The attack had reached Zamorak before he could even move, tearing a huge crater into the icy ground and ripping through layers of permafrost to uproot the earth. However, when the dust cleared, Zamorak stood defiantly in front of the massive hole. The god's black cloak was tattered, with some gashes showing through to the hollow bones beneath.
"Is that all you've got, you old geezer?" Zamorak bellowed upward at the dragon, which hovered above, ready to strike. "I'm beyond your power now, Saradomin!"
The dragon looked silently down upon his foe. The beast did not even open its mouth, but its response still shook the island with its booming sound. "We shall see, Zamorak," Saradomin replied.
Zamorak thrust his arm upward, sending a blast of black flames upward at his foe. The dragon rose abruptly, allowing the attack to fly harmlessly underneath it. The dragon retaliated with an attack of its own, but Zamorak dodged by flying low along the ground away from the crater. He flew in a narrow stream of black smoke that formed a tail like a comet's tail behind him. He spun to a stop, and fired another burst of flames at the dragon, moving upward as he did so.
The dragon deflected the attack with a mighty swing of its silver wing. As the fire dispersed, Zamorak accelerated toward the beast. The dragon took one last shot of silver flames at the oncoming enemy, but Zamorak only smiled.
The dark cloud around Zamorak expanded around him, and the silver shot cut straight through the center. As the smoke disappeared, though, the dragon saw that Zamorak was safely on the outside rim of the smoke field, still flying straight at the dragon with the speed and precision of a missile.
The dragon lurched backward, but evading the attack was useless at this point. Zamorak powered up a mass of black energy on his left hand, and, at the moment of impact, thrust his palm into the dragon's side.
24-Nov-2011 06:27:13