Do you really think I would change my name just to tell you the truth?
Anyways, I'll refrain from criticizing your story from now on since some of us actually write original (or somewhat original for me) stories and have to keep them going. I can't risk getting banned from the forums.
Also, remove the banned list, or you'll get your ass kicked by the mods, too. The banned list won't stop anyone from posting.
Also, I don't fail at RuneScape, I just don't play it that often. Forgive me for not wasting half my life like you on an online game, which you use as a way to try to bully people into liking your failing stories.
1. Yes, but that is not the truth.
2. Keep going, if you got banned that would be the best thing in the world.
3. I doubt it.
4. Evidently you do fail, judging by your combat stats. I'm not a bully, however, all I do is respond. You can't throw a lit match into a pool of gasoline then blame the pool of gas, seeing as how you threw the match. Wasting half my life...? That's odd, because you call lower levels noobs, and anyone who can kick your ass a nerd. Funny, eh?
Oh, and Luke, can't you see that nobody cares about you on this thread anymore?
02-Feb-2010 03:26:21