
Living Crime

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Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

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A gentle smile grew on the young woman's face. "All done." she said.

The man glanced upon his shoulder and was amazed at the sight. His pain and wound were gone! His head quickly spun to the young woman and a smile began to grow on his face. "Dear Saradomin..." the man mumbled, pointing to his healed shoulder. "How did you do that?!"

She shrugs her shoulders. "I don't really know..." she drew breath in. "Just born with it?..." her voice seemed unsure.

The man quickly embraced the young woman. "Thank you, thank you! Truly I am blessed to be saved by an angel!"

Her whole face went rose red. "I'm not really an angel..." she said to herself.

"Miss Moriah!" shouted a voice.

The man lets go of the woman and she turns her head to look behind her. It was a armour soldier, his armour was as white as winter snow, and as bright as a July afternoon. She stood to her feet and turn her whole body at the soldier. "What is it?" she asked, her voice in a rude tone. The expression on her face completely changed when she faced the guards.

Other soldiers were behind the knight that called out Moriah's name. They laid their devilish eyes upon the men, women, and children suppressed by their hatred and brutality. The children stuck out the tongues at the knights while the men and women glared back at them, guarding their children. The knights walked closer to Moriah.

Some of the knight spat at some of the groups of poor people. They were in front of Moriah a moment later. "Lord Allister wishes for you and your group to join him in a meeting." said the knight. A letter with the emblem of the kingdom was in a envelope in the knight's hand, he extends it out to Moriah. "And by the way he looked, I truly believe it is VERY important."
The end
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the beginning...

12-May-2010 14:22:22

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
She nodded her head and snatched the letter from the knight's hand. She snapped her left middle finger and thumb together, creating a snapping noise. The emblem on the envelope was like a sticker to hold the letter closed. After she snapped her fingers, the emblem began to get cut in-half all by itself.

After a few seconds, the sticky emblem was cut all the way and the once folded letter opens up - revealing a golden brown paper with words written in black ink. Moriah frustratedly sighed as she knew exactly what it was going to be about. She quickly zoomed her eyes across the paper and carelessly tossed it away. "Blah, blah, blah. More nonsense from his truly." she growled.

"But Miss-" one of the knight said.

"Read my lips, and I'll make this easier for you. I. Don't. Care." she glares at the knight that just spoke to her with a cocky smirk on her face. "There, simple enough for you, right?"

The knight gulps. "What will you do madam?" his voice was full of fright.

Moriah clears her throat. "What else? Go to the pointless meeting, listen to it for a minute, get bored and leave." she puts her hands behind her head. "Who knows? Maybe the newbie might actually have a brain in his head unlike Richard."

The knights bow, turn their backs, and quickly walk away from Moriah. She breathes out another sigh and turns back to the man she healed. She knelled down to make eye contact with him. "I've got to go now." she whispered to him, her tone of voice was completely different from the tone a moment ago. It sounded more gentle, more kinder.

The man nodded his head. "Thank you - thank you so much."

A slight smile of joy grew on Moriah's face. "No problem." she closed her eyes and stood to her feet. "Don't thank me. Thank him. The one who saved me." she said in her head. She spun around and turned her back on the man. She began walking away. "I owe my life to him."
The end
is only
the beginning...

12-May-2010 14:26:05

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
After about ten minutes of walking, she exited the poor district and entered the wealthy side. The marketplace looked much like Varrock centre. A swarm of people were around her with jet black suits worth thousands, fancy top hats, and golden trimmed monocles. She curved and weaved through this forest of jet black suits until she finally reached the gates into the royal castle.

The archer knight above glanced down upon Moriah. "What do you want peasant?" the archer knight asked, unfamiliar to Moriah.

She glared up at the archer and her hands locked into a fist. "Peasant!? Excuse me!?" she roared at the archer. "I'll have you know I'm Moriah Rona!"

"I'm sorry, but I don't recall knowing you."

A man with auburn gelled back hair stepped over to Moriah. "Let us in." said the man to the archer.

The archer glanced upon the auburn haired man and gulped. "Of-of course sir Richard Narcissus!"

The gate to the kingdom buckled and shook. Then slowly the wooden door unblocked their way, opening up freely for them to pass. Moriah glanced up at Richard. "Why the hell do they allow you in?" she growled at Richard.

A smile grew on Richard's face. "I guess because they only allow beautiful people in." he replied.

Her glance turned into a wicked glare. "What the hell is that suppose to mean!?" her voice was louder than a stampede of elephants. They both continue into the castle.

He shrugs his shoulders. "Well, I don't know. I'm an idiot, remember?"

"You are an idiot!"

"Well, well. Somebody's got to learn proper manners."

"I'll give you proper manners when I shove it down your throat!"

"And you question why they don't let you in." he interrupted. "With talk like that, you're bound to end up with those poor peasants."

"They're not peasants. Stop treating them like trash."

"Oh, are we the defender of them now? It doesn't surprise me at all. Afterall, you were once one of them." an evil smirk grew on Richard's face once he spoke those words.
The end
is only
the beginning...

12-May-2010 14:31:43

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
She walked up in front of him to stop him. "I'll have you know that was a long time ago. Before my parents were killed by the plague." her hands locked into a fist. "And how about you? Was your life convenient? So convenient that you never watch your parents die in front of you and you couldn't do a single thing about it?"

He poked out his lower lips and made a sad face. " for Moriah." he returned his face to normal. "Peasants and their tragedies mean nothing to me. As for MY magnificent life, it was full of possibility - and may I say brilliance." He began to laugh happily.

She sighed and turns her back on Richard. She looks back at her with a nasty glare. "Go to Hell." she growled. Her words were ice cold. After that, she looked forward and stormed off. Her words ceased his laughter. Her footsteps were as loud as thunder, they spoke out her anger.

After an hour, everybody was at the meeting. A young man with short black hair was sitting next to the King. A woman with black long hair was sitting next to the Queen. The two were sitting on throne chairs. Another man with dark brown hair was standing next to the young woman wearing radiant steel armour.

A man wearing a Black cavalier was in the middle of the room. Half of his face was unseen as the collar of his jacket concealed it. His face wore a mask like one would see in a masquerade party. The mask's colors were black and red. His hair was blonde, and it was in a braided ponytail. His jacket didn't have an opening, like a zipper. It was like a plain heavy shirt, which was all black.
The end
is only
the beginning...

12-May-2010 14:38:08

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
His clothes were basically all the color black. He had fingerless gloves and his boots went up to his mid shin. His emerald green eyes glanced at the king, who was looking down upon him. Richard entered the room and saw that Moriah had beaten him here. The king sees Richard enter and a smile grew to the corners of his cheeks.

"We may begin," the king stated. The king's eyes quickly go from Richard, to the blonde haired man before him. "You are Modello Mercer, correct?"

Modello nodded his head. "Yes." he quietly and quickly replied.

The king stood tall onto his golden boots. He approached Modello with his glided cane within his right hand's grip. He gazes into the emotionless eyes of the man before him. Modello do not look at the king, but at the ground. "Look up at me, son." he mumbled to Modello. Modello's eyes travel back up into the calm blue eyes of the king. "Are you willing to do whatever it takes to do your job?"

Modello blinked twice. And the room went silent for a minute or two. His eyes wandered away from the eyes of a calm blue ocean. But then his eyes greeted the king's eyes once again. "I am." he mumbled.

A soft smile grew on the king's face. He turned around and began walking back to his throne chair. "Then are you willing to die in the name of the kingdom of Avdima?"

"I am."

"Oh, no, no, no, no." said Richard, waving his left index finger side to side.

The young man glances at Richard. "Is there something that troubles you, Richard?" he asked.

Richard nodded his head, walking slowly to the side of Modello. "There sure is, Allister."

"What is it?" asked the young lady on the throne.

Richard paused right beside Modello. His crystal clear blue eyes glared upon Modello. Modelllo did not look at Richard, his eyes were just down looking at the red gilded carpet. Richard pointed his left index finger at Modello. "Can't you tell? This peasant is an assassin from Iericho. He's going to kill us all while we are not bearing our arms."
The end
is only
the beginning...

12-May-2010 14:42:34

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Moriah shot towards Richard faster than a cannonball. "What the hell are you doing?" she angrily mumbled to Richard.

He turned his head over to Moriah. "Saving us." he replied, turning his head back at the king. " is an assassin! I just know it!"

Allister stood off of his throne chair. His eyes deadly focused upon Richard. "Is this just an assumption? Or actually something that is real?"

"It's real!"

Moriah shoot her eyes over to Allister. "You're not honestly going to believe him, are you?"

Allister sat back down on his golden throne chair. His eyes were set on Moriah. "I never said I did."

A gentle smile glowed on Moriah's face. "Thank Saradomin." she said in her head.

Richard blasted out laughing. The whole royal family raised an eyebrow. After about twenty seconds of laughing, his laughter ceases. He returns his eyes back on Allister, quickly pointing his left index finger right at the prince.

"You watch. We'll get into a great danger." he growled. He quickly pointed his right index finger at Modello, "And it'll be all his fault."

Allister sighed. "I think it would be best if you left, Richard."

The King nodded. "Yes, I agree." the King corresponded.

The young woman pointed to the glided door. "Please escort Sir Richard out of the kingdom." she commanded to the knights.

The knight clenched their left hand and pressed it against their chest. "Yes Princess Alena!" they acknowledged. They walked over to Richard, took hold of his shoulders, and lifted him to his feet.

He shuffled his head left and right, a mask of anger was worn on his face. "WHO do you think you are touching!? I am the great Richard Narcissus! The most superior of all!" he yelled.

Moriah smiled back at Richard. "Well, even the most perfect have their flaws." she mumbled to him.
The end
is only
the beginning...

12-May-2010 14:47:21

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He was being dragged out, his heels kissed the rug and wiped across it. They went through the door and it swiftly shut closed in a soft thunder. The king sighed. "Now back to where we left off," he mumbled, gazing down upon Modello. He placed his left index and middle fingers on top of his head, closing his eyes. "Modello Mercer of the Kingdom of Kandarin, I hereby announce you as an honorable mercenary of Avdima."

Later into the day, Modello was right outside the castle gates. He was sitting on the glided stone floor, his back pressed against the stone wall of one of the many buildings in the rich distinct. His sword sitting next to him like a dog to his master. His weapon was concealed in a wooden plate.

His emerald green eyes glance at the falling lamp in the sky. The light of the day had slowly began to turn into shadow. Birds gently danced into the sky and took off like a plane from their tree home. The orange crisp sky was shaded in many blues and purples.

There was hardly anybody on the street strangely - it was like a ghost town. Emptier than a watering can without liquid. The silence was very serene and very pleasing to hear without the absurd laughter of rich people rubbing their money in the faces of the needy.

His left hand planted flat on the stone, his right hand reached up to the mask on his face. He gently removed it off of his face and softly clenched it in his hand. His eyes remained focused on the heavens above his head.

Footsteps suddenly broke the silence. Slowly, they creep up closer to him. His eyes shoot faster than a gun over to where the footsteps were coming from. His left hand clenched tightly onto his blade's handle. He threw his mask back onto his face.
The end
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the beginning...

12-May-2010 14:50:50

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
From behind him, a hand creeps up to his back. Modello quickly uncovers his blade from it's sheath and pointed it to the throat of whoever was behind him. Her teeth grit and her eyes open greatly. Moriah jumped back. She gulped as bullets of sweat rushed down her forehead. "H-he-hey! It's just me!" she yelped, putting her hands up.

Silent without word, Modello sheathes his blade and returns to sitting down relaxed. But he did not remove his mask. His eyes wandered the sky. Moriah sat down beside him and glanced at him. "So, Modello, was it?" she said, extending her hand with a smirk on her face. "I'm happy to meet you, I'm Moriah Rona."

Regardless of Moriah's words, Modello simply continued looking up at the sky. He seemed like he didn't even hear her. Not extending his hand or even speaking, he simply stared out to the sky without word, just silence.

A cold shiver shook down Moriah's body. A drip of sweat rushed down her forehead. "So, umm.." she said. "Do you like looking up at the sky?" Despite her continue talk, Modello still did not reply. He still remained looking up at the sky, speechless and with a blank expression upon his face. Moriah mentally sighed, she couldn't even get a word from the new guy.

Moriah grew an irritated look on her face. "You know, you're not setting a very good first impression." she growled.

"I don't care." he replied silently. His words were soft but were extremely cold - colder than most Winter nights.

A shiver ran down Moriah's spine. She did not like that whatsoever. She catapulted to her feet with her entire head being beet red. "Excuse me!? Don't you DARE talk to me like that!" she roared while pointing her left index finger straight at Modello. "If it weren't for me, you'd be dead buddy! It was ME that researched the ways to make the magic to protect US from the plague outside the walls!"
The end
is only
the beginning...

12-May-2010 14:54:43

Serene End
Jul Member 2020

Serene End

Posts: 5,834 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Her voice boomed across the entire city, making birds that hid in their nests fall away. People scanned out their windows to see what was all the noise about. Modello stood to his feet and glared at the enraged Moriah. "I couldn't care less about your purpose." he stated.

He grabs his sword that was hidden in it's case and hurls it over his left shoulder. He turns his back on Moriah and began walking away. The day turns into night. The sun had faded into the night. The light had fallen into the darkness. Moriah was left with a puzzled look on her face. For the first time, she was lost for words.

The End of Chapter 1,
Next Chapter:
Chapter 2: A Piece of History

Thank you for reading, I appreciate it ^_^

~Serene End
The end
is only
the beginning...

12-May-2010 14:56:24

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