
Light Or Darkness 2, We Return

Quick find code: 49-50-647-37767396

Riku Zerati

Riku Zerati

Posts: 701 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Light Or Darkness Final Chapter piece

???: I can help you with your ship ^^

Nhoj: Who are you??

???: Oh how rude of me, I am Popcop. Child of Saradomin..Nice to meet you all

Tyler: Child of Saradomin?

Popcop: Yes, as a child I was touched by saradomin. Which made me a somewhat devine being

Zack: Interesting, nice to meet you as well

Popcop: Thank you ^_^

Kyle: Care to tell us where we are??

Popcop: Oh you are on an island

BlackRi**: Um, not to be rude but...Duh??

Popcop: Ah sarcasm..I meant you are on my small island near land of elves, care to come to my village??

Nhoj: We might as well, we need a place to stay for a while

They all follow her to a village

Villager: DEMON!!

Zotiac & Nhoj: I'm a werewolf!

Kyle, Hyro, BlackRiku, Zack, Chris, and Tyler: Were only half demon!!

Ali: *sigh* Human..

Popcop: Please please, these are my friends

Popcops mother (Rachael): Oh Pop..Who have you brought about us this time..

Popcop: They are my friends, they shipwrecked on the island..They need their ship repaired

Later that Night

Rachael: So who exactly who are you people after?

Zotiac: Its not who, it's what

Hyro: We came in search of the fountain of youth

Rachael: :O You are brave, it is all over on the other side of the world!

Kyle: Thats why we need to find Pete

Pete comes in the villagers home, kind of drunk

Pete: Somebody call me?

everybody: :O

BlackRiku: You havent been sober in years have you..Ya Bald old monk..

Pete: Heh heh heh, BlackRiku is that you?? My boy your attitude toward me hasnt changed a bit now has it heh

Meanwhile at the barrows

Rikori: He was here..

Jonk: Lord Rikori, who was here?

Rikori: My brother..BlackRiku,He was here

Jonk: I didn't know you had a brother Lord Rikori

Rikori: ..Niether does he..

Jonk: Ah I see

Rikori: He doesnt even know of my existence, but I know him..

Jonk: Are you going after him?

Rikori: Yes..I am


04-Aug-2007 17:34:22

Riku Zerati

Riku Zerati

Posts: 701 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Who is Rikori?? He claims he is BlackRiku's older brother..But how?? And what of Jonk, he claims that his mentor and master is Rikori


Credits opening

The Song Kryptonite and Jesus walks (not breaking rules, its just the name of a song) starts to play

You can all add your own blooper of the story in the Credits

Authors: BlackRiku, Chrisn44, Gokustick500, and Nhoj when he wants to be :P

Special Supporters: Hotdemon777 (poor guy was bugged :( ) Zora, Ho hofat, AND THE MOST HONORABLE, Nhoj448

Light Or Darkness Blooper

BlackRiku looked at Hyro's Blood, thinking it was water..He guzzled it down

BlackRiku: Oh!!! Oh my god that was gross!!! Ewww im what 8 years old and drinking demons blood!! Ugh Im gonna be sick!! What if he had a disese, huh?? What about that, think about that next time..Gross writers..

BlackRiku pukes

Nhoj (directer): Uhh...BlackRiku drinks demon blood take 5

BlackRiku: Ugh, you know what?! Nooo, im not doing that again *sigh* I'll be in my trailer..

04-Aug-2007 17:48:38



Posts: 3,428 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Glow's aftermath.

After all the bloopers and credits, Glow (In penguin form) has his own short video at the end.

Glow: I'm not even in the credits! WTF! I'm gonna kill BlackRi*u this time! For good! Hey.... where am I...

Camera zooms out into Glow sitting in complete and utter darkness.

Glow: WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-Aug-2007 18:50:16 - Last edited on 04-Aug-2007 18:50:52 by Glow250



Posts: 3,428 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Wonder what the next one will be called?

Light or darkness 3: Brothers in Arms?


Light or darkness 3: Showdown of Dooooom.


Light or darkness 3: The adventures of-

'Now stop it.'

Light or-

'This better be good.'

Light or Darkness 3-

This is your last chance, so be careful what you say...

Light or Darkness 3: The story after Light or Darkness 2.

The next moment I'm surrounded in a pool of blood.

'No second chances.'

Then a ghost comes up from the ground.

Light or Darkness 3: The-


04-Aug-2007 19:05:02

Hex the wolf

Hex the wolf

Posts: 18,894 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nhoj blooper

Chapter a new hope

the figure takes his hood off, it was BlackRiku..grinning

Everybody: Your..not evil anymore?

BlackRiku: Oh yeah thats right *smirk*

he lets his blade out

Uriga: Your not my father!!

BlackRiku: Oh, Im not? Then howcome I remember everything I used too? Howcome I remember all the fun we used to have? Howcome I remember my own father trying to kill me? Howcome I remember when I was a child and Nhoj saved my life? Wanna know why? Because..I am the same exact person I used to be. Just turned evil..

Nhoj: Grr..BlackRiku, this is not who you are!!

BlackRiku glares at Nhoj calmly

BlackRiku: Oh but it is..

Nhoj: I forgot my line..

Blackriku: No glow is metn to step in!


Nhoj: Ohh.. oops..

(shows glow in a sack with tape over his mouth)

Glow: mm!

Blackriku: ....

Hyro: He still has that exact same smile..

Nhoj: like my mom...

Hyro: Omg cut Nhoj thats not in the script!

Nhoj: what script..?

(flash back starts)

Nhoj: man... im hungry.. ohh! (eats a 5 month old double quarter pounder burger)

Nhoj: hmm.. might as well finish off this 6 month old milk to! (gulp) .... (gag) OMG! (takes out script in robes and throws up in it)

(flash back ends)

Hyro: i now know to much.. CUT

Con chapter hope TAKE TO

Uriga: Father!!

Zack: You..why?!!

BlackRiku: The feels fantastic..

Jin starts to burst out in tears and yells and screams at the same time


Jin is so sad, she jumps to hold him, she hugs him and he just stands there, shocked, but then he frowns. And gets a straight face again

BlackRiku: ..Get off me..

he raises his claws

BlackRiku: ..Now..(LAG)

Nhoj: You have become a monster! Pure Evil! like a twinkie!

BlackRiku: Go away old man..Before I hurt you..

Nhoj: IM NOT OLD! :O

BlackRiku: Your point?

Nhoj: :@

04-Aug-2007 19:16:55



Posts: 1,149 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chrisn's Bloopers (adding another Kyle's Kool Dreams)

-Kyle's Kool Dream-

Kyle: Great where am I now?
????: Halt!
Kyle: What? Who are u?
Ganondorf: I am the gerudo theif king, Ganondorf, prepare to die!
Kyle: I didn't do anything! (gosh, what a jerk)
Ganondorf: *makes and throws electic ball*
Kyle: *hits back w/ Runes Blade*

Back and forth it goes until it hit Ganondorf.

Ganondorf: Gahhhh!
Kyle: Time for some ownage! *slashes incredibly fast*
Ganondor*: agg********hhhhhhhhhh!!!!! How is it possible!
Kyle: Cuz I'm BUFF!
Ganondorf: *faces flat on the ground*
*Castle falls apart*
Kyle: Speed time! *escapes swiftly* Whew! Now that was easy!
Ganondorf: *gasping and yells loudly and transforms into Ganon*
Kyle: OMG!!!! He's UGLY!!!! Time to go to demon form. DARKNESS CONSUME ME!!! *turns into demon and is just a lil smaller then Ganon*

Kyle: I've got BULGING BICEPS! Time to toss him Mario style! *grabs Ganon's colorful tail and throw him really far away, so that he dies*

Kyle: Awesome, SUPER DUPER BUFFNESS! *wakes up* Whoa that was a dream, but a Kool one.


Ethan: Time to die.

Blinding light

Tim: *dies*
Kyle: OMG u killed Tim! That's not right.
Ethan: Oh well
Kyle: Grrr *quick stabs Ethan*
Nhoj: CUT! That's not in the script!
Ethan: Too bad.

Take 2

Ethan: Time to die!

blinding light

Kyle: Noooooo! *dies*
Nhoj: CUT! No one dies cept Ethan!

....skips ahead...

Take 522

Kyle: *cries* I felt an evil spirit in him, some1 must have controlled him to kill me.
Nhoj: CUT! That's a Rap!


Hope you liked, I hope to do bloopers of L or D 2 when L or d 3 starts. I made Nhoj director cuz he's funny.

04-Aug-2007 23:19:39

Lord Anvard

Lord Anvard

Posts: 133 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Behind the scene

Zotiac:Yawn....havent had much action lately...

???: oh and make sure you dont forget to buy the gazillion companies in europe...

Zotiac:....Hey Bill Gates!!!Bet i could beat you up.

Gates:ahhhhh help meeee!!!!(200 bodygaurds rush zotiac)

Zotiac:hehe,thats sad...*turns into giant werewolf and pull and pulls out his lava bow*hehe take some of this!!!*starts to shoot all the bodygaurds and then they all run away on fire*

Gates: OMG

Zotiac:gimme ure lunch money Bill!!!!before I knock you all the way to....uh...hawiaii?

Gates:waaaaaa here you go!!!*hands over 200 billion dollars and runs away* im richer then blackriku :) Hmmm....wonder wat I'll spend it on....
Nhoj:wow thats alot of munny Zotiac....gimme!!!!

Zotiac:Neva!!!!!*shoots nhoj in head*
Nhoj: ow ow ow ow!!!hot hot hot!!!!

zotiac:well...guss I'll buy a 100million dollar car now....even though I don't need it...then I'll put the rest up somewhere...somewhere blackriku will never get it!!!!

well I probaly made a lot of errors,but I hope its funny lol

05-Aug-2007 03:51:28 - Last edited on 05-Aug-2007 03:52:51 by Lord Anvard

Hyro Silver

Hyro Silver

Posts: 1,916 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
-Light or Darkness Behind the Scenes-

The House Set:

Nhoj: I don't like this new mansion we're supposed to live in.

Hyro: But it's the future!!! Lets stay here!

Blackriku: This looks haunted.


Nhoj: Still...

They all hear a whisper as if the house was talking.

House: Geeeet Ouuuut...

Nhoj: Ok lets go!

Hyro: I can't work under these curcumstances...

-Blackriku and his evil side- G=Good B=Bad

BlackrikuB: Lets take the precious when they're asleep.

BlackrikuG: No no we can't!

BlackrikuB: Them nasty hobbitses took our precious!

BlackrikuG: They only borrowed it...

BlackrikuB: No we must take it now!!! Kill them!!!

BlackrikuG: Well, ok if you insist.

Blackriku G/B: *cough cough* Blackriku Blackriku!

Hyro whispers to Nhoj: Who is he talking to?

Nhoj: Idk but this is getting good...

-Blackriku Good and Bad Fight-


BlackrikuB: NO YOU COME!

BlackrikuG looked foward and saw bridge.



BlackrikuB jumped over the bridge and laned infront of BlackrikuG. They started to slash eachother when BlackrikuG cut BlackrikuB's arm off.

BlackrikuG: There I won!

BlackrikuB: No you didn't...

BlackrikuG: Yes I did!

BlackrikuB: Er... it's only a flesh wound...

BlackrikuG lifted his sword and cut the other arm off.

BlackrikuG: Now I have won!!!

BlackrikuB: No you haven't! Lets finish this now!

BlackrikuG: You have no arms left!

BlackrikuB: I've had worse!

BlackrikuG slashed the bad one's legs off and the bad Blackriku fell to the ground.

BlackrikuG: Now I have won and you can't deny it!

BlackrikuB: Alright, we'll call it a draw...

BlackrikuG: GAH!!!

-Hyro and Blackri*u talk under the rain-

Hyro: Look Blackriku, you must let her go.

Blackriku: I can't...

Hyro: You better I don't feel well, we've been here for hours!

Blackriku: So?

Hyro fell down dead... *Pneumonia kills*


06-Aug-2007 03:14:14

Riku Zerati

Riku Zerati

Posts: 701 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Light or Darkness Parody

Light or Darkness, future in space

Uriga: Zack, ugh we are getting no-were in our lives, almost every one has died...ugh we need to get some money and somehow never get arrested for not paying it back

Zack: So what will we do??

Uriga: Hmm I got an idea :)

Zotiac: Hey I want in!!

Zack: Uh, kay

some days later at the bank

Finantial advisor: Sooo....What do you want this money for??

Zotiac: I want to build a giant space station that can destroy planets, also with hi-tech futuristic technology and troopers in white armour to crush my enimies..Oooh and to build a cloning facility

Finantial advisor: Um, well that is not a good way to spend money and it is illigel..Im sorry but you will need to get your money somewere else

Zotiac: Uh..I want to build a bar

Finantial advisor: Oh, well in that case...

a couple years later

Zotiac is standing at the window of the Death sun (the giant space station) he now has dark robes , and a black cape along with a laserish weapon in his pocket

Trooper: Sir, your brother is ready

Zotiac: Good..Awaken him

Trooper: Right away sir

Zotiac starts walking to the Robotics and Cybernetics facility

Zack: So..How is he coming along?? Will he be ready any time soon??

Zotiac smiles

Zotiac: My friend..He is awakened

Uriga: So it worked?!

Zotiac: Yes, he is ready follow me to the room

they all go to a room with dim lights, on a metal table there is what looks like a man in a dark suit with a robotic helmate on so you cannot see his face

Uriga: Father..Can you hear me??

BlackRiku: Yes..My son

Zotiac: Bots, remove the titanium locks on his arms

Bot 224: Yes, master

the locks come loose

a couple years later after that

BlackRiku blogging about his girlfriend

BlackRiku: Hello my name is, Riku..A couple weeks ago my brother told me about a site on the internet called youtube, everysince then i've been hooked, and this is my "blog"


06-Aug-2007 05:52:48

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