
Living Crime

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Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Alina
Race: Human
Age: 23
Birth date: December 3rd
Gender: Female
Weapon: A black spearhead (length 17.5 inches) attached to a sixteen foot long chain. She can use this weapon as before a far range, and close ranged weapon.
Which Army does she fight for?: The Kingdom of Ierchio.
Appearance: About 5'2 feet tall, her skin is quite pale. She has long dark gray hair that reaches just below her collarbone. Her eyes are a blue-violet. As for her outfit, she wears a flexible form of iron armour, specially crafted for speed and flexibility. Her platebody doesn't have sleeves (much like a Cuirass). Instead, she wears flexible iron gauntlets that start from her elbow to her hand. Her plate's fauld reaches down to her knees. The armour on her legs is made of leather while her boots come up to about her knees.
Personality: She is sadistic and takes pleasure in the killing of others, especially royals. She loves the taste of blood and loves to feel it run down her skin. She loves Adrian with all her heart, and wouldn't do anything to harm him. She isn't a killer around him, she mainly hides that fact from him, but he can't help to notice that she smells just like blood every time he sees her.
Short History: She never speaks about it.
Family: Unknown.
The end
is only
the beginning...

11-May-2010 00:57:36

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“All crime is a kind of disease and should be treated as such.”
~Mahatma Gandhi
¸.•*´¨ ¨*•.¸¸.•*´¨ ¨*•.¸¸.•*´¨ ¨*•.¸
¸.•*¨ ¨`*•.¸Prologue¸.•*´¨ ¨*•.¸
¸.•*´¨ ¨*•.¸¸.•*´¨ ¨*•.¸¸.•*´¨ ¨*•.¸
This land was so beautiful, so full of life. But now it's a land full of fear. Children crying out for their family when they have departed from this world. Men and woman screaming for their lives as they fled. Only the strong were able to survive, but even that wasn't enough. Were we forsaken? Abandoned? By the gods we prayed to?
Year 169, the Fifth Age. Ten years ago. The day the damnation began - the day my eyes were open to humanity's iniquity.
The year one human being found out that the plague that everybody feared was just a hoax, an illusion. It was a peaceful day, everybody was full of tranquility. Children roamed the streets of East Ardougne like their lives were free from worry. Civilians spoke to each other without a care in the world.
A man and woman glanced into each other's eyes. They were filled with so much emotions. The man had blonde hair that was in a braided ponytail. And he was wearing a collared shirt with black flared pants. His pale blue eyes gazed into the ocean of the woman's eyes with his heart all aflutter.
He places his left hand onto the cheek of the woman he so cared about. "I love you so much." he whispered softly.
A smile grew to the corners of the woman's cheeks. She places her right hand gently onto his. "Promise you'll stay with me forever Modello." she whispered back.
He quickly nodded his head. "Always." he replied.
This seemingly peaceful day would change things forever. Before anyone knew the panic, there was about to be a scramble at the gates of West Ardougne. The Mourners had their protective clothes on to prevent them from getting the disease. But even a shield can crack.
The end
is only
the beginning...

11-May-2010 00:59:37

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Mourners were walking quietly around the western city until something happened. One of the Mourners begun to feel weak. He leaned his head against the stone wall of the gates to the more glorious parts of the capital. It felt as if he had lost all of his strength. His legs shook like an earthquake as they were hardly able to bare his weight.
The other Mourners rush over to their blighted comrade. "What goes on?" one of the Mourners asked in concern.
"I...I.." the sickened Mourner tried to speak but he was far too weak to even do that.
"What goes on!?" the same Mourner repeated only with a louder tone of voice.
The sickened Mourner glances upon the questioning one. A terrible sight. His skin was as pale as death and his eyes were pink and oozing blood. The Mourners jump away from the sickened Mourner. "What the hell!?" immediately screaming one of the Mourners.
The sickened Mourner falls to his knees and fell to the ground in a swift thud. He moaned in agony for about ten seconds until he as silent as a snowing night.
"Hey! Get up!" roared one of the Mourners. "T-This isn't funny!"
The concerned Mourner knells down beside his silent comrade. "C'mon! Get up!" he demanded. He placed his bare hands on the body of the silent one. The body was cold, without the warmth to survive. The eyes of that Mourner widened. He frantically places his hand on the chest of the silent Mourner to check for a pulse. Nothing. The Mourner before them had died.
"Dear Seren..." mumbled the knelling Mourner.
"What?" replied one of the Mourners.
"He's dead..."
"WHAT!?" he yelled.
The knelling Mourner stood to his feet and looked sad upon his comrades. "He just died - of a disease that easily claimed his life."
"H-How do you know he died of a disease!? What if somebody poisoned him!?"
"Poison wouldn't kill someone so quickly. He died of something that cannot be man-made."
"How could the disease get to him!? He-He was wearing the outfit!"
The end
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the beginning...

11-May-2010 01:01:40

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"I-I don't-" the speaking Mourner stopped talking when he began to also feel rather ill. He held onto his throat and fell onto his knees, unable to catch his breath. He was coughing violently, and his eyes turned pink. He fell to the ground, silent, lifeless.
A Mourner dropped to his knees and checked the pulse of his comrade. There was no sign of life. "Oh, dear Seren save us all..." mumbled one of the Mourners.
"What has happened!?" the last of the Mourners shouted.
The knelling Mourner glances upon his comrade. "They're both dead."
"What!? How!?"
"The plague." he quickly mumbled. His voice quivered by terror.
The Mourner was in shock by this statement. "But how..?" he mumbled back.
"Truly...I have no clue..." The Mourner shot to his feet and clenched his hands into a fist. "We need to stop it from spreading outside! Hurry!" he quickly gave the orders.
"On it!" the Mourner ran to where he need to go. Moments later, almost everybody in the West Ardougne died of the plague. Lifeless carcasses caped the blight covered streets. All the Mourners have died, except one. He rushed to the gates to close them shut. But his body had began to weaken. While running, his legs gave out, and he tripped to the ground.
His body struggling for breath, he took his final glance upon the gates that he was going to close. They were opening, without human contact. But what he saw was a shadowy figure that appeared to be wearing a hood. The dying man heard a laughter taunting him, a demonic laughter. The man's vision got blurry, then it darken to black. His spirit found it's calling, and has left this world.
All the Mourners were dead, and the gates to what many people would call hell have been opened. The plague was out to the world, and true fear was about to be realized.
The end
is only
the beginning...

11-May-2010 01:05:10

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Night had settled down into the sky. Modello and the woman were up on a balcony gazing into the stars. Smiles of joy and happiness glowed upon their faces. The stars glittered and shined like Christmas lights in the sky. Modello glances into the emerald green eyes of the woman he loved with all of his heart. The woman's eyes were lit by delight and wonder.
A soft smile grew to the corners of his cheeks. "Alyssa Perpetua," he mumbled. She turns to Modello. He dropped to his knees and reached into his pocket. An expression of shocked joy was on Alyssa's face, her mouth left agape. "I've decided I want to spend my every waking hour with you."
She covered her mouth with her hands and water began to flood her irises. "Modello..!" she said in one breath.
"Will you-" interrupting his voice was a crowd screaming for their lives. They were frantically running towards the town square. Some of the crowd fell to the stone path and did not move afterwards. Modello shot to his feet with widened eyes. "What is going on?" he shouted to one of the men laying down on the ground, assuming he was still alive.
Modello did not hear a single word coming from the man he had just asked. A terrified emotion came over Alyssa's once joy filled face. From the room behind them, they hear footsteps rushing up to them. The door bursts open, revealing an older woman. "Modello!" the woman yelled with a frightened voice.
"Mother?" he asked. "What goes on?"
Her horrified hands shook like an earthquake as it barely held onto the doorknob. A frozen expression of fear masked her face. Her pale blue eyes glanced into the eyes of her son. Modello was able to sense the utter fear that had overcome his mother. "W-we don't know.." she replied, her voice unable to hold steady. "B-but people are dying.."
"How!?" shouted Alyssa.
The end
is only
the beginning...

11-May-2010 01:08:44

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Modello's mother slowly shook her head side to side. But something overcame his mother, her vision began to grow blurry. She fell to her knees with a widened eye look upon her face. "Mother?" asked Modello. "Mother? Mother!?" he repeated himself, but she could not reply.
Her body had no air. Her eyes went pink and her skin became whiter than winter. She fell to the wooden boards below, without a sound to come out of her, without a breath to spare. Modello's eyes widened with an mask of disbelief upon his face. He dropped to his knees and repeatedly shook his mother's frozen cold body. "Mother!" he shouted. "Mother! Mother!!"
His attempts to awake his mother were futile. Water flooded his eyes. Modello stood to his feet and his hands locked into a fist. "She's dead.." he mumbled to Alyssa. The expression on his face when he glanced upon Alyssa looked like he could not believe what just happened.
Alyssa covered her mouth with her hands with widened eyes. "Dear Saradomin.." she mumbled. Alyssa places her hand on Modello's shoulder. "I'm so sorry."
Modello wipes his hands across his eyes to get rid of the tears. "We need to go." he stated. He quickly took Alyssa's hand into his and they made haste into the house. They shot down the stairs faster than any cannonball. They quickly bolted to the door that lead out of the house. They rushed outside and saw the sheer chaos that had infected everyone.
People and children screaming and running in absolute panic. Several bodies caped the streets of the once peaceful capital, lifeless and cold. People so desperate to survive they pushed others out of their way to continue running. The two blended into this crowd of screaming people. Modello's warm breath met the icy cold air. The two began to merge into the traveling forest of terrified people.
The end
is only
the beginning...

11-May-2010 01:11:10

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Alyssa gazes behind her and all the people behind them were all dying. They all fell to the stone path and extended their trembling hand out to Alyssa, asking her to help. Tears flooded her irises. She apologized to the dying man without speaking a word. She said it like she was speaking to him but no voice came from her.
The people around the two began to fall to the stone, without a word coming from them. A small girl was on her knees by the bodies of a young man and woman. She appeared to only be the little age of seven. The little girl frantically shook their bodies. "Mommy! Daddy!" shouted the little girl. Her facial expression was full of terror, tears streamed down her cheeks.
Everybody ran passed this little girl, not caring for the life of a child but for their own. Modello came to a halt and grabbed the shoulder of the little girl. The girl glanced up at Modello with fearful eyes. "Were you the ones that put my mommy and daddy to sleep?" she softly asked.
Modello shook his head. He knelled down to make eye contact with the little girl. "No. But we going to help you." he replied. He lets go of the shoulder of the little girl and extends to her. "We've got to leave."
She tightly hugged the teddy bear against her chest. "But-but what about my mommy and daddy?"
Modello's eyes went down, unable to explain what had become of her parents. Alyssa knelled down next to Modello. "Your parents-" she mumbled.
"-are at a better place now." said Modello, finishing Alyssa's sentence. "But don't worry. You'll see them again someday, I promise."
The little girl gulped. "Y-you sure?"
Modello and Alyssa both nodded their heads. The girl took hold of Modello's hand and a gentle smile grew on her face. Modello and Alyssa stood to their feet and they began running along with the crowd. People start to fall to the ground around the three. Alyssa began to cough violently. "..Modello.." she mumbled.
The end
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the beginning...

11-May-2010 01:14:34

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Modello quickly glances back at her. Life had begun to fade from her eyes. She begins to lose her grip upon Modello's hand. "Alyssa..!" shouted Modello.
Her eyes began to turn pink and her hands began to shake. As hard as she tried to hold on, she could not. Her snow white skinned body hits the ground. An expression of disbelief overcame Modello's face, he lets go of the little girl and darted over to Alyssa as fast as he could.
He knells down next to Alyssa and took hold of her hand. She was still alive but barely. Her pink eyes glance into the eyes of Modello. They were full of fear and sadness. "Don't go Alyssa!" he said to her.
A soft smile grew on her face. Her vision began to grow blurry. She could no longer see Modello's face. "I'm...sorry.." her quivering hands reached to Modello's face. She presses her hand against Modello's left cheek. Her hands had the sting of a night colder than any Winter night. "Mod...ell...o..." she softly mumbled. ""
Once she said those words, her hand that was against Modello's skin dropped down to the ground. She no longer breathed in life, her eyes had no life in them. A tidal wave of water flooded Modello's eyes. A steady stream of tears rained down to the end of his jar. "I love you too.." he mumbled. He tightly closed his eyes and firmly grit his teeth.
He moved his head closer to her face. And for the last time, he pressed his lips against her's and kissed her. Tears that poured down from his eyes crashed against Alyssa's cold skin. After a moment, he glances at her lifeless face. He places his left index finger on her left eyelid and his middle finger on her right eyelid.
"Rest in peace, my love." he mumbled to her. When he spoke those words, he moved his hand down and closed shut her eyes. After about twenty seconds of looking upon her lifeless face, he stood to his feet and turned to the little girl. He looked like such a mess. "Is-is she going to be okay?" the little girl asked.
The end
is only
the beginning...

11-May-2010 01:18:16

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Modello walked over to the little girl and knelled down in-front of her. "Everything is going to be okay." he assured the little girl, though his voice sounded very unsure. Modello stood to his feet and took his hand into the little girl's. They both began running with the crowd. The shadowy hood figure from earlier floated above the city. It watched as the madness of the day grew to insane levels.
"Zion..." murmured the figure. "You will not stop me..."
The darkness that surrounded this capital was not diaphanous. Not longer would the world be the same.
Year 179, the Fifth Age. Ten years later. The blight had finally stopped killing, but we were all bounded behind a giant towering stone wall. We were protected by a shield, a barrier to protect us from the darkness of the black days. We spent so many days - wondering - if we would survive.
But during those days, I saw the true nature of us frail mortals. The highest kings forsaking their kingdom, their soldiers, their people to protect themselves. They left all of those behind. My heart still could not even imagine the truly black thoughts that tainted their minds.
Our civilization managed to survive ten years of running - fleeing - and trying to rebuild. But our attempts fail time and time again. Only fifty-thousand managed to survive. Fifty thousand compared to the millions that once lived. But now have died. We are the survivors.
But you'd think that would be the end of our suffering - that was only the beginning.
The End of Prologue
Thank you for reading, I appreciate it ^_^
~Serene End
I decided that the prologue should explain about how the plague broke out. A different way for me. But difference should be embraced, right?
Well, regardless. Hope ya enjoyed. :o
The end
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the beginning...

11-May-2010 01:22:10

Jun Member 2008


Posts: 2,257 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Found, read, profiled. ;)
So, I'm assuming Modello's anger makes him go on an epic rampage? AWWESOOOME!! :D

..Wait... comparing now, Modello = God of War 1 style Kratos? It seems to match up a tad when you think about it. :P

Other than that... bump?

~Insane Soule
Void Knight, Priest of Guthix, Wielder of the Ancient Magyks, Lover of Coca-Cola.
"How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?" -Jaden Smith

11-May-2010 02:05:34

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