
Clash of the Incarnations

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Suddenly, Reila broke out into a terrible scream, and she fell to the ground in pain. Colrain spun, horrified by what was happening to his wife. “Reila!” he roared. “Are you alright?” Then, he felt it too. There appeared a horrible burning inside his mind, like a thousand beestings on his soul. He lost control of his body, and he too fell to the ground, writhing in agony.

"What...what is this?" he cried through the immense pain.

Casavar walked calmly over toward him. Then, he turned his head, revealing a huge lump of gray tissue connected in the back of his bald head. "This is my prize, the greatest of my enhancements. It is the Koronala organ of the Xinadi peoples. It gives me the abilities to inflict pain and keep control of the minds of my adversaries and subjects alike."

Colrain flailed on the cold ground, trying to shake off the painful spell that filled his head. Casavar grinned coldly. "Let's show off some more of its powers."

The man looked over to Reila, who was also unable to shake off his magic. Then, Casavar's eyes filled with a mix of malice and joy, and the Koronala pulsed with energy.

Reila stopped moving. Her body went instantly limp, and she did not move again. Through his pain-stricken eyes, Colrain watched as his wife died right before him. "What did you do?" he demanded, the pain suddenly feeling lesser.

"I shut her off," Casavar replied. "Once I had control of her mind, I destroyed her medulla oblongata, the part of the brain responsible for heartbeat and breathing. She died very quickly. You can take a bit of solace in that."

Colrain, his pain shoved aside, was not listening to Casavar. He broke free of the mad scientist's spell and jumped upward toward the man. "You will pay!" Colrain roared, summoning all his magic at once.

Casavar twirled around and held out his black arm toward Colrain. As Colrain released all his magic into a water blast, Casavar was ready.

19-Apr-2010 21:23:45



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The water smashed against the Shadowscale arm with all the force Colrain could muster. Water was thrown for a hundred feet around them from the impact, but they stayed in place. Colrain's body was being held up by the grip of the Shadowscale arm, which was completely undamaged. Casavar's pale face with its menacing dark eyes looked down into Colrain's now hollow blue eyes.

"I cannot be bested by a dwarf," Casavar said, and he tossed Colrain's body to the cold ground. Then, he held his arm out and released another burst of fire. The flames scorched the ground around him, burning Colrain's fallen body to ash. The dwarf mage looked out to the small infant lying in his dead mother's arms, crying. "I...I am sorry, Abiel," he managed to croak, before he succumbed to Casavar's power.

The dwarf mage's head fell back to the ground, as he was unable to keep it raised. Colrain faded away, and his eyes became blank as he died there on the cold ground of the Lunar Isle.

Casavar stood over his body for a moment, observing him die. "These creatures are so odd," he said, curious. "They are similar to the humans in how their soul vanishes. Yet still, I cannot discover the mechanism. Oh well, that is a subject for a future study."

The man turned away from Colrain, and walked over to the infant, crying by his mother's corpse. Casavar looked down at the boy, a smile forming on his lips. "Ah, my prize," he said as he examined his new specimen. "Hmmm?" Casavar, using his Ectoprey eyes, had been able to see the baby's soul.

"Interesting," Casavar remarked, kneeling beside the baby to get a closer look. "Your soul is nothing like either a human or a dwarf! What is this? I have never seen a soul of this composition. Is it the product of being a hybrid? Never mind, I will examine you further when I get back to Lord Drakan."

03-May-2010 03:14:48



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Casavar reached down for Abiel, but the child slipped through his fingers. Literally. As he tried to grab the boy, Abiel dematerialized into smoke and vanished from his sight.

"What is this?" Casavar demanded. Then, he realized that his Koronala had detected nearby magic.

"I just sent him away from here, to safety," came a voice from down the path toward the village. Casavar turned to look at the new intruder, and he saw a old man standing before him. The old man wore a black cloak covering white robes. The white robes matched his long white hair, which stood out against his vivid green eyes.

"You dare take my prize?" asked Casavar.

"Your prize?" the old man replied. "I don't believe you have the right to take a human for your own, just on a whim."

"A whim? I have come a long way for this child. I will not let a worthless old human like you take my subject from me. Besides, he is not a human being."

"You say so." The old man scowled. "Fine then. I will just have to avenge the death of my son and his wife."

Suddenly, Casavar's eyes saw the old man's magic spike dramatically. The magic flowed through his body, and it was well over the human average. This much magic was nearing Mahjarrat levels!

"I did not realize you were holding back," Casavar said. "Studying you may be interesting after all."

The old man smiled. "Just try to keep up."

The man raised his air battlestaff toward Casavar, and he let loose a wind blast toward the man. Casavar raised an arm, and he threw his weight into the oncoming burst. The attacks collided, and Kaisen's wind attack was shattered and thrown in all directions. Casavar examined the battlefield after the shocks wore off, and he saw Kaisen sprinting in a circular arc around him. He spun to follow the old mage, who was very nimble for his age.

03-May-2010 03:15:14



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As Casavar spun, suddenly, he picked up a magical reading with his Ectoprey eyes, and he saw a mass of magical energy forming in his peripheral vision. He tried to counter, but it was too late. The old man had timed the attack perfectly.

The wind blast struck Casavar on his shoulder, and it hurled him thirty feet down the path. Casavar landed hard on the cold ground, but he bounced to his feet in no time. He wore a look of pure hatred, but suddenly, without warning, he began laughing. “The old man has some fight in him after all!” Casavar exclaimed. “It may actually be fun to study you. What is your name, old human?”

The old man gazed back with a cold look, his green eyes showing hurt and rage. *I am Kaisen, of Yanille,” he replied.

“Good,” Casavar replied. “It is important that a researcher know the name of his subject, so that he can understand him.”

“Is it important for a subject to know the name of his researcher?” Kaisen asked.

Casavar chuckled. “You are not afraid to speak candidly,” he said. “I am called Casavar.”

“Oh, I know who you are,” Kaisen replied. “You are Casavar. You are a Mahjarrat that came to Gielinor around the time of the God Wars. And you are, to this day, a Zamorakan follower and a mutilator of souls.”

“Technically I was born here on Gielinor,” Casavar replied. “And I do not mutilate, I study.”

“With you, it is the same thing.”

“I am growing tired of you, human. You still believe that you are on equal footing with me? My noble race is more powerful than yours can ever hope to be.”

“And yet we dominate this world, while you hide in the shadows.*

*That is due to nothing more than your shortsightedness. You cannot see what we can: that our day will come once again. That the Edicts of Guthix will be circumvented, and the world will burn, like it did in the old days. The God Wars are returning, Kaisen, and you still do not see the signs of its approach.”

03-May-2010 03:15:58



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Kaisen frowned, troubled by Casavar’s words. He thought of the staff, back at his home, filled with the energy of the gods. And he thought mostly of the darkness he could sense on the horizon, the impending aura of doom approaching. With all of this, he believed Casavar.

“I am growing tired of this,” Casavar said, closing his eyes. “I will finish this now.*

Casavar focused his energy into his Koronala, and Kaisen felt the burn in his mind as Casavar’s Xinadi powers sent shockwaves through his soul. It was as though his mind was being peeled open by a knife, shred by shred. Kaisen fell to his knees, unable to find the strength to stand as he focused on his pain-ridden mind.

Then, Kaisen took a deep breath, and he sent his own magic coursing through his mind. The pain was dulled, and Casavar realized that the mage was resisting. He pushed harder, using more magic to try and carve up Kaisen’s mind and gain control of him. However, Kaisen’s mental resistance was gaining ground. The two dueled on the mental battlefield for a good minute or so before Kaisen roared, and he pushed Casavar out of his mind altogether.

Casavar staggered away, his breath as quick as Kaisen’s. “I was repelled? By a human?” he mouthed, incredulous.

Kaisen raised his head. “You will not command me,” he replied. *I don’t care whether you are a Mahjarrat or even if you were a god. I will not allow you to destroy my mind.”

The old man raised his staff, and he fired another wind blast toward Casavar. Still shell-shocked, Casavar could not respond quickly enough. The attack caught him on the chest, throwing him once more a long way down the path. Casavar slowly got up off the ground, staring at Kaisen. “What are you?” he demanded.

Kaisen smiled. “I am a human.” And he fired again. This time, Casavar raised his Shadowscale arm, which caught Kaisen’s attack and was unaffected by it.

03-May-2010 03:16:28



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“I am aware of that,” Casavar snapped back. “But you are not an ordinary human. You are not nearly as weak and insignificant as your race.”

"I think you will find, Casavar, that few among my race are as weak as you believe."

Casavar burst out laughing. "And I thought you were intelligent! Look anywhere in your pitiful history, you will find that when the Mahjarrat felt the need to exert control, your race crumpled beneath our feet."

"If such days existed," Kaisen replied, a fire leaping into his green eyes, "they are no more."

Casavar examined the old man with narrow eyes. "We shall see. You may have thwarted my Xinadi magic, but I can still use my other techniques."

Kaisen raised his wind staff so that the orb end faced Casavar. "Just try it."

The Mahjarrat likewise raised his Shadowscale arm, and he leaped toward the old mage. Kaisen let loose another furious blast, but it was blocked thoroughly by Casavar's powerful arm. However, the force stopped him, causing him to land short of Kaisen. As soon as he touched down, he was off, taking a rapid charge for the old man.

Kaisen lowered his staff, and he fired again, but Casavar blocked once more. Then, Casavar was upon him. The Mahjarrat forced Kaisen's staff away with his black arm, causing Kaisen's body to be open to his fist. Casavar caught Kaisen in the stomach, sending the wizard reeling. Kaisen staggered backwards away from Casavar, but the *ahjarrat followed him. This time, he readied to drive his Shadowscale arm into Kaisen's open front.

"This arm will tear through your pitiful skin like sand!" he roared, leaping toward Kaisen, a look in his eyes that showed that he was indeed both ready to kill and ready to enjoy it.

03-May-2010 03:17:57

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