"Entirely possible, but I do not know," Forlirn said, blinking lightly. "I truly know next to nothing of the void and how it might relate to the Abyss, but you certainly have demonstrated its danger. It may very well be a more dangerous plane than the Abyss, considering your experimenting with it costs you your arm and wings. Had you done the same with Abyssal energy... well, instead of destroying your limbs, it would probably have warped and tainted them. However, that taint would probably have spread on its own at a faster pace than the one you're currently experiencing has."
<Might be a very small chance that we'd have any success at all when alone, but we have to remember it's a larger number than zero. Better to try and kill him and fail then to simply give up and die. How powerful he is... well, I don't know that, but he can't be unbeatable. No living being is completely impervious to everything, after all. Thlorian though... well, there's not much I can add. We truly know little more than nothing about him.>
"I truly cannot tell," Forlirn answered with a soft sigh. "The fact that he hasn't tackled or tried wrestling with anybody would suggest he does not remember, but it's also a fact that it's been centuries since we last had contact, which easily could have changed the way he normally acted. As for that... well, it may be possible that the liveliness of the Abyss is entirely Nrilgroth's doing, though it won't be very helpful since then that would mean your army would have to travel though who knows how much of what would essentially be a weapon of his. Now Nrilgroth not being innately evil... I've considered it, but I've honestly not given it a great deal of thought. I've always been told he's evil and his actions have supported that... and I really don't know how we could find out if he's not, since I wouldn't risk my life on the notion. Even if he isn't, I don't have a clue as to how we could change him."
07-Mar-2012 07:51:29