
Kingdoms of Karrus [RP*

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The Meeting

King Horic sat in silence as the rest of the council went on to list their concerns about the empire. Stonelord Morano believed they should gather more information, and Horic could see the wisdom in that even if he took a dim view of espionage. The diplomat from Rournich expressed reluctance to join - this was probably just a bargaining tactic though. If Rournic* wanted no part in the alliance they wouldn't have come.

Then Eodis went on to explain his plan. When he mentioned raiding villages, Princess Derene's eyes widened. When he talked about destroying homes, burning crops, killing cattle, her expression turned to horror. And then finally she stood up. "No!" She said, looking at the Gray from across the table. "You can't go around murdering innocent civilians - they don't want the Sorusians there either!" Of course she would be vehemently against the plan - these were her people they were talking about.

King Horic appeared startled at this outburst, and then he quickly intervened. "Our goal is to liberate the kingdoms, not destroy them." He explained to Eodis. "Those people aren't Sorusians - they were part of kingdoms that resisted the Sorusians and were conquered because of it." Princess Derene had sat down at this point, but she still had that angry look on her face.

"Anyways, we'll discuss military tactics and spying once we've worked out who actually wants to join the alliance and what the terms will be." He looked at the diplomat from Rournic*. "Even you can see that this empire is a threat. If they can't break through to the south, they will turn their attention to the west. You will need the alliance's protection. As for gains, there will be plenty of wealth in the Sorusian capital."

Then, Princess Derene, having significantly calmed down, spoke up once again.

Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

04-Sep-2015 17:24:36



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"For those of you who don't know, I am the heir to the throne of Janwyn, one of the conquered nations. I can't speak for the others, but once my own nation is liberated I will find some way to repay those who helped retake it."


The Tanik Forest

"Alpha? Your leader?" Darius asked, slightly confused. He was hesitant to take the coin - did the creature just say 'this bad not good'? Why couldn't these barbarians speak properly? He decided to ask to clarify. "Is the coin an offer of peace?"



"Very well." Came the diplomats response. They began walking to the dining hall. "I'm sure you know why I'm here." He said as they walked, getting straight down to business. "Emperor Cidius II wishes to propose an alliance between our two nations."



The soldiers at the gate all exchanged glances between each other. They had been informed of this arrival beforehand, of course - one does not cross the continent's largest empire and take a boat to their capital without word getting out ahead of them. And indeed, more than usual had been stationed at the gate this day specifically for that purpose.

"Come with us. We will will escort you to the palace." The leader of a group of eight guards said.

The walk would go on in silence. Soldiers and guards recruited directly from the main Sorusian Island were known for their professionalism, and would not speak unless it was to answer a question.

Eventually, they would reach the palace. It was tall and magnificent, its construction funded by wealth taken from all over the empire. They would be led directly to the entrance, at which point the bodyguards would be instructed to wait outside, and the diplomat seat*hed for weaponsIf she complied, then a guard would lead her into the palace and into an empty sitting room.

"Emperor Cidius will be with you shortly."
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

04-Sep-2015 17:52:03 - Last edited on 04-Sep-2015 23:45:51 by NotFishing



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The guard said, leaving and closing the door behind him.

The sitting room was well decorated and well lit. Paintings of past emperors hung on the wall. A finely crafted table made of wood from the Tanik Forest sat in the middle of the room, with chairs surrounding it. Light streamed in from a large window.

Then the door opened, and in stepped Emperor Cidius II. "Welcome to my palace." He told her. He was young, age twenty one at most, but he had only been in power for a few years so that was understandable. His crown seemed a bit too big for his head, and his posture wasn't exactly perfect. "So, what brings you to my empire?"
Beneath the gold, the Bitter Steel.

04-Sep-2015 17:57:19 - Last edited on 04-Sep-2015 17:58:58 by NotFishing

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Like, I said, I'll take your words to heart, maybe it's best that I just delete my post, and just say that Ardithitine ignores the meeting. In the meantime, I'm going to take Zig's advice and take notes. I edited that post before that comment. secondly, how far does this god modding go, I am unfamiliar with the concept. Thirdly. I'm a storyteller, not an experienced RPer, perhaps I need the definition. Fourthly, It takes time for me to learn a new concept, it may take a while to get the whole "no god modding thing down" I'm not stupid, I'm just unintentionally stubborn and make the same mistakes over and over. Once I set my mind to something, I will eventually get it down. Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

04-Sep-2015 21:56:28

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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*just a rambling to replace an entire ####### page of double posts*
blah blah blah blahblahblah blahblahblah blahblah blah blah blah blah blahblahblahblahblah blah blah blah blah blahblahblah blah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah blah blah blahblahblah blah blahblahblah blah blah blah blahblahblahblah blah blahblah blahblablahblah.

And so
Blah blah blah blah blahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblabblah
Blahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblah,
Let us then assume that
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blablahblah
blahblahblahblahblah blah blahblah blahblahblah
blah blah blah blahblahblah blah blah blahblah rah blahblah blah
One can safely assume that
blahblahblah blah blah blah blah blah blahblahbbingtonblahblah
And so
blahblahblah blah blah blah blah blah blah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahbbingtonblahblah
blah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahbbinghammingtoblahblah
blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah
It is with this in mind that I cannot blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahlahblablah
In the same way that blahblahblahblahblah and that blah blahblahblahbb*hammingham
blah blahblah blah blah blah blah blahbbinghammington. blahblah blah blah blah blah
I understand that blahblah blah blahblahbbingblah blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah
blahblahblahblah blah blahblahblahbittyblahblahblah blahblah blah blah
Thank you and blah blah blah blah..
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

05-Sep-2015 01:43:46 - Last edited on 05-Sep-2015 01:46:16 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Another nation:
Skarsisian Empire
Leader: Empress Anakis* II True leader is their goddess Verdisia
Population: 2 million
Location West of Osgalethe in Indonesia, trying to make a foothold in southern India and widespread in Norther Australia
Races: Human, Dwarves, trolls
Capital: Axillia also called “City of Cliffs” Axillia is actually two cities with the same name. It is separated between two cliff faces, with a staircase that leads to the port, which leads to boats that allow one to reach Axillia’s east side from the west side and vice versa. This setting is mirrored from both the west side facing the east, and the West side facing east. West side houses the poor up to the lower middle class, east side houses the rich and the upper middle class. In Eastern Axillia is the Undertower, Which houses the Empress.
Govt.: Theocracy, empress is second in command next to their Goddess
Economy: Skarsis uses the Verdan, it is a coin made from jade. On the heads side of the coin is the depiction of Verdisia, the tails side has depicts their empress. This is symbolic of who is actually in charge: Their goddess.
Military: 120,000 stationed throughout the empire, but the offensive army only has about 20,000 soldiers suitable for an invasion force, Numbers were once much bigger, Osgalethe decimated their offensive army when Skarsis invaded.
Navy: 200 Triremes, 192 biremes
Outposts and forts throughout the empire: 100 in use 50 filled with bandits after Anakish’s coronation. The abandoned fifty are known bandit and pirate holds.
History: If Sorusia is a rising power, Skarsis is its opposite. Skarsis at one point was a much stronger empire, presumably one that could rival Sorusia in terms of military strength. It is now a fading power due to 5 catastrophes. 1: Syanthine Infantalis, off the coast of Osgalethe erupted with such force that parts of the mountain fell over the capital, killing a good number
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

05-Sep-2015 01:43:49

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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of people including the Empress Anakish’s mother and father, The disaster left the six year old Anakish Empress of the nation . 2 Seeing weakness in Anakish’s leadership, Bandits and pirates took advantage of the empires’ weakened state and assaulted, sacked and occupied 50 forts. Military strength was weakened slightly. 3: Seeing what this represented Skarsisian territories revolted and gained their independence from the empire. 4.Anakish’s attention was towards the unconquered country of Osgalethe. She had hoped to use Osgalethe as a massive staging base for her navy, as well as a natural buffer zone against Sorusia Osgalethe the Coral reefs decimated much of her then massive navy 5 she is believed to be unable to have a child, and heir. 6 the rest of her family had been assasasinated five years before Syanthine Infantalis exploded. . Legend says that she wove a dress made from her flesh so ugly and undesirable, that the other gods turned to stone by looking at it. Cutting out her eyes, she snipped her dress into pieces, and created mankind, dwarves and trolls by accident. Verdisia then turned her gaze from the world. Like a child trying to get the attention of her mother, a young child sung a song that gained the attention of Verdisia. It asked her to return her gaze to the world. “Why hast thou abandoned us?” asked the child “ we need guidance” Verdisia reluctantly returned, her gaze. She taught them the ins and outs of fashion, how to grow crops, the passion of love (she mated with both genders of her creations) how to build structures. And then, once again turned her gaze elsewhere. But before she did that, she crowned a woman named Parthia, it’s Queen. Parthia was a woman of uncommon ambition. Using her charisma, beauty and charm, she united eighty six tribes into a massive empire. In the fourty third year of her life, she gave birth to her heir, Darcia, thus begins the tradition of the “Femperors” Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

05-Sep-2015 01:47:34 - Last edited on 05-Sep-2015 01:48:55 by Pink 4 Twink

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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Culture: Skarsis venerates beauty and fashion, Skarsissian attire is very desirable, perhaps the most desirable anywhere. It naturally venerates its Goddess, Verdisia, Goddess of the Flesh. It puts an emphasis on the female body above the male body. It is the only known nation that only uses females as soldiers. Its artists are all female, only women rise to positions of power in this nation, males are philosophers, teachers and servants. Skarsis puts an emphasis patience, gentleness, and cunning. Only women become soldiers in the army. It is said that for every strong man tere is an equally stronger woman, Skarsis takes this saying literally and to the far extreme. Women are favored above men. This does not however make Skarsis any less brutal, or any weaker than other nations. These warrior women are full time professionals and hold their ground no matter what. What they lack in strength, they make up for in flexibility. The fact that the any enemy is facing the most beautiful and attractive women, makes the enemy rue at the thought of killing a woman that they are attracted to. Skarsis, like Osgalethe Is a pariah among other nations, but not for slavery. Slavery is hated. Skarsis has no honor, it breaks all rules of organized warfare, what they don’t take with their armies, Skarsis takes through organized mass assassination. It currently has more assassins than soldiers. They have a school dedicated to training assassins. They have the best assassins anywhere. All females (surprise, surprise) No monarch would dare attack this nation (unless they were suicidal) for fear of being assassinated,( unless its Doormor, assassinating a Doormorian monarch is impossible.) This however goes both ways. Everyone is waiting for the Empress to make a mistake in attacking, as soon as she does, half the nations would gladly unite against her.
What does Skarsis despise? Skarsis hates slavery.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

05-Sep-2015 01:50:01

Pink 4 Twink
Aug Member 2023

Pink 4 Twink

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What does Skarsis despise? Skarsis hates slavery. Osgalethan slavers are burned alive or crucified, it hates the unattractive. It executes anyone who is undesirable to mate with (except nobles and the elderly who are left alone) It hates adulterous men( who are humiliated publicly. Ironically this is not true of adulterous women) Finally it hates trolls. Speaking of which. Trolls are at the very fringes of the empire, they are reclusive, they are extremely unattractive ( hence why Skarsis hates them) and they are raiders, pillagers who prey on trade routes.

Other: Skarsis does not hate men. The ****** roles are just reversed in this nation.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy! =)

05-Sep-2015 01:51:09

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