As Casavar spun, suddenly, he picked up a magical reading with his Ectoprey eyes, and he saw a mass of magical energy forming in his peripheral vision. He tried to counter, but it was too late. The old man had timed the attack perfectly.
The wind blast struck Casavar on his shoulder, and it hurled him thirty feet down the path. Casavar landed hard on the cold ground, but he bounced to his feet in no time. He wore a look of pure hatred, but suddenly, without warning, he began laughing. “The old man has some fight in him after all!” Casavar exclaimed. “It may actually be fun to study you. What is your name, old human?”
The old man gazed back with a cold look, his green eyes showing hurt and rage. *I am Kaisen, of Yanille,” he replied.
“Good,” Casavar replied. “It is important that a researcher know the name of his subject, so that he can understand him.”
“Is it important for a subject to know the name of his researcher?” Kaisen asked.
Casavar chuckled. “You are not afraid to speak candidly,” he said. “I am called Casavar.”
“Oh, I know who you are,” Kaisen replied. “You are Casavar. You are a Mahjarrat that came to Gielinor around the time of the God Wars. And you are, to this day, a Zamorakan follower and a mutilator of souls.”
“Technically I was born here on Gielinor,” Casavar replied. “And I do not mutilate, I study.”
“With you, it is the same thing.”
“I am growing tired of you, human. You still believe that you are on equal footing with me? My noble race is more powerful than yours can ever hope to be.”
“And yet we dominate this world, while you hide in the shadows.*
*That is due to nothing more than your shortsightedness. You cannot see what we can: that our day will come once again. That the Edicts of Guthix will be circumvented, and the world will burn, like it did in the old days. The God Wars are returning, Kaisen, and you still do not see the signs of its approach.”
03-May-2010 03:15:58