"very well, theowerpanjipsterson. Welcome to the Fortress." Said demon guard 1, and then turned to the human guard. "Human guard 232, Show theowerpanjipsterson his new home."
The human guard soluted, then signaled me to follow him. I started to follow when the demon guard said, "oh ya, and your dissignation from now on will be human guard 455." He said and turned. I heard the drawgate close down behind me. "What were you thinking!? Those guards are sharp, they would have torn you to pieces if I hadn't come along!" The guard snapped. "Uh, who are you?" I asked. As we walked he explained. "Around here I'm know as human guard 232, and that's how you will aknoledge me in public. Otherwise, in closed company, my name is Alexflorea." "The other spy!" I yelled as 3 other human guards walked pasted up. "Haha! good one, he's kidding!" Alexflorea said to the other 3 guards walking past. They seemed to buy it.
"What part of secret do you not understand!?" He said. "my bad." I shrugged. So, after about 5 minutes of walking through passageways, we got into some light talk. "So, how was your passage through the feilds of decay?" He asked. "Well." I said. "I wish I could say I stopped to smell the roses BUT THEY WERE ALL DYING!"
"Ya, they have a way of doing that." as we got nearer to my room, Alexflorea said "today you will not have guard duty, because guards are given 1 day to adjust and...er.. get comfy. Your room is the same as your designation: 455." We then entered a hallway with hundreds of doors! It was cool, but creepy. We finally reached a room that said "455" "here we are" Said Alexflorea, and opened the door. It was a comfy looking bed, maybe a chair, and a bookcase! But this room looked like it wasn't even big enough for the bed. The room was probably 6 ft by 6 feet big, only enough for a bed, and a very small crude table that had a candle on it.
"You will report to the guard tower tomorrow at 6:00 for your first assingment." he said.
21-Jan-2008 01:40:46
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21-Jan-2008 02:04:19