Thanks Game.
I know you're mad...
How's life?
(Dumps whole carton of milk chocolate, dark chocolate, mint chocolate, carmel chocolate into Game and Story's mouth)
(Scoops out huge gallop of every single ice cream version of chocolate into Story's mouth and Game's)
Story (Still gulfing down ice cream)- Wussy.
OMG! Squidward! Of course! Hahahahaha, that was amazing. That was hilarious. Awesome.
*pulls up dumptruck filled with dark chocolate* Here we are, I think this story deserves it.
---You there! Dance a funny dance like you ain't got no pants!---
-The pen is mightier than the sword, especially if the sword is made of rubber-
14-Oct-2007 22:28:04
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14-Oct-2007 22:28:47
Well, I'm up to page 12 so far, so I don't know how it turns out yet, but ill be back later to finish reading
Also, a technical note:
"Zach reached for a fragmentation grenade, but then stopped himself. If his target was underwater, what good would grenades do? He sighed and closed the door."
As the brother of a gun-nut (well, he's not a gun-nut so much as a "things-that-go-boom"-nut), I have learned that grenades might not explode so well underwater, but the pressure wave is still extreamely deadly, and overall grenades would do MORE damage to a person underwater
Well, I've just finished reading it all
Pretty good, I'll give it overall 9/10.
Couple of things I guess i should say - 1st, I knew who hired Zach from the moment I realized who his target was, and 2nd, i realised this was something to do with Sponge Bob from the moment i read the title
Next, I've decided to buy the story all the chocolate I can afford
*Hands over a small bar*
Ok, so I'm not really that rich! Its the thought that counts, right? right?
Last, A small criticizm:
"'The jamming device, cap’n. It was knocked off.' At that moment, the green dot on the radar that signified the second submarine slowly began to move."
Well, apart from that most jamming devices would be INSIDE the submarine, not outside where they can be knocked off... there's the fact that submarines use Sonar, not Radar
ooo, did I get 650th post? I'm awesome like that
15-Oct-2007 05:41:15
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15-Oct-2007 05:44:47