Administrators will be in a position to watch over this thread when I am absent, as a way to keep it moving along and help it remain a warm and welcome place for new writers.
Administrators, in accepting their role, will be accepting the following powers and responsibilities:
Administrators may do anything which an editor can do, as well as remove current editors from their position should the editor be in contempt, or appear absent for more than a 6 month period.
Administrators may create and judge their own contests hosted on this thread or endorsed by this thread.
Administrators may ask a person to leave for misconduct, judge the outcome of a quarrel between users (as who is right and who should apologize/shut up), and will be expected to ask for Moderator help in case of spam, cursing, or any other form of offensive/derogatory action.
Administrators will be answerable only to me, and not to each other. They will be expected to be helpful reliable and responsible leaders who are capable and willing to further the purpose of this thread, as a hub for writers young and old.
Administrators will be appointed only by me, and will be appointed by no means other than simply asking a user if they wish to be in that position (I.E., you may not apply to become an Administrator, and you cannot win the position in a contest).
Editors will be in a position to help new writers by giving them advice and reviewing their stories.
Editors will be expected to occasionally review a story on the thread (at their discretion, not every story must be reviewed).
Users will be told to ask for Editors opinions when writing their stories.
Editors will be asked occasionally to aid in the judging of contests and activities.
Editors will be answerable to any Administrator.
02-Apr-2010 21:50:39
- Last edited on
09-Sep-2010 02:28:57
Logan Shafts