
For the hell of war

Quick find code: 49-50-66-58349532

Oss Spy
Jan Member 2022

Oss Spy

Posts: 3,099 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Attack
I walked to my room in the Falador castle and collapsed onto my bed, finally going to sleep after sorting out the suicide of Lieutenant Blackburn. After a few seconds, maybe hours, of sleep, I woke to the smell of screams and burning.
Falador was being invaded.
I rushed to my wardrobe and put on my white armor, and grabbing a shortsword along the way. I bounded down the steps and into the center, and I was horrified at the sight.
Most of the houses were on fire, and bodies littered the streets. Covenant troops were running and killing in all directions, while only a marines were at my side.
"Come on men!" I shouted, "We will die for the UNSC!"
I was answered with war cries and our men charging the enemy. I myself ran to a soldier that was running after a young woman, and I ran my shoulder into him, smashing him against a nearby wall. I plunged my sword into his black heart, and his eyes looked at me in suprise.
A Covenant soldier witnessed this, and he notched an arrow in his bow. I ran for cover inside the general store, just as i heard the thud of the arrow on the door. I grabbed my crossbow and loaded a bolt. I braved a peek oustide the door, and ducked my head back in just in time, as he fired another arrow. I ran out and fired my crossbow at him. The bolt went right through him and into another soldier, pinning him against the wall.
"I'll be taking that back if you don't mind," I said as I pulled the bolt out of his chest and loading it back in my crossbow. I looked around and saw the scene for once. Even more bodies littered the streets, but now most of them were Covenant soldiers. I ran to the south entrance, running around the fights. I saw a mass of black, which meant the elite were comming to reinforce the attack.
"Everyone, fall back to Varrock!" I shouted.
Men finished their fights and turned to look at me. Then they saw the reinforcements. Many men ran immediately, and I was among the few gathering the wounded.

13-Mar-2009 21:40:36 - Last edited on 14-Apr-2009 13:24:43 by Oss Spy

Oss Spy
Jan Member 2022

Oss Spy

Posts: 3,099 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There was a Private Sullivan sitting on the ground, his back against a building, and he was bleeding from a wound in his shoulder. "Come on, get up," I said to him. "You can't stay here!"
"Can you help me up? I can't move."
I sheathed my sword and picked him up, carrying him over my shoulders. He was much heavier than he had any right to be. But, somehow, we made it to the monoastary. The monks crowded around us, shocked by our apperances.
"Can you heal him? I don't know how much longer he can stay alive," I asked one of them.
"Yes brother I can. I just hope you find your way to Varrock safely," he responded. Placing his hand on Sullivan's head, there was a slight blue glow around his hand.
I thanked the monks, and we made our way back to Varrock. The trouble was, there wasn't much left of Varrock.

13-Mar-2009 21:45:06 - Last edited on 14-Apr-2009 13:23:36 by Oss Spy

Oss Spy
Jan Member 2022

Oss Spy

Posts: 3,099 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
We were told that if Varrock or Falador were to fall, we should fall back to the Ruins west of the Bandit Camp. After many hours of hiking through the wasteland, we finally made it. There were still a good number of soldiers alive, and we had many supplies.
"Good Macmillian you made it. Now I need your help with something," Oonkeebaa said to me as soon as I stepped in the makeshift camp.
"Okay here is the plan. Our intel suggests that the Covenant base is stationed in the castle, which is on the small island connected by a thin strip of land in the northern west part of the wilderness, just below the Gate of no Return. What I need you and your platoon to do is to attack and clear the Lava Maze. It's where they are getting all of their supplies from. Dragon meat, Dragon hide, you understand. That is a valuble asset to them, and if they do not have it, they will have to spread out further to find more supplies- or retake the maze. Either way, their troops will be spread thin and that will give us time to attack."
"I just don't see why I have all the suicide missions," I retorted.
"It's because you are a damn fine leader and a kick ass soldier. Good luck."
I recieved a letter the following morning when the operation was to take place (in one week) and to get volunteers first. I would need a minimum of five soldiers from each combat type, and we were to have been loaded down with food and potions. We were to also bring the best armor and weapons we had.
We would need them.

13-Mar-2009 21:45:13 - Last edited on 16-Apr-2009 19:02:08 by Oss Spy

Oss Spy
Jan Member 2022

Oss Spy

Posts: 3,099 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
It was blistering hot at the front of the maze. Lava was almost spilling over its banks, and occasionally a bubble popped and lit the nearest thing on fire.
"Alright men. Remember, go in and take out anybody you see that doesn't look like us, and stay AWAY from the edge of the Lava. You will not be able to survive long, and you could fall in. Understood?"
They nodded their heads to show they understood. I took a deep breath and pulled out my bow. I pointed at a fellow ranger and motioned for him to follow me, and for another to cover our flank. I took cover behind a clump of dead trees and peeked my head out. I saw one man standing guard on one of the few pieces of land. I notched an arrow and pulled back the string, taking aim at his knee. If I hit his knee, he would fall sideways into the lava. I released the string and the arrow flew through the air but I missed. He saw the arrow in the ground and turned toward me.
"We're being attacked! Men, on your-" He shouted, but I threw my dagger at his face. The blade went through his mouth and silenced him, but the troops near him heard the message. They scrambled and raised the alert.
"To hell with stealth! CHAAARRRGGGEEE!" One soldier shouted.
We ran through maze but encountered little resistance. Enemy archers were preparing their bows and taking aim.
A hail of arrows came our way, but a Summoner called a Rune Titan to shield us. Arrows bounced off its hard armor, and did little more than irritate him. Mages and Archers continued to fire on us as we advanced, but our Titan held strong. We were thirty yards from the center of the Maze when a Fire Wave hit the Titan in the neck, blasting its head off. It fell forward across the lava. The mage was horrified to realize he created a bridge for us.

13-Mar-2009 21:45:20 - Last edited on 24-May-2009 01:23:59 by Oss Spy

Oss Spy
Jan Member 2022

Oss Spy

Posts: 3,099 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Alright men fan out! Take no prisoners! Let the bodies pile at your feet!" I shouted.
I myself charged through the center. A soldier in Iron armor raised his sword and swung at me, but I was ready. I jumped back to dodge the blow, and he swung too hard; he fumbled to regain control of his sword. I grabbed his sword wrist and twisted it behind his back until he dropped his weapon, and twisted it further until I heard the bone snap into pieces. I took his own weapon and plunged it straight through the back of his armor.
I turned just in time to the left to see a man throw a spear at me, but it glanced off my armor. He turned to run away but I caught up to him after he ran three steps. I put my hand around his head and twisted once to the right and to the left, snapping his neck. I picked up the spear that failed to kill me and looked for my men. They were doing exeedingly well, but I saw a body. Sergant Fisher was on his side, barely breating. His breaths were shallow and irregular.
"Come on man, you're going to make it," I whispered to him.
"Please....make it stop...." He choked out.
"Come on you're going to be fine,"
"I'm.....not going to make it..."
"Don't talk like that you're going to make it out of here!"
His breaths slowed and became much more gentle. His lips moved, but he couldn't speak. His chest stopped rising.
For the first time, I cried in the middle of a battle.
"Sir, we've taken the camp," Private Brown said. He put his hand on my shoulder.
I pulled myself together and said, "Very well."
"RUNNER! I need a runner! Mahmr get over here. Run back to base and tell Oonkeebaa that we have taken the base. Tell him we have one man KIA."
He nodded and took off through the maze. I found a spade near a few burned out tents and began digging.

13-Mar-2009 21:45:28 - Last edited on 23-May-2010 15:07:11 by Oss Spy

Oss Spy
Jan Member 2022

Oss Spy

Posts: 3,099 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Dear Abby,
I haven't seen you in such a long time. I can't wait to come home and see you again, nor until this damned war is over. I lost a soldier under my command. I didn't ask for this job. I wanted to fight for what's right, not have men under my command. Ten men unconditionaly under my command- ten families unconditionaly counting on me to bring their husbands, brothers.....sons home. Nine men now. I've failed one. I did everything I could, but it wasn't enough. Either way I'm getting transferred to the area just south of the Fremennik Provence. The area is controlled by The Covenant, and is crucial for resources. We also need to take the Keldagrim mines so we can cripple their weapon making abilities. My men will be the first to go in. Speaking of which, I was assigned an Ancienter to my squad- a man who goes by 'Ratchet'. I hope I can keep him alive.
I have to go now; I have to break the news to my squad.
Love you,

13-Mar-2009 21:45:35 - Last edited on 05-Jun-2009 23:38:59 by Oss Spy

Oss Spy
Jan Member 2022

Oss Spy

Posts: 3,099 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Is it a trap?" Asked Ratchet
"It's always a trap. We just need to kick ass," I responed.
Ahead of us was a small patrol of three swordsmen and two archers were standing guard at the gate of the Abatis, designed to stop cavalry.
"Hold your fire, this is just a recon mission," I said as I noticed PFC. Charleson notched an arrow. "We only attack if we are attacked. I looked through a makeshift sight (a hollow piece of wood with a perfectly clear and cut crystal through the wood near the end) and looked around. Beyond the patrol, I saw a large stone structure and smaller wooden barracks and storage buildings surrounding.
"Hostiles fifty yards and closing on our four o'clock," our spotter said. "Two mages and one officer. Engage or let them pass?"
We were in Ghillie camoflague (uniforms with pieces of brush and twigs attatched, see the front page), and it was unlikely for us to be spotted. I bit my lip as I tried to make up my mind. If we let them go, we would have met our mission requiremnts but allow two deadly mages and an officer live. Kill them and we would risk the mission but make our job much easier.
"I'll take them," said Sgt. Murray, our stealth specialist. "I think some knives and piano wire should do the trick."
He crawled around behind the men and threw a knife into a bush twenty yards away. The officer sent the mages to investigate, and Murray ran quietly at a crouch, having his wire ready. When he was behind the officer he stood up, put the wire around the officers neck and used one hand to bring the two ends of the wire together and the other to silence him. He struggled at first, but gave in.
Murray hid his body in another bush, and took aim with a knife. Like lightning, he threw two knives one after the other at the mages. They both hit in the back of their necks. He took the officer's body and brought it to us, the the mage's.
"Good work. Ratchet and charleson, help Murray with the bodies. We can't leave a trace," I said as Murray returned.

13-Mar-2009 21:45:45 - Last edited on 06-Jun-2009 00:15:43 by Oss Spy

Oss Spy
Jan Member 2022

Oss Spy

Posts: 3,099 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Alright, we're going back to the village. They still don't know we're here."

Dear Mac,
I can't wait to see you either. I hope you're doing alright. You know I hate your job but somebody has to do it. I'm sorry this letter is short but what I feel can't be put into a letter. I'll show you when you get back.
With love,

13-Mar-2009 21:45:52 - Last edited on 06-Jun-2009 00:21:16 by Oss Spy

Oss Spy
Jan Member 2022

Oss Spy

Posts: 3,099 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The endgame
“We have the enemy brought down to their knees, their backs are against the wall, and they are the most dangerous in this situation. We need to end this now Lancaster,” Oonkeebaa reported.
Lancaster thought for a moment: ‘They have one way to escape and we have our base established there. Any troops not in the Relleka area are guarding our territory or raiding suspected enemy camps. Total we have about two hundred troops here. How can we take Trollweiss Mountain without sustaining heavy casualties?’
“Lan, any ideas?” Oonkeebaa asked.
“We can*t send any men in without most being killed. It will be like Mos Le’Harmless all over again.”
“Who will be leading our troops? We need a strong leader, a man who has seen war and fought along side his men.”
“I have just the man in mind…..”

“General MacMillian! General MacMillian! Mac, where are you!” Lancaster shouted around the camp.
“Right here, sir. I though I was a Lieutenant Colonel?” I responded.
“You’re going to lead these men into battle, and with them you will destroy what is left of The Covenant. You are in charge of troops and tactics in this campaign. You can’t be a Colonel and have that responsibility.”
“Yeah no pressure, two hundred men counting on me to keep them alive. Two hundred families counting on me to bring them home. Fathers. Husbands. Brothers. Sons. The young fight and die but the leaders decide what happens.”
“So you’ll do it then.”
“Somebody needs to finish this fight. It might as well be me.”

November 19
I might not make it through this fight. To be perfectly honest, I wouldn’t mind. A commander led his men into a slaughter but he managed to survive. He led him and his men into a suicide mission but he came out in one piece. I don’* want to be like him. I’m going to die fighting, but I'm going to finish it. The least I owe is dying with them. If anyone is reading this, I want you to tell my wife that I died like a hero, and I’m sorry for not coming home.

13-Mar-2009 21:45:59 - Last edited on 23-May-2010 15:19:55 by Oss Spy

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