototype. You'll need to gather these materials," Doric said, pointing at a list in the corner of one of the papers. Once you have them, come back here and I'll teach you about the engineering skill."

"Um, how do we get these things. They're mostly metal ore," asked one of the clanmembers, named Kyle.

"Newbies, huh?" asked Doric. He pointed at a cluster of buildings outside the village and told them to inquire there.

When the clan reached the group of buildings, they found them to be a hive of activity. A large elevator hoisted a gargantuan container full of ore high into the air. It was then dumped into a chute which went through one of the buildings where it was sifted and refined. A muddy river spewed from one side and sparkling ore flowed from another side into mining carts.

Dwarves were milling about everywhere, attending to the machines, and passing to and from the smaller elevator shafts that carried workers down into the mines.

Josh stopped one of the dwarves.

"How do we get these materials?" he asked as he showed the dwarf the list.

The dwarf pointed at the small elevator shafts and spoke in a wheezing voice, "Get some equipment from the store down there and start digging for ore."

The clan crowded into two of the elevators and stood in silence as they were lowered into the earth.

Underground it was no less busy. Industrial floodlights revealed dwarves operating heavy digging machinery as they bored through the walls in search of ore. Harvested metal was being gathered in a container to be sent up the large elevator. Mining was a lot more sophisticated than simple pickaxes.

Kain noticed a large group of parked digging equipment. They decided to try and buy some for themselves.

26-Sep-2006 03:22:24 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:05:36 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]



Posts: 2,173 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The clan pooled its money and bought two digging machines. Josh climbed into the open driver compartment of the drilling machine and had a look at the controls. He used a powerful electromagnetic shockwave to scan the walls and found a vein of some type of ore. He maneuvered the clunky machine toward the wall and the large drill on the front began spinning. Small mechanical arms scooped the rubble out of the way of the machine's treads as Josh made progress through the earth.

Behind him, Tyler used the mining loader they bought to scoop up the ore and deposit it in the elevator container. After several minutes, they had excavated enough raw material to complete the quest. There was a POM portal underground where they could store the drill and the loader. The clan returned upstairs and found their ore refined and sitting in mining carts. They pushed the carts along a railway that connected Doric's and the mine.

Doric was glad to see them.

"Okay, let's begin. Have any of you figured out what the schematics are for?" Nobody had, so Doric continued. "It's a new kind of combat vehicle. You'll see what it's like once we start building it."

With Doric's help, they sent the ore through the furnace and poured it into several molds indicated by the schematic. Once they were done, they removed the different molds to find the metal in the form of gears, pneumatic cylinders, and metal limbs. When they used the plans to put it all together, they had a two-legged metal machine.

Everyone gained an engineering level, but they were preoccupied with the new weapon.

"What is it?"

Doric answered, "It's a walker. It has two option turrets that you can buy attachments for, and with its legs, it towers over the battlefield and goes places that tanks can't."

"Can we make whatever we want with the engineering skill?" asked Josh.

"You can. Also when you're killing monsters, they will sometimes drop schematics for more machines. If they do, just bring 'em here."

26-Sep-2006 03:22:29 - Last edited on 26-Sep-2006 04:06:17 by [#Z4I81DBPJ]

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