
Clash of the Incarnations

Quick find code: 49-50-417-59988625



Posts: 3,564 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sorry about the long wait guys! I'm having a lot of difficulty with this chapter, but its finally coming along. I'm hoping to get some more adds by the end of the week, or possibly early next week.

Thanks for sticking with me!

28-Sep-2011 05:20:41



Posts: 3,564 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Well this has been the hardest chapter to write I've ever had, and there have been a bunch of things that went wrong (lost a lot of stuff with a bad flash drive...), but I've got enough to post, and hopefully things will get back on track! I'm adding more here in just a minute!

Thanks for sticking with me guys, I'll try and make it up to you!

24-Nov-2011 06:24:44



Posts: 3,564 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter Nine: War of the Silver Dragon

The dark sky of the Wilderness gave way to a white storm of snow around the island. The cold, northern waters washed against the rocky shoreline of the island, a spot where few men had ever walked. The cold air was still, the only movement the slow fall of the snowflakes that coated the island in a blanket of white.

Then, the silence was broken with a loud blast resounded off the rocks of the island. A bright red light flashed over the island, illuminating the entire place in a pale scarlet glow for only a moment, before the whiteness returned. At the epicenter of the flash, there appeared two figures: the silver dragon and Zamorak. They fell to the ground, their faces pressed into the snow.

Zamorak got back to his feet, laughing all the way. “You are a fool, Saradomin!” he boasted. “I can’t believe that you fell directly into my trap!”

The dragon clawed its way back up onto its powerful legs next, raising its long neck to bring its head around close to Zamorak. The dragon opened its mighty jaws and let loose a thunderous roar.

"You don't intimidate me, old man," Zamorak replied. "On this battlefield, you are not my superior."

Zamorak threw open his black cloak so that it blew around behind him in the cold wind of the northernmost part of the world. Fire leapt into Zamorak's eyes as he taunted his foe. "Now, Saradomin, this world belongs to me!" he bellowed, with a volume that would rival the dragon's roar itself.

The dragon opened its jaws once more, this time releasing a stream of silver flames that roared across the snowy plain toward Zamorak, melting the snow into slush beneath it. Zamorak leapt into the air, allowing the blast to go beneath him. Without missing a beat, the dragon had launched itself into the air after him.

24-Nov-2011 06:25:19



Posts: 3,564 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Zamorak hurled a ball of black flames down toward the oncoming dragon, which retaliated with another burst of silver flames. The two attacks met in between the two combatants, creating a colossal explosion that shook the usually quiet island to its core. Snow and rocks were thrown upward from a growing crater beneath the battle, creating a cloud of debris and dust that lingered where the attacks had been.

"Come on out, Saradomin!" yelled Zamorak, with a maniacal laugh. He was enjoying the fight with his greatest nemesis.

Then, the dragon emerged from the cloud, flying upward at a supersonic rate. Zamorak quickly maneuvered to the right, allowing the dragon to pass by, missing by only a few meters. He watched as the dragon climbed higher and higher toward the top of the icy mountain in the middle of the island.

"Come back here!" Zamorak roared, taking to the sky behind the dragon.

As the black shadow flew higher behind the shining dragon, there was a flash of lightning over the sea to the south, illuminating the dark sky around the island. As the sound of thunder came rushing over the island, then the dragon spun around to face its rising adversary.

The dragon launched an attack down toward Zamorak. Zamorak saw it coming and lunged to the side, dodging the blast but losing his upward progress. There was another silver shot of magic after the first, coming down at him. Zamorak raised both arms in front of him, attempting to absorb the shock of the blast. The ball of magic exploded on contact, rattling the god to his core. Zamorak fell back down the island, his body landing with a large thud in a rocky snowbank.

The dragon lowered its altitude to the point that it could look down on its fallen foe in the snowbank. Zamorak thrust his arm upward, dragging himself out of the snow. The dragon wasted no time. It reared back its head and launched another vicious burst of magic toward the surface, where Zamorak was returning to his feet.

24-Nov-2011 06:25:40



Posts: 3,564 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The attack had reached Zamorak before he could even move, tearing a huge crater into the icy ground and ripping through layers of permafrost to uproot the earth. However, when the dust cleared, Zamorak stood defiantly in front of the massive hole. The god's black cloak was tattered, with some gashes showing through to the hollow bones beneath.

"Is that all you've got, you old geezer?" Zamorak bellowed upward at the dragon, which hovered above, ready to strike. "I'm beyond your power now, Saradomin!"

The dragon looked silently down upon his foe. The beast did not even open its mouth, but its response still shook the island with its booming sound. "We shall see, Zamorak," Saradomin replied.

Zamorak thrust his arm upward, sending a blast of black flames upward at his foe. The dragon rose abruptly, allowing the attack to fly harmlessly underneath it. The dragon retaliated with an attack of its own, but Zamorak dodged by flying low along the ground away from the crater. He flew in a narrow stream of black smoke that formed a tail like a comet's tail behind him. He spun to a stop, and fired another burst of flames at the dragon, moving upward as he did so.

The dragon deflected the attack with a mighty swing of its silver wing. As the fire dispersed, Zamorak accelerated toward the beast. The dragon took one last shot of silver flames at the oncoming enemy, but Zamorak only smiled.

The dark cloud around Zamorak expanded around him, and the silver shot cut straight through the center. As the smoke disappeared, though, the dragon saw that Zamorak was safely on the outside rim of the smoke field, still flying straight at the dragon with the speed and precision of a missile.

The dragon lurched backward, but evading the attack was useless at this point. Zamorak powered up a mass of black energy on his left hand, and, at the moment of impact, thrust his palm into the dragon's side.

24-Nov-2011 06:27:13



Posts: 3,564 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The night sky was lit up by the massive, fiery explosion that followed. The rumble created by Zamorak's most devastating attack shook the island, sending massive waves out into the ocean as the water itself fled the scene of the two gods' devastation.

As soon as Zamorak made contact, he was clipped in the side by the wild thrashing of the dragon's tail. Zamorak flew to the ground, sliding for a few meters in the snow, and he looked back up to see the dragon writhing in a huge cloud of smoke. The body of the dragon fell down to the earth, finally colliding with the rocky ground and remaining still.

There was one more tremor on the island as the body made contact. "Oh how the earth shakes when the gods themselves do battle," Zamorak remarked, quoting the old lament from the God Wars.

Suddenly, Zamorak sensed an incoming object above him. He looked up, raising his arm in defense. The shadow came down upon him, swinging a sword that made contact with the god's forearm.

Black magic leaked from within Zamorak's cloak to form a protective gauntlet around his skeletal arm to shield the impact of the sword. Zamorak looked up at the face of his attacker. The creature wore the golden-trimmed armor of Saradomin that the Temple Knights were so fond of. A long, ornate cape draped from his shoulders, and he swung a long white sword with golden runes written down the blade.

The most striking thing about the attacker, though, was that beneath the tall helmet, Zamorak could see the face of a skeleton.

Zamorak forced the skeleton back with a push of his powerful arm. The skeleton lunged back to deliver another fearsome strike with the sword, but by that time, Zamorak pulled a blade of his own and met his adversary. As the swords clashed, cracks were carved radially in the ground around the center of impact.

24-Nov-2011 06:27:40



Posts: 3,564 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The two skeletal beings pushed their swords against each other, trying to force their way through. "Ah, I see," Zamorak said through gritted teeth. "This is Vallance's body? You split your Incarnation between the dragon and this old set of bones!"

Saradomin remained silent, continuing to apply his pressure to the swordfight. Zamorak laughed. "I couldn't imagine you splitting yourself up! I thought you put all your eggs in this dragon basket! You forgot to account for something, old man. Each of your separate Incarnations is weaker now! I, however, have kept all my energy here in this body. So I'm stronger than you, old man."

"We shall see," Saradomin repeated. Vallance's body thrust its arm outward, forcing himself back away from Zamorak. He landed nimbly on a nearby rock, sword brandished high. "Come, my young fellow god," he taunted. "Let me show you how a true god battles."

Zamorak scowled with rage. "Fine!" he replied, and with that he leaped over to meet his enemy.

Saradomin ran in the direction of Zamorak, throwing the assaulter off guard. Zamorak hurriedly pulled his sword in front of his chest to block. Saradomin's thrust hit Zamorak's sword, and the god raised it slightly, allowing it to slip high over the defense and poke Zamorak in the shoulder.

"What is this?" demanded Saradomin as he tried to push the sword into Zamorak's shoulder, only to find it unable to penetrate.

A huge black mass of magic lay between the sword and its target, some massive magic of Zamorak's protecting him.

Zamorak looked up into the empty eyes of Vallance's skull with malicious eyes. "My power is greater than you believe, old man," he replied.

Saradomin leaped backwards quickly, just in time to avoid being cut in half by Zamorak's dark sword. Zamorak let out a loud roar, dark energy dancing around him, setting black flames in the dirty snow around him. "Come and get me, Saradomin!" he bellowed.

24-Nov-2011 06:28:11

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