
|::Diary Of A Noob::| <>FULL<>

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Muhahahahaha! we're in! yes after carefull planning, diligence, and lots of patients, we're going to a secret saradomin meeting!!! Now's here's the plan me and yoshi made once we're inside themeeting:
1.act causual. we don't want to draw any "unwanted" attention to ourselves. Just try to mix in with everyone else.
2. Yo*hi;s job is to take intelligence notes on what the leader is saying. Vital information is the key for bringing them down!
3.My job is to see what the people know, maybe get into a few conversations. The guards, clan members, and/or followers might be willing to give us some security information with alittle "persuasion". Security Details will be vital If we even want to come close to...whereever we're trying to get!
4. The final task is the get the heck out of there without drawing attention. Then make a new plan once we have all the new information we need!
It's a golden plan! IT CAN'T FAIL!!! "To the meeting!" I yelled encouragingly. "umm... The meeting isn't til tomorrow noob." "oh...well what are we going to do for a few hours?" That's when a guy Who was bleeding all over bumped into us. He yelled "Plz help me, sirs! I'm inches away from death, and I don't want to lose all my money I have with me, which is alot of money by the way! Deffenatly would keep 2 fellers occupied for, oh say, A day!" Yoshi and me look at eachother. we giggled...EVILILY! Eventually turning into a full-blown evil-inventor's kind of laugh, like this! BWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Then we smiled and glared at the guy...

*few hours later*
Yoshi and me walked out of the hospital. "man, It was a good thing we got that guy to the hospital in time!" I said. "ya, he almost died!" Yoshi said, proudly. "you think we should have let him die and taken his money?" asked yo*hi. "heck no! we did the right thing!" I looked all around me. then I whispered"but I did manage to stick my hand in his pocket and steal some of his cash!" I said sneakily.

21-Jan-2008 00:39:38 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2008 19:14:18 by FriendshipUI



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Yoshi said alarmingly "NOOB! that wasn't his pocket! It was a Turned-on garbage disposel!!!" "really? Then what did I- AHHH!" I looked at my hand. I shouldn't have. It was a disfigured, bloody, bare boned, skinless mess that when everytime it pulsed, blood squirted out. Like that I went into detail? I then fainted.

21-Jan-2008 00:39:39 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2008 19:14:52 by FriendshipUI



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Day FOURTYSEVEN – recon 3 –
After treating my injured hand (by that I mean the doctors dropped a giant rock on it) we got ready for the meeting. A contact was suddenly made by the writing staff to help the plot. “Here! I got you some monks’ robes and 2 holy symbols.” The contact said. “Thanks.” I said. With that he vanished back to a life of being verbally abused and suffer the rest of his days in off-screen torture
We got to the “secret meeting”, located in the old crazy lady’s house. access code?” asked a guard. “Heart conditions are da bomb homie G.” I said “Welcome.” He said. “The fool! He let us in!!” I said. Yoshi looked at me weirdly.. “I am speaking into something that amplifies my voice aren’t I?” I asked yo*hi. “Yup..” He said. “Wow….umm….geezz…I am in shock.” I said. “about what traitor?” the guard asked while pulling out his sword. “well…usually when Flame Bird0 is writing, I kill people off-screen so I am wondering…Oh wait…your dead.” I said, looking over to him, he had a spear through his chest.
After we buried the body of the guy, we proceeded into the main chamber. “do your job Yo*hi.” Yoshi nodded and walked off.
~~~Yo*hi’s point of view~~~
((When its yo*hi’s point of view, when I say “I” we are talking about yo*hi, not the noob))
I walked to the front row, pulled out a feather and a pad of papyrus, and began writing as soon as he started talking. “Hello all! Welcome to the meeting!” the leader said, he noticed that yoshi was writing down everything he was saying. “You there! What are you doing?” he asked. “Well…umm…you see.. I was keeping detailed notes so that future generations can know of your greatness in great detail.” I thought up on the spot. “Great idea!” he said, with that he continued speaking. I snickered and continued writing. “This group of loyalists is here to defend the name of Saradomin!
The Crowd cheers loudly. I continue to write down everything I hear like, “ Drinks will be served after.” And

21-Jan-2008 00:39:39 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2008 19:16:30 by FriendshipUI



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.” And “NO, we don’t have any snacks, David ate them all.” The Noob told me to write everything so….Wait! did he say drinks??
~~~From “The Noob’s Point of view~~~
While Yoshi was working his magic up in front, I tried talking to some people near the back. “Ok! I said harshly, “Barkeep! Where were you on November 2nd, right around this time?” I asked. “erm…that’s right now…” he said. “answer the question sir!” I demanded. “umm…right here?” he said. “Ha! You stuttered at the beginning! Your hiding something! What proof do you have that you were here on November 2nd?” I asked. “I am standing here..” He said. “a likely story! I’ll be keeping my eye on you!” I said, then walked off.
“So, sir, what do you know about this meeting’s plans?” I asked.
“Well…ther is a clip board over there explaining everything!” He said. While pointing towards it. “Oh! How thoughtful!” I said.
I go over near the clip board and read it. My eyes opened wider then they ever have been before! “YO*HI!! COME SEE THIS!!!” I screamed. Yo*hi staggered over to me dead drunk. “yo*hi! Have you been drinking again?” I asked. “ I cant remember because I am so drunk!” But what yoshi read was so shocking, it snapped him out of his drunken state and he fainted from the shock.

21-Jan-2008 00:39:40 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2008 00:55:36 by FriendshipUI



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DAY FORTYEIGHT -using the info-
What we heard yesterday, we couldn't put into words... what we saw, the authors wouldn't let us say. I think mainly to make a futile attempt at suspense. I won't say it, so i'll just tell it to yoshi and he'll blurt it out in surprise. *whispers* "THE SARAS HAVE TAKEN VARROCK AND FALLY!?" everyone in the bar turned to us strangly. Our cover had been blown!!! Luckily a writer's convience occured, and some1 from the writing staff came and did a mind sweep and every1 forgot what they heard! "man flame and light are running out of material." said the bartender. "true dat" said one of the drunkards. "Ya! You know what! the writing staff have been getting really lazy latly! I should complain! that's what'll I'll do! i'll-" before he could say another word, a giant black hold opened up, and engulfed yo*hi. 1 second later a different one appeared and spit him back out. yoshi yelled "finally! after days of off-screen toture, I'm finally free!" That's a message meaning don't mess with the writing staff!
ok, back to buisness. since we know that the info we got was pretty useless, we now had to come up with another plan to know more stuff. me and yo*hi traveled southwest for hours trying to find an answer to our delema. Finally we found it! "oh my god! it's a training facility!" Yoshi yelped. "Yo*hi i think you right!" I said. We walked inside. and to our horror we discovered something that was grusome! "their taking zamorakians, fighting them, and killing them for their own amusment" I said, sickly. yo*hi threw up. "that's sick!" "what is this death facility called? hmm... ah ha! there's the name! ca...stle......wars...hmm...caste-still wars?'? that's an odd name for a training place!" "we have to set these trapped zamorakians free!" yoshi inquired. "I agree!" I said. we come up with a quick plan, and join the saradomin team.

21-Jan-2008 00:39:40 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2008 19:19:57 by FriendshipUI



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As soon as we got in, we were surrounded by stuck-up saradominists (ooc: no offense neo ). "these fiends! how can they live with themselves! toturing zamorakians!" Yoshi said under his breath. as we walked further, we saw a bunny! "aw, cute bunny! what are you doing in a place like this? *looks around* *whispers* did the evil saradomins kidnapp you to?" I asked. "lol noob!" said the bunny. yoshi and me jumped back in surprise. "that bunny did not just talk!" said yo*hi. "of course it didn't! must of been our imanginations!" i said. we walked away before the bunny could say anything. man, there's something you don't hear everyday, now is it! suddenly, we were in a castle!
"how did we get here!?" yelled yo*hi. we were then shoved out of this room, past a portal, and out onto the 2nd floor of a huge castle! "oh i get it"? said yo*hi. "they give em a chance to live, by fighting. Bet they don't give the zamorakians much of a chance though, we still have to help them!" said yo*hi. Me and yoshi ran around meaninlessly for about 18 minutes, just getting a feel for the area. we found ourselves in that portal room alot! wonder why! "yo*hi! our time to strike is now!" I yelled. "yes it is!" Yoshi yelled with me. "CHAAAAAAAAAARGE!!!" we both yelled, and start stabbing one of the saradomin walls. I was deeply surprised that saradomins were just walking by us, like they didn't even care! the wall was weakening! "one more blow yo*hi!" I yelled, and pulled up my sword for a mightly strike! just then, we appeared back into the lobby of castle wars! "we have done it! the zamorakians are free with us in the lobby! yoshi said. "RUN ZAMORAKIANS, RUN FOR YOU LIFE!" I yelled! Before anyone had time to react to my message, me and yoshi were gone, feeling very acomplished. "we did something good today yo*hi." i said. "yes we did noob. but not we got to be on our toes; we'll be on their, like, top 10 most wanted list now!" "your right!" i said. we have to be extra carefull now!

21-Jan-2008 00:39:41 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2008 00:56:12 by FriendshipUI



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DAY FORTYNINE -new plan emerges-
Me and Yoshi have done a great thing, freeing those Zamorakians at all, but now Saradomin knows we're here! we're bound to have lots of stuff like wanted posters, bounty hunters.. OMG THIS IS GOING OT BE FUN! I always wanted it to be like the old Wild West. ‘Cept this time it hasn't happened yet, so it'd be like the future wild west! Anyways, so I and Yoshi had to be on our guard now, maybe disguise our voice when talking to people and stuff. We can't ruin all we accomplished! "umm.. what have we accomplished?" Yoshi asked. "How did you know i said that!? it wasn't in hyphens, i didn't say that out loud!" I yelled. "well sorry!" said Yoshi. "im just saying, maybe being spies wasn't the best idea." "what are you talking about!? it's the best idea!" I yelled. unfortunately, we were in a pub when we said that, and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us. OH NO, WE'VE BLOWN OUR COVER! "hey, those 2 aren't Saradominsts!" Yelled the bartender. lucky, sense blowing our cover would be the end of season 2, a person from the writing staff appeared out of no where and zapped all their memories gone! "Wow! Thx chuck norris! i didn't know you were in the writing staff!" I said with a smile. "Anytime noob. oh ya, and this is the last time any of us are going to help you, clear?" asked chuck. "Sure, ok!" I said. "Good" said chuck, and disappeared.
ok, thx to chuck norris and his mind sweeper devince (man, how often do you hear something like that?), we were free to make another plan! I couldn't think of anything! nothing at all! surprising! luckily, yoshi had his monthly zap-of-intelligence deal, and he thought of a great plan! "well, the main saradomin people were last found in fally and varrock to convert ppl, right?" "right" I said. "well then, lets just go to those places and search em out!" yoshied finished. "no no no that'll never work!" i shouted. "i have a better plan, we search for the sara leaders in fally and varrok"

21-Jan-2008 00:43:45 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2008 00:56:29 by FriendshipUI



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DAY FIFTY - stakeout-
me and yoshi spent all night traveling in the darkness to get to fally. unforchunatly, I was following yo*hi, and he just kept going around a huge tree, over and over again. hmm... we were wondering why we kept seeing foot prints more and more. so then we ended up having to spend a few hours traveling to fally at daybreak. We arrived around midday. Bushed and hungry, we stopped at the local bar on our way in. "give me a beer" i said. "which type of beer?" she asked. OMG! there's more then one type of beer!? where have I been for this!?!?!?! "umm... what types do you have?" I asked. "cook delight, dwarven stout, and wizard mind bomb. of course, you could also just have the regular. "i'll have the cook's delight!" I said, excited. "I handed her 2 coins, and i got the beer! OMG! it's like heaven... only with a blood-thirsty side to fit my needs! "lemme try all the types!" And handed her 6 coins. "she handed me the 3 different types of ale. ooooo ahhhhhh! deligious! "ALL THE WASTED YEARS!" I cry out and burst into tears. "what are you talking about years, it's been alittle less then 2 months sense you been in runescape." said yo*hi. "oh ya." i said.
feeling refreshed, me and yoshi were now up to the task of finding the saradomin ringleaders. Our first step was to have a chat with our ol frend the king. I'm sure he remembers one as great as I. *5 seconds later* "you can't pass, no1 recon*zes you" said the guard. "that's down right rediculous! I'm a hero!" "just let him in so he'll stop talking to us" said the other guard, rubbing his forehead. they let us in.
We were about to knock on the war room's door (aka the thrown room), but then we heard voices on the other side. "...which is why we can't let that happen" "yes i agree" "his arivial would ruin everything!" "did you know K.*.C. won't give you dippin sauce unless you get the chicken strips?" "as long as he doens't know about the plan" i begin to talk to yoshi quietly.

21-Jan-2008 00:43:46 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2008 00:56:48 by FriendshipUI



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"they must be talking about us! no1 else is so nortious among the members!" I whispered. "well, what are we going to do?" asked yo*hi. "we have to keep listening for a clue to what to do next." "ok" said yo*hi. and we began to listen again. "....under the garden shed is a great location." "are you sure that is wise?" "it's so obvious no one would think of it." "yes! good thing there's a secret underground tunnel that no1 knows about" "man, wouldn't this be devestating for saradomin if this information slipped into the wrong hands?"
that's all me and yoshi needed to know, and we left the castle! "k yo*hi, you know what we need to do?" "sue K.*.C. for not letting ppl have the dipping sauce without the chicken strips?" asked yo*hi. "OF COURSE! but after that we should really go to the under-the-shed-in-the-garden thing, to see what it is, and see what info we can dig up about the saradomin ringleaders." "yes! great plan!" shouted yo*hi. MUHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHA! only a matter of time now...

21-Jan-2008 00:43:47 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2008 00:57:06 by FriendshipUI



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me and yoshi knew what we to do. "We got to stay focused! stay pumped! stay-" Just then the must beautiful girl walked past us! our jaws dropped! The girl saw us and smiled sweetly, and then continued walking down the path. "I have to know her name!" i said to myself. yoshi overheard. "her name is amy. Why do you want to know?".
*slight pause*
"aha! you like her!" yelled Yo*hi.
"No I don't!" I shouted.
"you like her!"
"no i don't!"
"you like her!"
"no i don't!"
"you like her!"
"no i don't!"
"you like her!"
"no i don't!"
" like her"
"SO DO YOU!" I pointed at Yo*hi.
"Ok, but you have to keep it a secret, ok?" asked yo*hi.
"don't worry yo*hi, I won't tell a soul!" I told back.
*5 seconds later*
"hey Amy! guess wat? my friend Yoshi likes you!" I said smugly. I then noticed I haven't moved at all, and was still talking to Yo*hi. "oh......... This is awkward." "wait a second, we've been distracted!!" shouted yo*hi. "your right! we need to get to that secret meeting!" I said. "we're going to need to blend in!" yoshi said, worried. "aha! the holy symbols we got a few days back!" I said. "AHHH! it burns!!" yoshi said, putting it on. "yowch! those acursed saradomainists! making the wearer of their symbol burn as put it on!" i said, disgusted. "that's enough of this, lets get to that meeting!"
at the location, we killed the guard guarding the door, and went into the trap door. it was dark... very dark... EXTREMLY DARK. hey im running out of adjectives here people, give me a break! me and yoshi heard quiet murmering, and saw a few shadows in the dark. "something doesn't feel right..." said yo*hi.
then, we heard someone drop down behind us and say "what is this". Suddenly, in a flash (no pun intented), all the lights went on! then people from all sides of us jumped out and yelled "surprise!!!" "AHH! YOSHI! A SURPRISE ATTACK! RUN LIKE COWARDS!" we turned and were faced to face with the king of fally

21-Jan-2008 00:43:47 - Last edited on 21-Jan-2008 00:57:25 by FriendshipUI

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