Due to the moonlight, Nathan saw two heavily cloaked figures riding on the black horses, and he saw something else on the side of the horse, flashing by the light. Swords.
“Shadow Seekers!” Nathan saw that everyone was pilled to the window next to him, and they all saw what he saw. The six people there, started to scream and run upstairs waking up everyone in the building. Hurst, started to yell to keep quiet but Nathan knew that it was no use. People were cowards against Shadow Seekers.
“Nathan! What the hell is going on? People are screaming about Shadow Seekers, but here this far east?” yelled Claire. She had her white nightgown on, and in her hand was Star. Claire's brushed hair seemed odd to Nathan, as well as her fright. She stared wide eyed at Nathan, fear shined in her eyes. People started to pill the main room, with Hurst yelling for everyone to calm down. Nathan looked from Claire to Star, and saw the fear that possessed them, Claire started to hold Star, thinking that she would cry but Star just stared at Nathan. No, thought Nathan, they shall not enter. Nathan pulled from under his dark cloak, his crozier, and walked outside of the tavern.
The hoof's seemed closer this time, and Nathan knew that they will stop here. The dark figure were growing closer, and closer. Soon they were right in front of the tavern, the lights shining onto them, and their horse. They wore cloaks over their face and over this entire body with dark gloves over this hands. Not one inch of their body was seen. Nathan had his crozier to his side, and breathed slowly and quietly. Silence filled the tavern, silence filled the surrounding forest, silence seemed to fill the very air around them.
“Nathan Corway...” hissed one of the Shadow Seekers.
Nathan didn't look at them, but only to his shadow in front of him. It was not fear, but something that has haunted him for a while and he dared not to refresh that memory. The chill air shook Nathan but he didn't show it.
28-Jul-2009 04:49:14
- Last edited on
28-Jul-2009 06:13:46