
Nooby and the City of Secrets

Quick find code: 49-50-564-60198046

Snakus Viper

Snakus Viper

Posts: 3,732 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 5b - How to make an entrance
Nooby’s Grandfather – No Nooby! The stove is hot! If you walk in again while it’s turned on I’m going to be very angry! It is lucky I pulled you out, it saved your life.
(End of flashback)
Nooby – Hot... saved your life... I know! The cure for heat stroke is to warm you up, that’s why it’s called heat stroke!
Ice - :|
(They go to the desert)
Nooby – Why did we come to the desert again?
Ice – Because you thought I had heat stroke-
Nooby – Heat stroke! Now what do I remember about heat stroke from medical school... oooo look! A house!
(They walk towards the Witch’s house in the Desert south of Al-Kharid, two player walks out of there with a broom each, having teleported to the Sorceresses Garden, Nooby gets an idea)
Nooby – Hello, Can I have your brooms please?
Player 1 – (Whispering) Lets trade them for a joke, it’s none tradable.
(Nooby takes the brooms)
Players 1 and 2 - :O
Player 2 – How did you do that?
Nooby – I needed to get to school; I wasn’t going to let a little thing like reality stop me.
(He and Ice get on the Brooms and fly to the Noob School, by the *ime they reach there it is night-time, and they cannot see where they are going)
Ice – I think we should be about there, let’s stop
Nooby – Sure, like I always say, “Hey, whatever”
Ice – You’ve never said that bef- (Suddenly they both crash in...)
Nooby – A fountain?
Ice – That’s not too bad... (suddenly, as if a plug is taken out of the fountain, they start getting pulled under)
Nooby – Help! I’m drowing!
(The brooms shoot out of the water, and into a nearby forest)
Nooby – I did not know we had a forest.
Ice – We’re drowning, I think you have more important things to worry about
(Someone grabs them both and pulls them out; the person holds them in the air, facing away from them)

23-Feb-2010 22:15:19 - Last edited on 23-Feb-2010 22:29:03 by Snakus Viper

Snakus Viper

Snakus Viper

Posts: 3,732 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 5c - How to make an entrance
(Someone grabs them both and pulls them out; the person holds them in the air, facing away from them)
??? – Like why you are so late, and why you have damaged a priceless fountain. I suppose this is how to make an entrance.
Nooby – Yes sir (Ice kicks him)
??? – I believe you will both be punished for this
Ice – Yes Professor Vinor
Ice and Nooby are in Trouble, how will they be punished, find out next time in Nooby and the City of Secrets

23-Feb-2010 22:27:51

Snakus Viper

Snakus Viper

Posts: 3,732 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 6a - Sorting
Vinor – You two are in a world of trouble
Nooby – (To Ice) by trouble I hope he means money, and by are in a world of he means have won a lot of.
Ice – This is all your fault Nooby :@ Sir, how are you going to Punish us?
Vinor – I’m afraid I cannot do that, I am not the head of your house
Ice – But we don’t have houses here.
Vinor – Correction, you don’t have houses in the First year, you do years 2-7.
Ice – How do you pick?
Vinor – You have to wear.... the Sorting Cape
(Lightning and Dramatic Music)
Vinor –You both missed the sorting, it was going to be a private session, but since your late you can both do it in front of everyone else.
(They go into the dining hall, and all the students are sat there on tables, one in Blue, one in Yellow, one in Red, and one Green)
Puttoc – Greetings late comers! You shall now be sorted into one of 4 houses, Sarradomin, Ichlarin, Zamorak, and Guthix.
Nooby – Is there free chocolate?
Puttoc – No...
Nooby - Then I reject you man! You and everything you stand for! I quit the school!
Puttoc – Is there any chance of you changing your mind?
Nooby – Sure, me first!
Puttoc – Then go and put on, the Sorting Cape!
(Lightning and Dramatic Music)
(He runs and puts on the cape, which has a hoot attached to it)
Cape – I see many things, you want power!
Nooby – No I don’t.
Cape – Erm... You want world peace and balance?
Nooby – No I don’t.
Cape – What do you want then?
Nooby – Your mean, I want my Mummy! :( (Cries)
Cape – You parents aren’t here
Nooby – I want my Noobio! :( (Cries)
Cape – Fine, go with him. SARADOMIN!
Nooby – Yay! :D
(He joins Noobio, Nooberela, and PD at the Saradomin Table)
Puttoc – Ice, It is your turn to put on
Ice – The Sorting Cape?
(Lightning and Dramatic Music)
Puttoc – Yes. The Sorting Cape.
(Lightning and Dramatic Music)
(Ice puts it on)
Cape – Ahh yes, you have ambition, and I see fortune in your near future.
Ice – That’s a bit vague isn’t it?

27-Feb-2010 13:00:54 - Last edited on 06-Mar-2010 14:57:36 by Snakus Viper

Snakus Viper

Snakus Viper

Posts: 3,732 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 6b - Sorting
Ice – That’s a bit vague isn’t it?
Cape – Erm...
Ice – Do you even know what you’re doing? Are you just reading a horoscope or something?
Cape – Yes :( I’m a failure!
Ice – There, there... well, you could go into.... erm.. you could go into show-business
Cape – Really?
Ice – Oh yeah, my brother hosted the News over the summer...
Voice – And now, the 8 O’clock news with your host, Nooby.
Nooby – Tonight’s top story, a wave of mutant zombies is swarming across Varrock. They are eating everyone, I advise you to run for your life.
(In Varrock everone flees the city, running for their live's)
(Someone runs towards Nooby and whispers in his ear)
Nooby – Oooh, sorry, I miss-read. By wave of mutant zombies I really mean the King, and by is swarming across I mean is celebrating his birthday, and by They are eating everyone and run for your life, i mean go party!
(Some network executive slaps his head)
(End of Flash Back)
Cape – I will do that thanks, bye!
Ice – I need a House...
Cape – Oh yeah, that, go in the one with your brother.
Ice – D’oh!
Cape – Nooberela’s in it too.
Ice – Woo!
(He joins Nooby, Noobio, Nooberela, and PD at the Saradomin Table)
Puttoc – And so concludes the sorting ceremony! Featuring the Sorting Cape!
(Lightning and Dramatic Music)
Nooby – Wait, whenever you say sorting cape
(Lightning and Dramatic Music)
Nooby - There is Lightning and dramatic music! Sorting Cape! Sorting Cape! SORTING CAPE!
(Lightning and Dramatic Music)
(More Lightning and Dramatic Music)
(Even More Lightning and Dramatic Music)
Nooby – Sort-
Puttoc – Off to bed! I believe you all already know the codeword’s for the doors, so of you go! Toodle-pip!
(Ice and Nooberela get up, and walk towards their Common Rooms)
Ice – So, what did I miss today?
Nooberela – Oh, not a lot. We got a tour of the new Common Rooms, got sorted, and then you came.
Ice –Sounds fun :P
Nooberela – Ha ha :P
(A short pause

27-Feb-2010 13:02:18 - Last edited on 07-Jul-2010 21:55:24 by Snakus Viper

Snakus Viper

Snakus Viper

Posts: 3,732 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 6c - Sorting
(A short pause)
Ice – So are you looking forward to being back? I know I am. I can see all my friends’ everyday again, like you.... and erm.... PD.
Nooberela – Yeah it should be good.
(Another, longer pause as they walk)
Ice – (Thinking desperately of something to say) So, what did I miss today?
Nooberela – You already asked that Ice (Rolls eyes)
(They get to their Common Room)
Rodger – Hello, I’m Rodger the portrait! I’m the best portrait... in the world! Codeword please?
Nooberela – Sorting cape.
(Lightning and Dramatic Music, and the portrait opens to reveal the common room)
Ice – So, goodnight Nooberela
Nooberela – Night Ice, Take Care
Ice’s brain – She said take care :D
(Nooberela goes to give him a friendly goodbye hug)
Ice’s Brain – Best moment ever! :D
(Nooby barges in)
Nooby – Sorting Cape!
(Lightning and Dramatic Music)
(Nooberela Jumps back, sacred, the second before she actually gives Ice a Hug)
Nooberela – You scared me then Nooby, well, night guys
(She goes into the girls dormitories)
Ice – Nooby... :@
Nooby – I love you to :D
(Nooby gives him a hug)
Ice - :@
What will Nooby, Ice, Nooberela, Noobio and PD get up to next time? Find out, only here,at the Nooby and City of Secrets Thread.

27-Feb-2010 13:04:04



Posts: 2,619 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hey! i love this story its so funny my fav quote is
Nooby – As for me, I would like some citric acid, mixed with a combination of hydrogen and oxygen atoms *hat are in the ratio 2:1, with some more at a temperature of -5C, all in some set, superheated ground up rock please.
Apothecary – Here are your Newt eyes, your ground desert goat horn, your sealed pot, and your glass of orange juice with ice sir.

heres a bio

Bio Aplication
Character Name - George
Job - Walking into walls( he is a noob )
Boy or Girl - Boy
Key Feature of Character - Burping is his special talent
Best/Favouite thing - Bananas
Worst/most hated thing - Brown bananas

27-Feb-2010 18:03:30 - Last edited on 27-Feb-2010 18:16:40 by Darkrose826

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