Twice more volleys of arrows issued from noob bows and twice more Zezima bent his way through them before Zesty Meadow gave the order to concentrate on the other elitists instead, who had been charging at the noob archers since after the first volley. The order came too late, however. Before any could be brought down, the ten elitists had reached the front line, and the prayer retribution now flashed above their heads. As each was slain, at least eight nearby noobs were also taken down instantly. Zezima slammed into the center of the fron line, a pair of numbchucks appeared in his hands, and suddenly noobs were flying everywhere and pandemonium erupted.
Elitists jumped from the fight pit cavern, and flew into the battle maves and longswords crushing bones, archers quickly and efficiently sniping off noobs with rune arrows, and mages, led by genocide456, melting flesh.
Zezima was liquid - slipping between blades, matrixing cannonballs - arrows seemed to hit empty air where just a split second before his head had been, swords intended for his flesh missed and hit other noobs instead, and all the while his numbchucks buzzed through the air, snapping limbs, breaking open skulls, each hit intricate and precise.
Math nerd3, intending to help, only exacerbated the damage Zezima wreaked. Calculating the parabolic path of his arrow, he executed a perfect shot at Zezima's chest. The twirling numbchucks, however, got in the wat, and through the momentum of the arrow were wrenched from Zezima's grasp, disappearing into a nearby battle.
Quick as Zamorak, Zezima grabbed a staff that was whistling towards his neck, and, with a sharp twist, flung the staff's holder ten feet into another group of battling noobs. Seeing his new weapon noobs tried to run, but couldn't make it through the solid blockade of bodies around them. Zezima smiled, the staff sliced the air with a hum, and now noobs were really flying.
27-May-2006 17:34:11