
Clash of the Incarnations

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Daigan followed Reldo through the gates of the Palace, the librarian waving off the guards. They watched Daigan suspiciously, but did not follow as he and Reldo vanished into the palace. Reldo led Daigan through the corridors of the Palace to the back corner of the building, where the library lay.

As the two entered the room, Reldo gleefully slammed the door shut behind them. He ran over to a desk, taking a piece of paper from his pocket and sliding it into one of the drawers. "Thank Saradomin I got it back here safely!" he exclaimed.

"I don't see how a piece of paper is worth so much rejoicing," Daigan pointed out.

Reldo looked back at him with a smile. "That is because you are not as scholarly as I am. In my mind, this piece of paper is worth more than a cartload of silver."

Daigan looked back to the man with a curious look.

“The information on this piece of paper is integral to my life’s work,” Reldo continued. “For years I’ve been piecing together an ancient story, and now I’m close to having the full picture.”

“An ancient story?”

Reldo looked suspiciously at the closed door. “You helped me return here, and for that I am very grateful,” he said to Daigan. “Therefore, I will divulge my information to you, but only if you promise to keep it a secret. You cannot go public with it before I do.”

You don’t have anything to worry about, Daigan thought to himself. What Reldo did*’t realize was that Daigan couldn’t afford to go public with anything at the moment. “I promise that I will speak nothing of this,” Daigan vowed.

“Excellent!” replied Reldo with a smile. “Well, I was inspired to research these events after one particular event happened in my childhood. I was just a boy when Falador was attacked by the demon Sothsayr. It was well before your time, but have you heard of that?”

Daigan nodded. His father’s stories of the dying knight came back to him.

03-Mar-2011 01:32:43



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“Sothsayr was a creature that used powerful water magic, causing a storm that sent floods all across Asgarnia. He was finally stopped, however, by the famous Temple Knight Saren, who died in the battle with him.”

From his father’s stories, Daigan knew that Saren had died slightly later, after crawling to his house. Daigan felt the dark pendant that he wore around his neck, heavy against his chest, as if the mention of the knight’s name was resonating with his last gift.

“Sothsayr was destroyed, and all the normal people rejoiced. However, the Temple Knights in Falador; my father, the previous librarian; and all others versed in magical history and the God Wars were concerned. Because, throughout the generations, there has been a collection of beings that is feared, for it brings chaos and discord with it. The legends call these creatures the Sinthigians.”

Daigan sat in stunned silence. Saren’s message resounded in his head. Before he had died, he had said, “I have killed the Water Sinthigian.”

“What are they?” Daigan asked.

“That is the problem, you see, because no one is sure,” Reldo replied. “At least, no one that is willing to tell about them. They were highly affiliated with Zamorak, so it stands to reason that ancient supporters of Zamorak, such as Drakan or other Mahjarrat, may know about them. From the information I’ve collected, I can say that they were created shortly after the God Wars for the purpose of saving until Lord Zamorak could use them.”

“Use them?”

“It would appear that the ancient creators of the Sinthigians expected another God Wars to erupt, and so they gave Zamorak some warriors.”

“So these creatures were created by some people?”

Reldo shook his head. “Actually, they were created by one being. I shudder to call him a person, because all the information I’ve seen has painted him as more of a monster.”

“Who is it?”

03-Mar-2011 01:33:16



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“It is a Mahjarrat that was born during the God Wars, who did not reach maturity until after all the fighting had stopped. He took up residence in Morytania with the remnants of Zamorak’s Mahjarrat, where Drakan was already trying to build a kingdom for himself. It was then that the monster made a name for himself in Drakan’s labs, where research was being done on a wide variety of unnatural things.*

*What sorts of things?” Daigan asked. The librarian’s story was one confusing twist after the next.

“Researching blood and arcane magic, necromancy, and, above all else, soul mutilation. That is the legacy of this creature: he is a Zamorakan scientist who regularly creates unnatural beings. His name, while virtually unknown, is poison to the ears of those who know him. He is called Casavar.”

“So he is the one who created the Sinthigians?”

“As far as I can tell, yes. He is a very difficult person to research, for he moves around a lot and keeps much to himself. But I know the basics. He was born toward the end of the God Wars, and then lived in Morytania, creating many monstrosities for Zamorak's army. Supposedly he lived for thousands of years, refining his techniques, to the point that many lower Zamorakans began to refer to him as a demi-god. His abilities to twist and manipulate souls are legend."

"I do not understand what you mean by manipulating souls," Daigan interjected.

"Nor does anyone else. The specifics are classified by the Zamorakans. All I have heard are whispers that he can twist the very essence of a person, warping body and soul into alternate forms."

"That can't be possible," Daigan replied, stunned.

"We must treat it as a possibility. Until we can study the Sinthigians more closely, we may never know the lengths of his experiments."

“Is he still experimenting, making more of them?” Daigan asked.

03-Mar-2011 01:33:38



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Reldo shook his head. “No one knows anything about his current whereabouts. My research has told me that he used to travel around quite a bit, collecting new information, but he would always return to his lab in Morytania. However, there were rumors about fifteen years ago that he had left indefinitely. He vanished, and not a whisper of his name has surfaced since then. The trail has gone completely cold.”

“Then he could be anywhere!” Daigan exclaimed.

“Of course he could!” Reldo barked back, obviously stressed by the thought. “That is why my research is imperative! If I can discover his whereabouts or even his motives, it may bring the Saradominist* that much closer to wiping this monster off the map for good.”

Daigan lowered his gaze. He had not realized the deeper repercussions of Reldo’s quest. “Perhaps you will find the answer someday,” Daigan said.

“I hope so,* Reldo replied automatically, with no emotion.

“Well, if anyone can do it, it has to be you! You are the Librarian of Varrock, after all!”

Reldo looked back at the boy, and a small smile crept to his face. “Thank you, my boy.”

And suddenly, Daigan felt a small warmth between them. He had made the man happy, and somehow it had stirred a little bit of happiness in himself, burning hot against the cold grip that had overcome his heart in recent days. Perhaps there was a way to overcome this darkness after all.

Reldo looked out down at his pocketwatch, and he jumped when he read it. “Oh my!” he exclaimed. He looked back to Daigan. “I apologize, Alaric, my boy, but I am late for a report to the King! I had completely lost track of time with all this!”

03-Mar-2011 01:34:32 - Last edited on 03-Mar-2011 01:38:19 by [#5AGSIZET9]



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Daigan nodded. He had slipped away, too. “It’s not a problem,” he replied.

*I don’t want the guards to see you leave, they may wonder why you were here so late,” the librarian replied. “Come over here.”

Reldo led Daigan to a nearby wall. He pressed his finger to one of the stone bricks, whispering a strange word that Daigan couldn’t make out. Then, a wave of red energy pulsed through the masonry, and the wall fell, breaking into its individual bricks.

*What is this?” Daigan asked, looking in shock at what had happened. Then, he saw that, behind the wall, there was a stone staircase that led down into the ground beneath the castle.

“This is a secret passage out of the castle,” Reldo replied. “It works only one way, to ensure that no one could enter secretly. It is here as an emergency exit, in case the palace is under attack.”

“Where will it lead?”

“It goes out into the city, some distance from the castle.”

Daigan smiled. He had been wondering how he was going to make it past the guards without Reldo raising suspicion. “Thank you, Reldo.”

The librarian laughed. “Don’t mention it, Alaric!”

Reldo shook his hand warmly, but then he excused himself and hurried out of the library, running off to meet the King.

Daigan turned and walked into the secret passageway to leave the palace. As soon as he crossed the threshold, the stone wall rebuilt itself behind him. Daigan walked down the dark tunnel away from the castle, Reldo's secrets and the name of Casavar still swimming around in his head.

Daigan looked down to the black and red pendant he carried, remembering the legendary knight Saren that had once worn it. "I wish you were still around," Daigan muttered to the air as he thought about the remaining Sinthigians, still out there in waiting. "Things are about to get very bad."


03-Mar-2011 01:37:53 - Last edited on 03-Mar-2011 01:38:46 by [#5AGSIZET9]



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Karzith and Kazla stood on the crest of the hill, their dark cloaks whipping in the cold wind that raced across the dark plains of the Wilderness. The two Generals glanced down into the basin behind them, toward the bunker where they had hidden for the past few months. In front of the bunker stood a thousand Zamorakans, all dressed in battered, old red robes except for the few warriors lucky enough to hold onto some of their old battle armor. The entire surviving nation formerly under Kazla's command was ready to move, civilians and soldiers alike.

A dark figure walked from the crowd toward them. Within the black cloak was a skeleton's body, wrapped in a skin of murky shadow. His face closely resembled the legendary Lord Agaben, but they both knew that it was truly the age-old face of their god, Zamorak.

"Well?" he demanded as he approached.

"Everyone is ready to move, my Lord," Kazla replied quickly.

"And the other groups?"

"Most have already arrived at the site, including those sent to bring building materials from Asgarnia. We have enough building materials to get a part of the way, but we will need other shipments to finish your design."

Zamorak shook his head. "No matter. We can finish it whenever, but my plan now hinges on beginning it soon."

"We will arrive at Lord Agaben's old Palace tomorrow, my Lord, factoring in the difficulty of moving this many people."

Zamorak smiled. "I am nothing if not patient, Kazla. However, I believe it is time that we make the first move. My age-old war with Saradomin enters a new phase this day!"

The fire leapt into the god's eyes, as black flames circled around him in anticipation of the chaos to come. He raised his arm and waved it in signal to the mass of people, who roared and began moving, following their mighty god.

"Let's move out," Zamorak said, leading the way for the mass exodus to Agaben's Palace, Karzith and Kazla right behind him.

08-Apr-2011 02:38:12



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Chapter Seven: Crossing the Salve

Daigan emerged from the tunnel in a dark side alley of Varrock, from a manhole cover under the street. Any passerby would think that he had come from the sewers, and they would have no idea that this particular pathway did not connect to the sewers, but led directly to the Varrock Palace library.

Daigan placed the cover back on the manhole, and then he walked down the alley toward the main road. Now, he needed to find his way back to the room. He hoped that Zharoun had not yet returned; otherwise the old man would be worrying about him.

The moon was the only source of light on this dark street, and it was a dim one at that. Daigan walked down the old stone pathway through the dark, sleeping city. He could feel the cool breeze cut through the street like a surgeon's scalpel, only finding this small incision between the buildings of Varrock. The world was peaceful under the waning moon.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" came a voice from behind him.

Daigan spun instinctively, looking around the dark street for the source of the voice. His eyes picked up a dark figure, almost completely hidden in the shadows, leaning against one of the stone walls of a nearby building.

Daigan stood, motionless, as he watched the person suspiciously. The man laughed, but it was a cold, malicious laugh. "You have an Amnosa floating around your head," the stranger said. "So you want your face obscured, but the question is, why?"

Daigan's heart pounded. This stranger could see the Sage's spell, which meant that he could see through it and learn Daigan's identity. That meant that the stranger was a magician, strong enough to see through even Zharoun's magic.

"Ah, I see!" the man barked. "You are that Daigan boy that the guards have been on the lookout for!"

08-Apr-2011 02:38:40

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