
Clash of the Incarnations

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Daigan woke with a start, leaping quickly to his feet as he realized where he was. The sun had risen, and the calm morning light poked through the trees on him. He had lain at the foot of that tree for hours! Daigan brushed himself off, to remove the dirt he picked up from sleeping on the ground all night. He needed to press onward; who knew how close his pursuers would be.

Daigan felt around inside the tattered pouch he carried. Inside was the small amount of bread his mother had given him, and that was it. Besides that, all he had was the bronze dagger and the black and red necklace he wore. Daigan scowled as he felt the necklace dangling from his neck. Some lucky charm it turned out to be!

The creatures of the forest had awakened along with Daigan, as several rabbits scurried away. Daigan also left the tree, wandering off to the south. He had no idea where he would go; his only destination was away from Edgeville. The day dragged on as Daigan carved his way through the foliage. The summer heat bore down on him as he traveled, and he found no stream this time. By the afternoon, Daigan found a shady spot and reclined. Sweat dripped from his face, and he breathed heavily. A full day of walking had taken its toll. His stomach rumbled, so he took out the bread and bit off a small piece. This would have to last him until he found a new life, so he had to stretch it as far as he could.

The sun was getting lower in the sky now, as evening came. He would need to find a place to sleep for the night. Daigan’s thoughts had turned; though Randall still plagued him, his immediate survival was more pressing. Although, Daigan knew that he would never be free of that horrible face that haunted his thoughts.

26-Jan-2010 18:08:30



Posts: 3,564 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Suddenly, something came tearing through the trees near a small bluff. Daigan spun to look, and he started trembling as he saw the source of the noise. Approaching him was a group of three creatures. Each was fairly short with wrinkled, green skin and horrid faces. They wore red mail armor and carried spears. They wore a perpetual scowl and a thirst for blood and war. They were goblins, and Daigan was in trouble.

“Little human boy,* the lead goblin hissed as they all faced Daigan. “Alone in woods, ready for us.”

“Big High War God need this one!” the goblin on the right added. “You blood bring Big High War God to us!*

*What do you mean?” Daigan asked, trying to stall for time.

“You no talk!” the leader barked. “You die so Big High War God live.”

Daigan backed away, but the goblins moved with him. They were repugnant creatures, with their green skin that was as rough as sandpaper. A bit of blood was still dried around their mouths from some previous prey, and their teeth were rotten and yellow. Their eyes, however, were glazed over with a red film, and a reddish hue was mixing into their skin slightly. Daigan had never heard of this; he had no idea what was causing it.

“Get him!” ordered the leader. The other two goblins held their spears high, and then they stalked toward Daigan. Daigan, startled, pulled the bronze dagger from his belt, and held it out in front of him. It was an awkward stance, as Daigan wasn’t even sure how to wield it. The only time he had ever used it, the fire of the moment had taken him away. This time, he looked uneasy and in terrible fighting form.

One of the goblins lunged at Daigan with the spear, and Daigan fell and rolled away, scurrying toward a nearby tree. The other goblin came around the side and cut him off, and Daigan skidded to a halt. The third goblin, the leader, came into position, and they formed a triangle around Daigan. He was trapped, with enemies on every side.

26-Jan-2010 18:09:02



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This was it. Daigan closed his eyes, preparing for the inevitable and trying to quell back the fear that filled his spirit. There was some justice in this turn of events. Daigan was about to pay for his crime.

“Now!* shouted the leader, and all three moved…

Daigan winced, preparing for the end. What he heard, however, was not the sounds of his own body being broken between the three goblins and his own blood bathing the forest floor. Instead, he heard a sharp crack, and the goblins stopping with hisses.

Daigan opened his eyes, and he saw that all three were still in position, but their heads were all turned toward the bluff overlooking the arena.

“Who you?” the leader demanded. Daigan turned to see, but he knew who she was from the first time she spoke.

“I am Artemis,” the girl on the top of the bluff replied, her bow held in front of her. It was trained in their direction. Daigan saw an arrow stuck in the ground by his feet, and he realized that Artemis had fired it to stop the goblins’ attack.

“You!” scowled the leader, and the others hissed in her direction.

“How many travelers am I gonna have to save from you guys?” Artemis replied, frowning.

“You stop us no more!” bellowed the lead goblin, and the other two joined him in raising their spears threateningly at Artemis.

If they expected the girl to run, they were mistaken. She did not move from her perch, nor did she lower her bow. She simply stared forward at the aggressive goblins. Daigan wondered if she had spotted the same red tint in their skin as he had. It seemed to inflame as they prepared to fight her.

Artemis drew an arrow with superhuman dexterity. She had fired it into the ground at the leader’s feet before anyone could react. The goblin jumped away from it, long after it had driven itself into the dirt. *Don’t make me shoot the next one into your forehead,” Artemis shouted. *I don’t wanna have to kill you.”

26-Jan-2010 18:09:40



Posts: 3,564 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The goblins backed slowly away, fearing the sting of Artemis’s bow. They hissed and cursed at her, but she kept her eyes focused on them and made no sound. Then, the goblin leader took off at full speed for the bluff. His reddish skin looked like fire as he launched his attack, weaving side to side to throw off Artemis’s aim.

The girl drew another arrow and fired. Regardless of the goblin’s best efforts to dodge, her arrow plunged into the goblin’s leg right above the knee. The creature keeled over in pain, clutching the wounded leg. The others just watched in shock from behind.

“Why?” Artemis asked. “I have the high ground. You guys don’t have a chance, but you still attack. I told you I don’t want to kill you.”

The goblin raised himself back up to his feet, using his spear as a makeshift crutch. Then, he limped over to the others. “We go. She not be everywhere.”

With that, the leader limped in front and led his subordinate goblins away through the forest. When they were out of sight, Daigan finally got to his feet. He walked over to the bluff where Artemis had finally put away her bow.

The girl cracked a big smile. “It looks like you owe me big time,” she said with a laugh.

Daigan smiled too, though significantly smaller. “Yeah. Thanks.”

Artemis got up and jumped over the side, landing gracefully beside Daigan at the foot of the bluff. “I don’t know what’s gotten into them,” she said, looking off into the direction the goblins had gone. “They’re a lot more aggressive than they used to be.”

Daigan nodded, even though he had never encountered goblins before, so he was in no position to know what she was talking about. He had always heard that goblins were brutes that thought of nothing but war, so aggressiveness was always implied with those creatures.

Artemis turned back to Daigan. “What’s wrong with you?” she demanded. “You should know better than to be out here in the woods alone, especially when you can’t defend yourself!”

26-Jan-2010 18:10:24



Posts: 470 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"especially when you can’t defend yourself!”

Bah, if only she'd know what he did just yesterday...
Anyway, battle scenes are taking the same formula as in the Empty lord-trilogy. What makes me wonder, is how a simple farmboy knows how to fight so well...

27-Jan-2010 12:08:44

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